Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Page numbers beginning with 433 refer to end notes.
Abdullah I, King of Jordan, 98, 100
Abercrombie, Lascelles, 184–85
Abundance (Le Fauconnier), 160
Abyssinia, Mussolini’s invasion of, 217
Acheson, Dean, 323–24
Action Française, 53
Act of Union (1707), 16
Adam-Smith, Patsy, 364–65
Adenauer, Konrad, 315–16, 321, 322–23
aerial bombing, 219–20
Churchill’s belief in, 247, 255, 265
fear of, 219–22, 224, 236, 244–45, 419
in Great War, xxi, 33, 289
in World War II, xxii, 220, 253, 255, 265, 296–300
Africa, Great War and, xxi, 83–84, 86, 92–93, 415, 425
Age of Extremes (Hobsbawm), 440
Agincourt, Battle of (1415), 356, 360
“Agnus Dei” (Owen), 408
aircraft carriers, 227
Air Ministry, British, 254–55
Churchill and, 247, 255, 265
strategic, see aerial bombing
tactical, 248, 249, 253–55, 256
US superiority of, 269
Alamein, Battle of (1942), 257, 266–67, 331, 420
Aldington, Richard, 199
Alexander, A. V., 259
Alexander III, Tsar of Russia, 7, 42
Allen, Clifford, 155, 156
Allenby, Edmund, 89
All-Indian National Congress, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116–17
All Quiet on the Western Front (film), 198–99, 206, 305, 327
All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque), 197–98
All’s Well (Oxenham), 187
al-Qaeda, 381–82, 423
Alsace and Lorraine, xxiv, 13, 34, 319, 321, 423
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 79
American Legion, 208, 210–11, 304
American Peace Society, 230
Amritsar Massacre, 112–13, 290
Anglican Church, Welsh disestablishment of, 19, 22, 23, 392, 416
Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921), 31, 32, 75
Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 101
Another World (Barker), 406
“Anthem for Doomed Youth” (Owen), 342
“Anthem for Doomed Youth: Twelve Soldier Poets of the First World War” (exhibition), 345
Anthology of War Poems (Brereton, ed.), 338, 339
Antietam, Battle of (1862), xix
anti-Semitism, 55, 70, 280, 319
see also Holocaust
Anzac Day, 361–62, 366, 367, 390–92
Anzac Memories (Thomson), 360–61
Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps), 360–61
and Australian national identity, 363, 364, 367
Cold War era view of, 363–68
at Gallipoli, 104, 361, 363, 364, 365, 367, 391, 407
in Somme campaign, 364
Anzacs, The, 364–65
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 350–51
appeasement, xxi, 224, 238, 258, 304, 313, 419
Arab nationalism, 99
Arab Revolt (1936–39), 100
Arabs, 95–99, 100
architecture, see Great War, commemoration of, architectural
Arcos, René, 351
Arendt, Hannah, 277, 301, 343
Arlington National Cemetery, 305, 407
Armenian genocide, 88, 350
Armistice Day celebrations, 175, 208, 406
arms embargoes, 232–33, 234
arms trade, 231–32
Arras, Battle of (1917), xxvi
Great War and, 158, 163–74, 342, 343–45, 419
modernism in, 158–63, 166, 170, 171, 172, 174, 343–45
pastoralist, 158, 172, 173, 174, 190
representational, 170, 172
Asquith, Herbert Henry, 19–21, 25–27, 62, 88, 140
Asquith, Margot, 89
Assmann, Jan, 311
Association de la Paix par le Droit (APD), 218
Association Wilfred Owen France, 373
Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, 87, 391, 392
Atatürk Memorial Garden (Canberra), 392
“Atlantic and America, The” (Lippmann), 263
Atlantic Charter, 270–71
Atlantic System, The (Davis), 263
atomic bomb, xxii, 269, 278, 295, 296–301, 471
atrocity stories, in Great War, 22, 255, 279–81, 284, 287, 413–14
Attenborough, Richard, 327
Attlee, Clement, 153, 275, 306, 308, 393
Auden, W. H., 174
August 1914 (Solzhenitsyn), 303
“August 1914” (Masefield), 186–87
Auschwitz extermination camp, 283, 294, 317, 386, 400
Australia, 85, 92–93
in Great War, see Anzacs
Great War as viewed in, 363–68
Great War commemoration in, 361–62, 365, 366, 382, 390–92, 407
national identity in, 108, 363, 364, 367
racism in, 119
as settler colony, 101, 102, 103
Turkish community in, 391–92
Australian War Memorial (Canberra), 365, 390–91, 392
Austria, 10, 14, 52, 100, 144
Austrian Empire, see Habsburg Empire
automobile production, 126–27, 129
Auxiliary Division, 29–30
Baggett, Blaine, 400
Baghdad campaign (1917), 88
Bahr, Hermann, 160
Bailey, Joseph, 334
Baku, 89
Baldwin, Stanley, 40, 68, 71, 82, 226, 258, 417, 443
abdication crisis and, 72, 74
on aerial bombing threat, 219–20, 222
Churchill and, 71, 72–73, 247
General Strike and, 64–65
India and, 114, 115
mass democracy feared by, 64
women’s suffrage and, 67
working-class voters wooed by, 65–66
Balfour, Arthur, 178–79
India and, 113
Middle East policy and, 90, 95–97, 100
Balfour Declaration, 95–96, 98
Balfour Report, 107
Baltic states, 14, 383–84, 385, 422
Bank of England, 128, 130, 139, 145
gold reserves of, 129, 144
nationalization of, 307
Bannockburn, Battle of (1314), 394
Barbarossa, Operation, 252, 264
Barker, Pat, 401–3, 404, 405, 406
Barnes, Harry Elmer, 196
Barnett, Correlli, 357, 401
Barr, Glenn, 396
Barr, Niall, 209
Barry, Tom, 30
Baruch, Bernard, 235
“Base Details” (Sassoon), 340
Basra, Iraq, British Empire war memorial at, 181
Battery Shelled, A (Lewis), 170–71
Battle of Britain (1940), 253–55, 256, 261
Battle of the Somme (film), 335
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 332–37, 348, 400–401, 421
Beadle, F. W., 359–60
Bean, Charles E. W., 106, 363–64, 365, 366
Beatty, David, 122
Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, Lord, 168–69, 174, 194, 216, 257
Becker, Jean-Jacques, 373
Beckmann, Max, 163
Behind the Lines (film), 405
Beijing, 1919 protests in, 91–92
Beirut, 98
Belfast, Falls Road march in, 348–49
Belgium, in Great War, xxiv
German invasion of, 21–23, 25, 185–86, 196, 219, 245, 287, 413
Bell, Clive, 194
Belsen concentration camp, 278, 281–82, 306
Beneš, Edvard, 15
Bennett, Alan, 283
Bennett, Arnold, 169
Berlin Wall, 377, 378, 379
Beveridge Report, 259, 306
Bevin, Ernest, 141, 153, 248, 257, 308
Bidault, Georges, 321
Bikini Atoll, atomic-bomb test on, 300
Binyon, Laurence, ix, 171, 184
Birdsong (Faulks), 403–6, 408–9
Birdsong (TV series), 405
Birkenhead, Lord, 115, 289
Bismarck, Otto von, 6, 133
Blackett, Basil, 155
Blair, Tony, 386, 395
Blast, 162, 166
Blitz, 33, 253, 255, 256, 257–58, 261, 276, 420
Blok, Alexander, 41
Bloody Victory (Philpott), 397
