
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. JVM process can have main threads
      2. Main thread is the main process
      3. A process can launch another process
      4. A thread may launch another thread
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. A daemon is a user thread
      2. A daemon thread exits after the first user thread completes
      3. A daemon thread exits after the last user thread completes
      4. Main thread is a user thread
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. All threads have java.lang.Thread as a base class
      2. All threads extend java.lang.Thread 
      3. All threads implement java.lang.Thread 
      4. Daemon thread does not extend java.lang.Thread 
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Any class can implement the Runnable interface
      2. The Runnable interface implementation is a thread
      3. The Runnable interface implementation is used by a thread
      4. The Runnable interface has only one method
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Thread name has to be unique
      2. Thread ID is generated automatically
      3. Thread name can be set
      4. Thread priority can be set
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Thread pool executes threads
      2. Thread pool reuses threads
      3. Some thread pools can have a fixed count of threads
      4. Some thread pools can have an unlimited count of threads
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Future object is the only way to get the result from a thread
      2. Callable object is the only way to get the result from a thread
      3. Callable object allows getting the result from a thread
      4. Future object represents a thread
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Concurrent processing can be done in parallel
      2. Parallel processing is possible only with several CPUs or cores available on the computer
      3. Parallel processing is concurrent processing
      4. Without multiple CPU, concurrent processing is impossible
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Concurrent modification always leads to incorrect results
      2. Atomic variable protects the property from concurrent modification
      3. Atomic variable protects the property from the thread interference
      4. Atomic variable is the only way to protect the property from concurrent modification
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Synchronized method is the best way to avoid thread interference
      2. The synchronized keyword can be applied to any method
      3. Synchronized method can create a processing bottleneck
      4. Synchronized method is easy to implement
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Synchronized block makes sense only when it is smaller than the method
      2. Synchronized block requires shared lock
      3. Every Java object can provide a lock
      4. Synchronized block is the best way to avoid thread interference
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. Using a concurrent collection is preferred rather than using a non-concurrent one
      2. Using a concurrent collection incurs some overhead
      3. Not every concurrent collection fits every concurrent processing scenario
      4. One can create a concurrent collection by calling Collections.makeConcurrent() method
    1. Select all correct statements:
      1. The only way to avoid memory consistency error is to declare the volatile variable
      2. Using the volatile keyword guarantees visibility of the value change across all threads
      3. One of the ways to avoid concurrency is to avoid any state management
      4. Stateless utility methods cannot have concurrency issues