Blum, Léon, 53
Blunden, Edmund, 338–42, 352, 357, 368
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 161
Boccioni, Umberto, 159, 161, 162
Boers, 25
Boer War (1899–1902), 22, 103
Bolshevik Revolution, xxvii, xxviii, 41, 43, 81, 205, 314, 315, 350, 383, 425
Bolsheviks, Bolshevism, 9, 11, 44, 45, 54, 61, 71, 416
Bomberg, David, 166
Bonar Law, Andrew, 20, 25, 168
Bond, Brian, 403
Bone, Muirhead, 167–68, 169, 344
Bonham Carter, Violet, 155
Boot, Max, 381
Boothby, Robert, 154
Borden, Robert, 104
Bose, Subhas Chandra, 116–17
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 294, 383
Botha, Louis, 119
Bottomley, Horatio, 55
Boyne, Battle of the (1690), 27
Bradley, David, 300
Bradley, Leslie, 238–39
Braque, Georges, 159, 160, 162
Brereton, Frederick, 338, 339
Brezhnev, Leonid, 303
Bridge on the River Kwai, The (film), 309
Bridges, Edward, 275
Britain between the Wars, 1918–1940 (Mowat), 260
Britain Prepared (film), 167
British Army:
caste system in, 104–5
Dominion divisions in, 85–86, 104–6; see also Anzacs
ethnic makeup of, 17, 104–5
Film and Photographic Unit of, 281–82
Indian troops in, 86, 109–10, 181
“New,” 333, 352, 355, 358, 414
Scottish troops in, 17, 24
in World War II, lack of officer leadership in, 265–66
British Artists at the Front, 173
British Empire, 22
Cold War–era contraction of, 323–24, 362–63, 421
colonies of rule in, 84, 102
as Commonwealth, 106–7, 109
as dependent on non-English manpower, 17
Dominions (settler colonies) in, 84, 85, 101, 102–9, 125, 414, 415
dual identity in, 107–9
federalism and, 103–4, 106
in Great War, xxv, 83, 84–89, 425
mandates of, 92–93, 98, 99, 100, 415
Middle East and, 88–90, 91, 93, 94–97, 425
non-whites in, 109–17
overstretching as concern in, 93–95
self-government in, 102
trade and investment as basis of, 85, 101
Wilsonianism constraints on, 91–93, 114
see also specific countries
British Expeditionary Force (Field Force; WW II), 248
debate over, 224–26
Dunkirk evacuation of, 243, 252, 253, 256–57
British Expeditionary Force (Great War), 250, 251
British Gazette, 71
British Legion, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 406
British Official History of the First World War, 356
British Union of Fascists (BUF), 70
British War Memorials Committee (BWMC), 169
Brittain, Vera, 213, 251
Britten, Benjamin, 342, 408
Broken Years, The (Gammage), 363–64, 365
“Bronze Soldier” statue (Tallinn), 385
Brooke, Alan, 265–66, 267
Brooke, Rupert, 83, 184, 185, 187, 191, 254, 339
Bruce, Stanley, 108, 109
Brüning, Heinrich, 136, 142, 145
brutalization, Great War and, 374–75, 400
Bryce, Lord, 56, 279
Bryce Report, 279, 280–81
Buchan, John, 329
Buchenwald concentration camp, 277, 278, 283
Buckles, Frank W., 407
Bulgaria, failure of democracy in, 52
Bundy, McGeorge, 299
Burns, Robert, 18
Bush, George H. W., 380
Bush, George W., 381–82, 423
Butler, R. A., 306
Byelorussia, 11
Byng, Julian, 109
Cadogan, Alexander, 229–30
Cadorna, Luigi, 47
Calwell, Arthur, 362
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 331–32
Campbell, Alec, 407
Canada, 85
dual identity in, 108
Great War memorialization in, 108–9, 169
as settler colony, 101, 102, 103
US investment in, 126
Çanakkale, Battle of, see Gallipoli campaign
canary girls, 57
Great War’s effects on, 124–56, 417
laissez-faire, 154
United States and, 124, 417, 450
Caporetto, Battle of (1917), xxvi, 47, 201, 388
Carr, E. H., 275, 468
Carroll, Sydney, 198
Carson, Edward, 20, 25, 57
Cassino, Battle of (1944), 267
Castlereagh, Lord, 411
Cather, Willa, 200
Catholics, Catholicism, 15, 17, 32, 346, 348
Cato (pseud.), 258
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 230
Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor, 281
Cecil, Robert, 178–80, 215, 216
Arlington, 305, 407
Gettysburg, 181–82
at Western Front, 180–81, 182, 190, 418, 428
Cenotaph, 175–76, 207, 418
censorship, 164
Central Powers, 8, 100
Centre for the Study of the Causes of the War, 196
Centre Party, German (Zentrum), 50
Cézanne, Paul, 161
Chagall, Marc, 164
Chagrin et La Pitié, Le (film), 319
Chamberlain, Austen, 214, 286–87
Chamberlain, Joseph, 65, 149
Chamberlain, Neville, 65, 68, 145, 149, 244, 246, 258, 417
and British rearmament, 224–25
and Czech crisis of 1938, 222–24, 228, 238, 419
economic policy of, 227–28
parliamentary revolt against, 247
Chamberlain, Norman, 223
Chandos, Oliver Lyttelton, Viscount, 328
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (film), 360n
Charles I, King of England, 286, 288
Charteris, John, 166
Chelmsford, Lord, 111
Chemin des Dames battles (1917), xxvi, 371
Chetwode, Philip, 93–94
Chiaureli, Mikheil, 302
Chifley, Ben, 362
China, 84, 308
May Fourth Movement in (1919), 91–92, 425–26
Churchill, Winston, 20–21, 275, 306, 324, 417, 425, 428
airpower and, 247, 255, 265
Alamein and, 266–67
anticommunism of, 71
anti-democratic tendencies of, 72
Atlantic Charter and, 270–71
attrition strategy of, 267, 269
Baldwin and, 71, 72–73, 247
and British rearmament, 227
chosen Prime Minister, 248
coalition government of, 68–69, 248, 257
death of, 324–25
on decision to use atomic bomb, 300, 471
devolution favored by, 19
disarmament fable of, 214
erroneous predictions about World War II made by, 246–47
“Finest Hour” speech of, 243, 253
gold standard reinstituted by, 138–39
Great War memoirs of, 20, 250, 425, 464–65
“Hypothetical Contingencies” memo of, 251
Indian self-government opposed by, 113, 115–16
“Iron Curtain” speech of, 273
Liberalism of, 72
Mussolini admired by, 71
prowar stance of, 21
reprisals against IRA sanctioned by, 30–31
socialism opposed by, 71–72
and Stalin’s demand for Second Front, 264–65
and summer of 1940, 253–54
and US naval buildup (1920s), 122–23
war graves controversy and, 179
World War II memoirs of, 217, 275, 300, 317
cyclical view of, 193–94
Great War and, 157–203
Civilization (Bell), 194
Civilization (Duhamel), 157–58
Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud), 193–94
Civil Rights Movement, 350
Civil War, US:
casualties in, xix, 181–82, 210
causes of, xix, 35–36
Great War as overshadowed by, 413
pensions for veterans of, 210
US military doctrine shaped by, 269–70
Clark, Alan, 310, 325–26, 330, 332
Clark, Kenneth, 343
Clemenceau, George, 90–91, 92, 132, 165, 270, 287
Clydeside, radical labor in, 59, 60–61
Clynes, John, 61
CnaG (Cumman na nGaedheal), 75, 77–78
Cold Harbor, Battle of (1864), xix
Cold War, 294, 305, 331
end of, xxiii, 377, 380, 394, 413, 422
Europe and, 312, 320
as eventual outcome of Great War, 332
nuclear arms race in, 312
US foreign policy in, 262, 314, 422
Wilsonian vs. Leninist ideologies as origin of, 381
see also specific countries
Cole, Margaret, 152
Collected Poems, The (Owen), 341–42
Collins, Michael, assassination of, 75
Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and the Enforcement of Penalties, 287–88
Committee of Unity and Progress (CUP), 87–88
Committee on Public Information, US (CPI), 280
Common Market, 322
communism, 92
apparent economic successes of, 125
in Cold War era, 318
crimes against humanity committed in name of, 386–87
in interwar Europe, 44–45, 49
in interwar UK, 59–61, 152, 153, 417
US fear of, 41, 78–81, 314, 417
Communist Party, German (KPD), 44, 45, 49
Communist Party of Great Britain, 153
Conant, James, 298–99
concentration camps, see Holocaust
Confederacíon del Trabajo (CNT), 54
Congress, US, war debt restructuring rejected by, 130
see also Senate, US
Congress Party, India, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116–17
Connolly, James, 27
conscientious objectors, 218–19, 230, 238
Conservative Party, British (Tories):
in Cold War era, 306, 307–8, 393, 394
in interwar years, 62–67, 113–16, 149, 258, 417
as “Unionist Party,” 18–20, 25, 27–28, 32, 33, 62
Constitution, US, Nineteenth Amendment to, 80
consumer debt, 126
consumer durables, 125–26
Cooksey, Jon, 358
Cooper, Gary, 200
Cooper, James, 336
Cork, IRA murders in, 30
Cosgrave, William, 75, 76
Cot, Pierre, 218
Counter-Attack (Sassoon), 339
Cousins, Norman, 298
Cowan, William, 19
Cowper, William, 188
Craig, James, 32, 33
Cranes Are Flying, The (film), 303
Credit-Anstalt, 129
Creel, George, xx, 280
Crimean War (1853–56), 209
Crise européenne et la Grande Guerre (1904–1918) (Renouvin), 371–72
Croatia, 383
Croats, 6, 7, 10, 195
Croix de Bois, Les (film), 199
Croix-de-Feu, 53
Crossman, Richard, 324–25
Cru, Jean Norton, 371, 372
Cruttwell, Charles, 329–30
Cuban Missile Crisis, 300, 305, 312, 313, 323, 330
Cubism, 158–60, 161, 163, 171, 172
Cumman na nGaedheal (Society of the Gaels; CnaG), 75, 77–78
Curragh Mutiny, 20
Currie, Arthur, 106
Curzon, Lord, 57, 89–90, 95, 100, 113, 286
Cymru Fydd (Young Wales), 19, 22
Czech crisis of 1938, 207, 221, 222–24, 228, 236, 238
Czech Legion, 8, 9
Czechoslovakia, Czechs, 4, 9–10, 13–15, 52, 195
breakup of, 383, 422
German occupation of, 219, 228
Czech Republic, 383
Dachau concentration camp, 283
Dagen, Philippe, 165
Dahrendorf, Ralf, 307
Dáil Éireann, 29, 75
Daladier, Édouard, 209
Dalton, Hugh, 153
Daniels, Josephus, 272
D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 46, 47
Darwin, John, 84, 107
Davis, Forrest, 263
Dawes, Charles, 135
“Dead Man’s Dump” (Rosenberg), 427–28
Debs, Eugene, 78–79
debt, consumer, 126
“Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb, The” (Stimson), 298–99
Decline of the West, The (Spengler), 193
“Defence or Attack?” (Liddell Hart), 246
Defense Requirements Committee, 224
De Gasperi, Alcide, 321
de Gaulle, Charles, 318, 320, 322–24
de La Rocque, François, 53
Deluge, The (Marwick), 372–73
demobilization, social disruption from, 43
in interwar Europe, 41, 45–46, 52–54, 82, 416
in interwar UK, 41, 55–74, 82
in Irish Free State, 75, 76, 78
and US national identity, 35
Wilsonianism and promotion of, xviii, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 81
Demoiselles d’Avignon, Les (Picasso), 159–60
Denmark, German occupation of, 247
Detzer, Dorothy, 231–32
Deutsche Friedenskartell, 218
Deutsche Volkspartei (DVP), 50
de Valera, Éamon, 28, 75–78, 113, 346, 347
Dietz, David, 300
Diggers, 361, 362, 363–64, 366
Dilke, Charles, 102
Dimbleby, Richard, 278, 281
Dinant, Belgium, 279
disarmament, interwar pressure for, 121–22
Disarmament Committee, British, 222
Dix, Otto, 163, 164, 174, 390, 419
Dönitz, Karl, 291
Donkeys, The (Clark), 310, 325–26
Douaumont Ossuary, Verdun, xxv, 176
Douglas, James, 336
Douglas, Keith, ix, 337
“Drummer Hodge” (Hardy), 190n
Du Bois, W. E. B., 83, 109
Ducasse, André, 372–73
Du “Cubisme” (Gleizes and Metzinger), 160
Duffy, Carol Ann, 376, 408–9
Duhamel, Georges, 157–58, 351
“Dulce et Decorum Est” (Owen), 188, 295
Dunkerley, William (John Oxenham), 187–88
Dunkirk, evacuation from, 243, 252, 253, 256–57
Dunn, Harvey, 164–65
Dyer, Reginald, 112–13
East Asia, Great War and, xxi, 83, 92–93, 415, 425
“Easter 1916” (Yeats), 28
Easter Rising (1916), xxi, 25–27, 28, 30, 33, 75, 416
1966 commemorations of, 312, 345, 346–48, 394, 421
Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill, The (Keynes), 138
Economic Consequences of the Peace, The (Keynes), 132–33, 138, 258, 270, 286
Economist, 325
economy, global:
agriculture and, 94, 125
gold standard and, 124, 127–28
Great War’s effects on, 124–56
interwar restructuring of monetary system in, 127–28
US and, 124, 125–26, 129–31, 137
Edgerton, David, 226–27
Edward I, King of England, 16
Edward VII, King of England, 312
Edward VIII, King of England, 72, 74
Egypt, 91, 92, 94–95, 110
Eichmann, Adolf, 284, 317
“1814–1914” (Ewer), 411–12
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 268–69, 284
Eisenstein, Sergei, 43
elections, UK:
of 1918, 56
of 1945, 259, 306
Eliot, T. S., 184, 191–93, 256, 342
Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 395–96
Emergency Peace Campaign (1936–37), 231
Enver Pasha, Ismail, 88
Erhard, Ludwig, 322
Eros, 193–94
Erzberger, Matthias, 286–87
Esher, Lord, 56, 74
Essex, Tony, 333, 334–35, 336, 337
Estonia, 10, 383–84
ethnic cleansing, 386
ethnicity, nationalism and, 5–6
euro, 379
balance of power in, 21, 219
in Cold War era, 320–23
nationalist movements in, 5–6, 415
nineteenth-century consolidation of, 5
Europe, in interwar era, 66, 83
democracy in, 41, 45–46, 52–54, 82, 416
financial crisis of 1931 in, 129
French-style governments in, 46
industrial production in, 125
left-right polarization in, 415–16
revolutionary movements in, 44–45
state building in, 9–15
Europe, in post–Cold War era:
Germany and, 378–79
Great War commemoration in, 387–90, 422–23
nationalism in, 384–85, 422
European Coal and Steel Committee (ECSC), 321–22, 323
European Economic Community (EEC), 320–24, 363, 421
European Union, 379, 413
Evere Cemetery, Brussels, 178
evil, nature of, World War II and, 277–309
Ewer, W. N., 411–12
Expansion of England, The (Seeley), 102–3
“Exposure” (Owen), 189
Expressionism, 158, 159, 160, 161
Great War and, 163, 174, 351, 419
Eye in the Door, The (Barker), 401
Fabian socialism, 151–52, 153
Face of Battle, The (Keegan), 356–58, 398
Falange (Spain), 53
Fallen Soldiers (Mosse), 374–75
Fall of Berlin, The (film), 302
Falsehood in War-Time (Ponsonby), 195–96
family history, Great War and, 404–5, 406, 421
Farewell to Arms, A (film), 200–201
Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway), 200–201
Farrar-Hockley, Anthony, 353–54
Fasci Italiani di Combattimento, 48
definition of, 52
Nietzsche’s ideas adopted by, 50–52, 441
spread of, 41, 46, 48, 52, 416, 417
Faulks, Sebastian, 403–6, 408–9
Fay, Sidney B., 196
Federal Reserve system, US, 128–30
Feisal I, King of Iraq, 97–98
Ferguson, Niall, 399–400
Ferro, Marc, 350
Fianna Fáil, 76, 77, 78
Figes, Orlando, 43
films, Great War in, 164, 167, 198–201, 206, 305, 310, 327–28, 332–37, 405
Fine Gael, 77
Finland, 10, 12, 52
First Day of the Somme, The (Middlebrook), 354–56, 403
First World War, The: An Illustrated History (Taylor), 328–32, 350
First World War, The (Keegan), 398–99
First World War (1914–1918), The (Repington), 274
First World War Museum (Kobarid/Caporetto), xxii, 387–88
Fischer, Fritz, 316–17, 331, 373, 399
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, xviii, 423
Fiume, Italy, 47
Foot, Michael, 258
Ford, Henry, 126
Forgotten Victory (Sheffield), 396–97
Fourteen Points, 9
“Fourth of August, The” (Binyon), ix
British wars against, 16–17, 21
as Catholic country, 17
colonies of, 85, 95, 96, 98–100, 101–2
mercantilist trade system of, 101
in Napoleonic era, 5, 21, 133, 396, 411
poetic tradition in, 186
tit-for-tat wars with Germany, 133–34
France, in Cold War era:
communists in, 318
Great War commemoration in, 350–51
linking of two world wars in, 317–18, 319
West German relations with, 320–23, 421
France, in Great War, 33
army mutiny in, xxvi, 43
art in, 163–64, 165
casualties in, xxiv, 34
commemoration of, 176, 350–51, 407
as embodiment of civic nationalism, 5, 420
German invasion of, 21, 219
mobilization in, 43
photography in, 167
poetry in, 185, 350–51
revisionist views of, 371–73
vengeance against Germany as cause of, 319
France, in interwar era:
agriculture in, 146
Amistice Day celebrations in, 208
fascism in, 53
fear of aerial bombing in, 221–22
gold standard abandoned in, 145, 146
government debt in, 146
Great War as seen in, 371–72
Great War commemoration in, 176
inflation in, 146
left in, 45, 52–53
left-right polarization in, 416–17
Middle East and, 95, 96, 98–100
peace movement in, 218
political instability in, 52–53, 146
and prosecution of war criminals, 287
rearmament in, 228
Ruhr occupied by, 134–35
strong legislature of, 46, 52
unemployment in, 146
veterans associations in, 209
France, in World War II:
anti-Semitism in, 319
army of, 248, 252
German invasion of, 247, 248–50
Resistance in, 318, 321
surrender of, 252–53, 261–62, 264, 420
Vichy regime in, 317, 318, 319
Franco, Francisco, 53–54, 72
Franco-Russian alliance, 21
Frankfurt, Treaty of (1871), 133
Frankfurt war-crimes trials (1963–65), 317
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, assassination of, 7, 20–21
Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 6
Freikorps, 44, 206, 209
French, John, 250, 296, 325, 329
French Equatorial Africa, 86–87
French Revolution, 5
Freud, Sigmund, 193–94
Fromelles, Battle of (1916), 364
Fry, Roger, 161
Fukuyama, Francis, 380–81
Fussell, Paul, 368–71, 373, 375, 400, 422
Futurism, 158, 159, 160–61, 162, 171, 172
“Futurist Manifesto” (Marinetti), 160–61
Gaelic League, 17
Gaelic revival, 17–18, 26
Gallacher, Willie, 61
Gallipoli (film), 365–66
Gallipoli Campaign (1915–16), xxiv, 88, 104, 330, 359, 361, 363, 364, 365, 367, 407
memorialization of, 391, 407; see also Anzac Day
Gamelin, Maurice, 53
Gammage, Bill, 363–64, 365, 366, 367
Gandhi, Mohandas K., 110–17
Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931), 115
Gardner, Brian, 340–41, 353
Gassed (Sargent), 173–74, 295
Gathering Storm, The (Churchill), 217, 275
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 166
Gaugin, Paul, 161
Geiss, Imanuel, 317
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, The (Keynes), 155–56
Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 379
Georges-Picot, François, 95
George V, King of England, 40, 62, 74, 175, 204, 443
German relations of, 55–56, 286
National Government urged by, 67–68
George VI, King of England, 74, 223–24, 256
Georgian Poetry, 1843
German East Africa, 87
Germans, in Habsburg Empire, 6
German South-West Africa (Namibia), 87, 92
in Cold War era, see Germany, East; Germany, West
as embodiment of ethnic nationalism, 5
poetic tradition in, 186
tit-for-tat wars with France, 133–34
Germany, East (GDR), 315, 378
Germany, Imperial, 6
colonies of, 83–84, 86–87, 92–93
cultural conservatism in, 162–63
Habsburg Empire supported by, 21
weakness of parliament in, 45–46
Germany, Imperial, in Great War:
Allied blockade of, xxvii, 289, 329, 398
art in, 163
borrowing by, 142–43
casualties in, xxv, 157
collapse of, xxviii, 44, 54, 83
France and Belgium invaded by, 21–23, 25, 185–86, 196, 219, 245, 287, 413
Law of Siege in, 168
mobilization in, 43
mutinies in, 43–44
navy of, 120–21
1918 offensive of, xxviii, 48, 55, 89, 250–51, 330, 423
photography in, 167
Polish conquests of, xxiv
propaganda in, 168
revisionist views of, 316–17, 331, 373–75
Russian armistice with, 89
Somme campaign and, xxv, 267, 333, 353–54, 397
strikes in, 59
unrestricted U-boat warfare of, xxvi, 37, 287, 289
Germany, in interwar era, 4
Allied occupation of Rhineland in, 34
bank crisis of 1931 in, 144
cult of the trench fighter in, 206, 207
Dawes Plan and, 135
deflation in, 136, 142, 145, 417
depression of 1929–33 in, 50, 67, 69, 136–37, 207, 210
foreign investment in, 135–36
Foreign Ministry of, 196
and French occupation of Ruhr, 134–35
Great War commemoration in, 176, 205, 205–6, 207
Hitler’s rise to power in, 46, 48, 50, 67, 69, 100, 137, 215, 216, 417
inflation in, 133–35, 417
left as ineffectual in, 49–50
Munich putsch in, 50
Nazi Party in, 137, 207, 210
peace movement in, 218
public spending in, 134
reparations owed by, 131–34, 228
restrictions on army size in, 49, 50
right-wing anger in, 49, 205, 419
rise of fascism in, 41, 46
territory surrendered by, 13–14, 34
unemployment in, 136, 141–42
veterans associations in, 49, 208–9, 419
war guilt denied by, 196, 206, 285, 289, 290, 293–94
war pensions in, 209–10
Weimar Republic in, 46, 49–50, 133–35, 205, 208–9, 210, 307
women’s suffrage in, 67
Germany, Nazi, xxii
air force of, 236
army of, 248, 249, 264, 265, 269, 301
captured archives of, 291–92
and Czech crisis of 1938, 207, 221, 222–24, 228, 238
Czechoslovakia occupied by, 219, 228
death toll from Allied bombing in, 255
France invaded by, 247, 248–50
Holocaust in, see Holocaust
moral culpability of, 315, 420
Nietzsche’s ideas adopted by, 51–52
Poland invaded by (1939), 239
rearmament in, 215, 224, 228–29
Rhineland annexed by, 217
Soviet nonaggression pact with (1939), 229, 384
Soviet terror equated with, 386–87
Soviet Union invaded by, 252, 264, 302, 384
surrender of, 268, 273, 291
Germany, Unified, 378, 379–80, 389, 422
Germany, West, 378
commemoration of World War II in, 244
economic rebirth of, 320
French relations with, 320–23, 421
Great War as seen in, 316–17, 331, 373–75, 421
leftward turn in, 317
as NATO member, 273
Nazism seen as temporary aberration by, 315–16, 318
silent generation in, xxii, 317
Gettysburg Address, 36
Gettysburg National Cemetery, 181–82
Ghost Road, The (Barker), 401, 402–3, 404, 405
Gill, Eric, 178
Gladstone, William, 18
Glasgow, 24
radical labor movement in, 59, 60–61
Gleizes, Albert, 160
Gloag, John, 221
Gobineau, Arthur de, 117–18
Goebbels, Joseph, 51, 291
Golden Treasury (Palgrave, ed.), 186
gold standard, 124, 127–28, 138–39, 141, 142, 144, 145–46, 150, 418
Gompers, Samuel, 79
Goncharova, Natalia, 164
Good-Bye to All That (Graves), 197, 370
Good Friday Agreement (1998), 395
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 379, 380
Gough, Paul, 172–73
Government of India Act (1919), 114
Government of India Act (1935), 115–16
Government of Ireland Act (1920), 32
Grande Guerre, La (Ferro), 350
Grant, Ulysses S., 269, 270
Graves, Robert, 183, 197, 201, 338, 339, 357, 370
Great Britain, see United Kingdom
Great Depression, 123, 131, 213, 237, 274
in Germany, 50, 67, 69, 136–37, 207, 210
in UK, xxi, 69, 70, 124, 129, 139, 142, 144, 149, 154, 156, 209, 212, 228, 258, 259, 418
in US, 131, 144, 210, 233, 273–74, 418
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 423
Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 303
Great War (1914–19):
art and, 158, 162–74
atrocity stories in, 22, 255, 279–81, 284, 287, 413–14
brutalization and, 374–75, 400
casualties in, xxiv, xxv–xxvi, 157, 205
causes of, xix, 7, 196
centenaries of, 413
civilization and, 157–203
Cold War-era views of, 273, 310–51, 352–75
cultural legacies of, xx, 157–203
defense spending in, xxv
Eastern Front of, xxvii, 8, 89, 425
family history and, 404–5, 406, 421
in film, 164, 167, 198–201, 206, 310, 327–28, 332–37
food and housing shortages in, 43
global economy and, 124–56
home fronts in, xxiv–xxv, xxvi, 168, 330, 369, 371, 373, 398, 424
imperialism and, xxi, 83–123
as industrial enterprise, 157
July Crisis in (1914), 7, 22, 196
labor radicalism fostered by, 43
lessons of, xxi, 205, 232–33, 246, 269, 270–71
literature and, xx, 158, 183–203, 230, 260, 337–42, 345, 350–51, 396, 401–9
moral ambiguity of, 278
names for, xxii, 243, 274
national identity and, 8–9
new empires fostered by, 117–23
oil and, 100
phases of, xxiv–xxviii, 423
photography in, 164, 166–67, 168–69, 328–29, 334–35, 352, 359–60, 368, 407, 427
and post-Cold War bridgebuilding, xxii, 422
as seminal catastrophe of 20th century, xviii–xix, xxiii, 390
soldier’s letters from, 427
soldiers’ recollections of, 352–75
superiority of Allied resources in, xxvii, 399
as total war, xxv, xxiii, 6, 87, 132, 168, 169, 389
Western Front in, see Western Front
women and, 57, 424
see also specific battles, countries, and regions
Great War, commemoration of, 376–409
architectural, 108–9, 158, 174–77, 180–81, 182, 365, 367, 377, 360–91, 392, 406, 418, 428–29
in Australia, 361–62, 365, 366, 382, 390–92, 407
in Canada, 108–9, 169
in Europe, 387–88, 413
in France, 350–51, 413
in Germany, 176, 205–6, 207
in Ireland, xxii, 312, 345, 349, 395–96
transnational, 388–90, 422–23
in UK, 80–81, 174–77, 180–81, 182, 207–8, 212, 406–7, 413, 418–19
Great War, The (TV series), 332–37, 348, 350, 400, 401, 421
Great War and Modern Memory, The (Fussell), 368–71, 373, 400
Great War in History, The (Winter and Prost), ix
Greenwood, Walter, 137, 258–59
Gregory, Adrian, 55, 195–96
Grey, Edward, 20, 21, 38
Grey, Jeffrey, 106
Griffith, Arthur, 18, 75
Grigg, John, 325
Grosz, George, 163
Guilty Men (Cato), 258
Gulf War (1991), 423
Guns of August, The (Tuchman), 312–13
Gurney, Ivor, 340, 418, 419, 427
Haber, Fritz, 296
Habsburg Empire, xxiv, xxviii, 4, 36
collapse of, 4, 9, 54, 83, 195, 415
Germany’s support for, 21
Hungary’s status in, 6
national groups in, 6, 7
Serbia and, 6, 20–21
wartime mutinies in, 43
weakness of parliaments in, 45–46
Hague Convention (1899), 287
Haifa, 98
Haig, Douglas, 55, 104, 105, 167, 207–8, 325, 329, 336, 475
and German 1918 offensive, 250–51
and Hundred Days campaign, xxvii–xxviii, 266, 267, 330, 397
and Somme campaign, xxv, 166, 333, 353–54
Haig’s Command, 353
Hailey, Malcolm, 117
Halbwachs, Maurice, 311
Halder, Franz, 249, 253
Halifax, Lord, 114–15, 247–48, 252
Halls of Montezuma (film), 305
Hancock, Keith, 107
Hankey, Maurice, 100
Hara Takashi, 118
Hardy, Thomas, 18, 186, 190n, 338
Harris, John, 353, 358
Harrison, Austin, 290
Harte, Paddy, 396
Harvest of Battle, The (Nevinson), 171
Hashemites, 95, 97, 98, 100
Hawaii, US annexation of, 120
Hawke, Bob, 366, 390, 391
Hayden, Mary, 77
Haykal, Muhammed, 92
Hemingway, Ernest, 200–201, 233
Henderson, Arthur, 60, 61, 141
Henry V, King of England, 360
Henry V (Shakespeare), 177, 360
Henry VI, Part One (Shakespeare), 177
Henry VIII, King of England, 16
“Here You Are—Don’t Lose It Again” (Zec), 259–60
heroism, language of, 254–55
Hersey, John, 298
Hess, Rudolf, 51
Himmler, Heinrich, 291
Hind, Lewis, 170
Hindenburg, Paul, 51, 69, 205, 289
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 119
Hiroshima, atomic-bombing of, 296–98
Hiroshima (Hersey), 298
Historial de la Grande Guerre (Péronne), xxii, 388–90, 422
History of the Great War, A (Cruttwell), 329–30
Hitchcock, Alfred, 328
Hitler, Adolf, 45, 50, 51, 218, 235, 262, 270, 314, 396, 420
and Czech crisis of 1938, 207, 221, 222–24, 228, 238
“front experience” celebrated by, 206
Great War war experience of, 207, 374
and invasion of France, 248, 249–50
Latin America and, 236–37
“living space” as goal of, 252
Rhineland annexed by, 217
rise of, 46, 48, 50, 67, 69, 100, 137, 215, 216, 417
suicide of, 268, 291
war plans of, 228–29, 264
Hlinka, Andrej, 15
Hoare, Samuel, 217
Hobsbawm, Eric, 35, 440
Ho Chi Minh, 113
Hodges, Frank, 61
Hoffmann, Max, 325
Hohenzollern dynasty, xxviii, 4, 13, 83
Holmes, Richard, 359–60
Holocaust, xxii, 277–78, 280–85, 315, 317, 400, 420
British reaction to, 280–84
death toll in, 294
as deliberate genocide, 294
gas chambers in, 296
memorialization of, 385–86, 387
sack of Louvain compared to, 279
Soviet terror equated with, 385–86
US reaction to, 284–85
Holocaust Memorial Day, 386
Holocaust Museum (Washington, D.C.), 386
Home Rule All Round, 19, 22
Home Rule movements, 18–21, 25, 27, 63, 104, 110, 392, 416
Hoover, Herbert, 136
Horne, John, 395
“Horror in Our Time” (newsreel), 282
Höss, Rudolf, 294
House of Lords, 19, 63, 74
Howard, John, 390
Hughes, Billy, 92–93, 104, 108, 119, 286
Hughes, Charles Evans, 122
“Hugh Selwyn Mauberley” (Pound), 191
Hulme, T. E., 184
Hundred Days campaign, xxvii–xxviii, 266, 267, 330, 397, 423
Hungary, Hungarians, 6, 10, 14, 44, 52
Hunger Marches, 137
Hussein, Saddam, 100, 181n, 382, 423
Hussein bin Ali, Sharif, 95, 97, 98
Hussey, Maurice, 341
Huxley, Aldous, 218
Hyde, Douglas, 17–18
hydrogen bomb, 300
“Hymn for the Men at the Front” (Oxenham), 187
Ieper, Belgium, see Ypres, Belgium
Imagists, 184–85, 191
Immigration Act of 1924 (US), 119–20
Imperial Court of Justice (Reichsgericht), Leipzig, 290
imperialism, 83–123
see also specific empires
Imperial War Cabinet (IWC), 286–87
Imperial War Graves Commission (IWGC), 177, 178–81, 182, 212, 427
Imperial War Museum, 165–66, 174, 204, 238–39, 343, 345
Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde), 73
Impressionism, 159, 160, 165
Im Westen Nichts Neues (Remarque), 197–98
India, British:
Afghan war with (1919), 94
anti-British riots in, 112–13
as colony of rule, 84, 102
devolution in, 114, 116
Dominion question and, 113, 114, 115
expansion of suffrage in, 116
Great War and, 86, 109–11, 415
Home Rule Leagues in, 110
nationalism in, 91, 94, 110–17
textile production in, 125
see also British Army, Indian troops in
Indian Home Rule (Gandhi), 111
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 81
Industry and the State (Macmillan, Boothby, and Stanley), 154
influenza pandemic of 1918, xxi, 35, 44, 181
Information Ministry, British, 168–69, 261, 280–81
Inglis, Ken, 363
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique, 163–64
“In Memoriam” (Tennyson), 190n
In Parenthesis (Jones), 230
Insurrection (TV miniseries), 347–48, 421
Iraq, 84, 95, 100, 381, 425
Iraq War, 382, 423
Ireland, in Great War:
central importance of, 33
commemoration of, xxii, 312, 345, 349, 395–96, 422–23
conscription in, 28–29, 33
death toll in, 395, 483
divisive effect of, 24–29
Easter Rising in, see Easter Rising
Ireland, in interwar era (1919–1939):
civil war in, xxi, 4, 31, 74–75, 94, 392, 416
partition of, 31–32, 75, 346, 392; see also Irish Free State; Northern Ireland
war of independence in, xxi, 29–31, 74, 416
Ireland, prewar:
cultural and ethnic nationalism in, 17–18
Home Rule movement in, 18–21, 25, 392, 416
incorporated into UK, 16
Nationalists in, 27–28, 29, 63
Protestant elite in, 16, 17
Unionist Party in, 18–20, 25, 27–28
Ireland, Republic of:
Great War commemoration in, xxii, 395–96, 421, 422–23
1966 Easter Rising commemorations in, 312, 345, 346–48, 394, 421
Irish Free State, 31, 75
fascism in, 77–78
oath of allegiance in, 76
in trade war with Great Britain, 76–77, 78
Irish Home Rule Act (1914), 20, 21, 27, 416
Irish National Theatre, 18
Irish National War Memorial Gardens (Dublin), 394–95
Irish Parliamentary Party (IPP), 18, 20, 24, 28, 29
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 29, 30, 31, 75, 78, 346, 347, 395
Irish republicanism, 29, 94, 345, 346
Irish Volunteers, 20, 25
Iron Hindenburg, The (film), 206
Irons, Jeremy, 408
Irwin, Lord, 114–15
Ischinger, Wolfgang, 378
Isenberg, Michael, 200
Island of Ireland Peace Tower, xxii, 395–96, 422–23
in UK, 215, 216
in US, 137, 232, 234, 237, 261
Isonzo River, 388
Israel, 316
Futurism in, 161
in Great War, xxvi, 33–34, 46, 47, 54, 195, 201, 388
in World War II, 253, 267
Italy, in interwar era:
Abyssinia invaded by, 217
March on Rome in, 48, 51
rise of fascism in, 41, 46, 48, 193
Two Red Years in, 47–48
universal male suffrage enacted in, 47, 61–62
Iwo Jima Memorial, 305, 376
Jabotinsky, Vladimir “Ze’ev,” 97
Jäckel, Eberhard, xviii
Jackson, Robert, 293
Janion, Maria, 387
Japan, Japanese:
democracy debate in, 118
in interwar era, 122, 125
League of Nations and, 118–20
racist discrimination against, 117–19
in World War II, 119, 253, 255, 263, 295–300
Japan, Japanese, in Great War:
Chinese campaign of, 86, 91–92, 425
imperialism fostered by, 117–21
navy of, 118
Jefferson, Thomas, 233
Palestine and, 95–97, 98, 100
see also anti-Semitism; Holocaust
Joad, Cyril, 223
Joffre, Joseph, 250–51, 330
John, Augustus, 161
Johnson, Lyndon, 313–14
Joint Planning Committee, 220
Jones, David, 230, 260
Jones, Tom, 69
Jordan, 84, 98, 100
Journey’s End (Sherriff), 201–2, 334
Joyce, James, 184
J. P. Morgan & Company, 126
July crisis (1914), 7, 22, 196
Kaltenborn, H. V., 297–98
Kandinsky, Wassily, 160, 164
Kaplan, Lawrence F., 382
dynasty, 7
Karl I, Emperor of Austria, xxviii
Kaufmann, Walter, 51
Keating, Paul, 363, 366, 390
Keats, John, 186
Keegan, John, 352, 356–58, 363, 370, 375, 398–99
Keitel, Wilhelm, 291
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 231, 293
Kennan, George F., xviii, xix
Kennedy, John F., 312, 313
Kennington, Eric, 344
Kettle, Thomas, 28, 396
Keyes, Sidney, 337
Keynes, John Maynard, 124, 125, 132–33, 138–39, 145, 155–56, 230, 258, 270, 286
Khrushchev, Nikita, 302, 303, 312
Kindleberger, Charles, 129
Kipling, Jack, 179
Kipling, Rudyard, 179, 180, 186, 427
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 381
Kitchener, Lord, 333, 352, 355, 358
Kiwis, 366–67
Klemperer, Victor, 135
Knox, Alexander, 272, 305n
Kobarid, Slovenia, First World War Museum in, xxii, 387–88
Kocka, Jürgen, 373–74
Kohl, Helmut, 379
Kommunistiche Partei Deutschlands (KPD), 44, 45, 49
Korean War, xix, 308
Kosovo, 383, 386
Kosovo Polje, Battle of (1389), 6–7
Krauthammer, Charles, 381
Krieg, Der (Dix, 1924), 163
Krieg, Der (Dix, 1932), 163
Krieg der Illusionen (Fischer), 317
Kruedener, Jürgen von, 137
Kun, Béla, 44
Kurds, 100
Kut, British surrender at, 88
Labor Party, Australian (ALP), 362, 364
Labour Party, British, 60
in Cold War era, 259, 306–8, 393
communists rebuffed by, 61, 153
cultural conservatism of, 61, 63
in interwar era, 62–64, 115, 123, 124–25, 141, 145, 150–53, 212, 216, 417
nationalization and, 125, 306–7, 393
in post-Cold War era, 394
in World War II, 248, 257
Laemmle, Carl, 198
laissez-faire capitalism, 154
Lajpat Rai, Lala, 112
Language Act (1967), 393
Lansbury, George, 62
Lansdowne, Lord, xxv–xxvi, 27, 178–79
Lansing, Robert, 37, 287–88
Larkin, Philip, ix, 352–53, 368
Laski, Harold, 152–53
Lasswell, Harold, 194–95, 196
“Last Post” (Duffy), 408–9
Latin America, 126, 236–37
Latvia, 10, 383–84
Lawrence, D. H., 184
Lawrence, Susan, 57
Lazar, Prince, 385
League of Nations, xvii, 37, 38–39, 216, 234, 235, 270–71, 272, 273, 419
Covenant of, 38, 91, 119
Germany’s withdrawal from, 215
Japan and, 118–19
mandates of, 92–93, 98, 99, 100, 415
US Senate’s rejection of, 38–39, 231
League of Nations Association (LNA), 231
League of Nations Union (LNU), 215–16
Leahy, William, 296
Lebanon, 84, 95, 98, 99–100
Le Fauconnier, Henri, 160
Léger, Fernand, 164
Leipzig, war-crimes trials in, 290
Lejeune, Max, 388–89
Lemass, Seán, 346, 348, 349
Lend-Lease Act (1941), 262, 263, 268
Lenin, V. I., 9, 41, 43, 92, 416, 440
Leninism, see communism
Levin, N. Gordon, 315
Lewis, Percy Wyndham, 162, 166, 169, 170–71, 173, 174, 184, 345, 419
Liberal Party, Australian, 362, 363
Liberal Party, British:
and Great War, 168, 174
Home Rule bills of, 18–19, 21, 25, 63
in interwar era, 62, 71
Parliament Act passed by, 19, 63
Unemployment Insurance Act passed by, 140–41
Liddell Hart, Basil, 246, 249, 329, 333, 398
Life, 263, 272, 277, 285, 297
Ligue Internationale des Combattants de la Paix, 218
Lin, Maya, 376–77
Lincoln, Abraham, 36, 181–82
Lippmann, Walter, 263–64
literature, Great War and, xx, 158, 183–203, 230, 260, 337–42, 345, 350–51, 401–9
Lithuania, 10, 383–84
“Little Gidding” (Eliot), 256
Littlewood, Joan, 310, 326, 327, 328, 329
Lloyd, Bertram, 338
Lloyd George, David, 3, 27, 31, 54–55, 58, 62, 74, 83, 89, 92, 121, 132, 155, 168, 175, 182, 196, 198, 286, 289, 306, 329, 354, 417
coalition governments of, xxv, 21, 59, 68, 71, 113–14
Middle East policy and, 90, 96, 98
moral case for war made by, 22–23
prosecution of Wilhelm II sought by, 286–87, 288
Locarno Treaty (1925), 214
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 38–39, 272
London, Great War air raids on, 33, 289
see also Blitz
Longest Day, The (film), 305
Loos, Battle of (1915), 325
Louis XIV, King of France, 21
Louvain, German sack of, 21–22, 168
Bryce Report on, 279, 280–81
Love on the Dole (film), 258–59
Love on the Dole (Greenwood), 137, 258–59
Ludendorff, Erich, xxvii, xxviii, 48–49, 55, 250, 289, 325, 330
Lusitania, sinking of, 22, 168, 234, 280
Lutyens, Edwin, 180–81, 182, 207, 406, 418, 427–29
Stone of Remembrance designed by, 180–81
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth), 185
Maastricht Treaty (1992), 379, 380, 389
MacDermot, Frank, 77
MacDiarmid, Hugh, 256
Macdonald, Lyn, 358–59, 403
MacDonald, Ramsay, 62–63, 67–68, 73, 115, 123, 124, 141, 151, 155, 248, 258, 417
Macke, August, 162
Maclean, John, 60–61
MacLeish, Archibald, 261
Macmillan, Harold, 154–55, 220, 324
Magyars, 6
Mahon, Charlotte B., 271
Major, John, 380, 395
Malaviya, Madan Mohan, 110
Malraux, André, 318
Malvern, Sue, 169, 173
Manchuria, Soviet invasion of, 297
Manhattan Project, 298
Mann, Thomas, 44
Manstein, Erich von, 248
Manstein plan, 248–49, 250, 251–52
Mao Zedong, 92
Marc, Franz, 159, 160, 162
March on Rome, 48, 51
Marie, Queen of Romania, 37
Marinetti, Filippo, 160–61, 162, 171
Maronite Catholics, 98
Marsh, Edward, 184
Marshall, George C., 296, 299–300
Marshall Plan, 320
Martin, Kingsley, 218
Marwick, Arthur, 372–73
Marxism, see communism
Masaryk, Tomáš, 9–10, 12, 14–15, 33, 385
Masefield, John, 186–87
Masterman, Charles, 73, 166, 167, 168, 169, 174, 194
Matisse, Henri, 161, 344
Mauriac, François, 378
Maxton, James, 61
Mayer, Arno, 315
McAleese, Mary, 395–96
McMahon, Henry, 95, 96
“MCMXIV” (Larkin), ix, 352–53
Meinecke, Friedrich, 316
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 207, 374
Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man (Sassoon), 197
Memorial Park Complex of the Heroes of the First World War (Moscow), 382–83
Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, 180–81, 182, 377, 406, 418, 428–29
memory, xxii
cultural, xx, 311–12
unreliability of, 359–61
see also sites of memory
Menin Road, The (Nash), 172–73
Mennonites, 230
Men Who March Away (Parsons, ed.), 341
Menzies, Robert, 362, 363
Mesopotamia, xxi, xxvii, 90, 100, 110, 415
see also Iraq
Messines, Battle of (1917), 28
Metzinger, Jean, 160
Meuse-Argonne offensive (1918), 34, 330
Meuse River, 248, 249
Meyer, Jacques, 372–73
Middlebrook, Martin, 356–58, 363, 370, 375, 403
Middle East:
France and, 95, 96, 98–100
in Great War, xxi, 87–89, 110, 425
in interwar era, 89–101
oil and, 100–101
Paris peace conference and, 90–91
UK and, 88–90, 91, 93, 94–101
US neoconservatives and, 381–82, 423
Middle Way, 154–55
Milestone, Lewis, 198, 305
Milne, George, 225
Milner, Lord, 89
Miloševi, Slobodan, 385
“Miracle on the Marne,” 250
Miracle on the Vistula, 11
Mitrailleuse, La (Nevinson), 171
Mitterrand, François, 379, 380
modernism, 158–63, 166, 170, 171, 172, 174, 191–92, 197, 342–45
Monash, John, 106
Monet, Claude, 165
monetary system, global, 127–28
Monnet, Jean, 320
Monroe Doctrine, 262, 263
Montagu, Edwin, 97
Montgomery, Bernard, 266–67, 336
Monument to the Unknown Hero (Belgrade), 425
Moore, Henry, 344
Moreau, Émile, 128
Morgan, J. P., 232
Morgan, Kenneth, 23
Morgenthau, Henry, 292
Mosley, Oswald, 69–71, 417
Mosse, George, 374–75
Mothers’ Union, 213
Mottram, Ralph Hale, 212
Moulin, Jean, 318
Mouvement Républicain Populaire, 321
Mowat, Charles, 260
Munich agreement, 221, 223–24, 228, 238, 314
Murrow, Edward R., 261, 277, 278
Murry, John Middleton, 157, 184
Museum of Modern Art (New York), 159–60
Muslim League, India, 110
Mussolini, Benito, 41, 47, 48, 51, 69–70, 71, 217, 253
“Mystical Images of War” (Goncharova), 164
Nagasaki, atomic-bombing of, 296–97, 471
Namibia (German South-West Africa), 87
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 21, 133, 287, 396, 411–12
Nash, Paul, 168, 172–73, 174, 190, 343, 344, 345, 419
National Council for the Prevention of War, 231
National Declaration on the League of Nations and Armaments (Peace Ballot), 216–17, 235, 238
National Government, British (1931–1940), 67–69, 70, 72, 115, 142, 145, 148, 149, 155, 219, 222, 248, 258
national health insurance, Beveridge Plan for, 259, 306
National Health Service (NHS), 307
national identity:
in central and eastern Europe, 5–6
civic vs. ethnic, 5, 17, 23
definition of, 4–5
Great War and 8–9, 363, 364, 367
in post–Cold War Europe, 384–85, 422
as prime test of state legitimacy, 15
nationalization, 125, 154, 306–7, 393
National Party of Scotland, 24
National Recovery Act (1933), 155
National University of Wales, 18
National War Memorial, Canadian (Vimy Ridge), 108–9
National War Memorial (Wellington), 367
NATO, 273, 320
Navy, US, Great War expansion of, 121–23
Nazi Party, 50, 69, 137, 207, 210
see also Germany, Nazi
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 113
neoconservatives, xvii, 381–82, 423
Netherlands, xxviii, 288–89
Neutrality Acts (1935–37), 232–37
Nevinson, C. R. W., 168, 171, 173, 174, 343, 344, 345, 419
Newbolt, Henry, 157, 185, 202
New Deal, 155
New Guinea, 86, 92
New Left, 314, 422
New Menin Gate, Ypres, 180, 377, 418, 428
New Party, British, 70
New York, N.Y., 127–28
New Zealand, 85, 92
in Great War, 366–67; see also Anzacs
imperial loyalty in, 108
as settler colony, 101, 102, 103
Next Five Years Group, 155
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, 7, 42, 55
Nicolson, Harold, 44, 74
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 127, 298
Niemeyer, Otto, 143
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 50–52, 70, 441
1914–18: The Great War and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century (TV series), 400–401
1914–18: The Great War and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century (Winter and Baggett), 400
Nineteenth Amendment, 80
Ninkovich, Frank, 381
Nipperdey, Thomas, 5
Nivelle, Robert, xxvi
nonviolent resistance (satyagraha), 111
No Place to Hide (Bradley), 300
Nora, Pierre, 377, 385
Norman, Montagu, 128, 145
Normandy invasion (1944), 265, 267, 268–69
North Africa, in World War II, 253
North Atlantic Treaty (1949), 320
see also NATO
Northcliffe, Lord, 126, 194
Northern Ireland, 41, 345
Catholics in, 32, 348
creation of, 31–32
Great War commemoration in, xxii, 395–96, 421, 422–23
peace process in, 395
Troubles in, 312, 346, 349–50, 394–95, 421
Unionists in, 32, 33, 348–49
Norway, German occupation of, 247
Noske, Gustav, 289
“Note on Certain Hypothetical Contingencies, A” (Churchill), 251
Nuremberg war trials, 278, 291–92, 293–94, 387
Nuremburg Rally (1934), 51
Nye, Gerald P., 232, 234
Nye Committee, 232–33, 234, 235
Nymphéas, Les (Monet), 165
O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 76, 349
October (film), 43
O’Duffy, Eoin, 77
Oh! What a Lovely War (film), 310, 327–28
Oh What a Lovely War (play), 326–27, 328
“Oh What a Whingeing War” (Barnett), 401
oil, Middle East and, 100–101
Old Huntsman, The (Sassoon), 339
O’Neill, Terence, 348–49
One of Ours (Cather), 200
Operation Barbarossa, 252, 264
Ophüls, Marcel, 319
Origins of the Second World War, The (Taylor), 329
Orpen, William, 161, 168, 172
Orwell, George, 281
Ottoman Empire, xxiv, xxvii, 6, 89, 93, 94, 96, 110
Armenian genocide in, 88, 350
collapse of, 4, 9, 54, 83–84, 87, 415
Young Turk revolution in, 87–88
Overy, Richard, 255
Owen, Wilfred, xx, 183, 188–89, 191, 193, 202, 254, 295, 337, 339, 340, 341–42, 345, 367, 370, 373, 400, 401–2, 404, 405, 408, 419, 421, 458
Oxenham, John (William Dunkerley), 187–88
Oxford Book of American Verse, 200
Oxford Book of English Verse, 186, 337
pacifism, 230, 231–32, 419
Paisley, Ian, 348–49
Palestine, xxi, xxvii, 84, 90, 95–100, 110, 415, 425
Palestine campaign (1917), 88, 89
Palmer, A. Mitchell, 80
Palmer Raids, 81
Pals (Cooksey), 358
Pals battalions, 304, 355, 357, 358
pan-Celtic revivalism, 18
Papen, Franz von, 50, 142
Paris peace conference (1919), xxix, 3–4, 15, 29, 37, 40, 107
map of Europe redrawn by, 4, 10, 12–13, 99
Middle East and, 90–91, 92
war guilt question and, 287–88
see also Versailles, Treaty of
Parliament Act (1911), 19, 63
Parsons, I. M., 341
Parti Communiste Français (PCF), 45
Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF), 48
Partito Popolare Italiano (PPI), 48
Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI), 48
Passchendaele, Battle of (1917), xxvi, 172, 267, 331, 337, 359, 408
in art, 158, 172, 173, 174, 190
in poetry, 158, 186, 188, 189, 190, 337, 368
Patch, Harry, 407–8
Pax Britannica, xxi
“Peace” (Brooke), 185
Peace Ballot, 216–17, 222, 235, 238, 419
Peace Day (July 19, 1919), 175
peace movements, in interwar era:
in Europe, 218
in UK, 212–19, 222, 229, 235, 237–38, 419
in US, 230–38
women in, 212–13, 230
Peace Pledge Union, 217–18, 222
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 253, 263
Pearse, Pádraig, 26, 27, 28, 346
Peintres en mission aux armées, Les, 165
People’s Party, German (DVP), 50
Péricard, Jacques, 371
Perle, Richard, 381
Péronne, France, Museum of the Great War in, xxii, 422
Perreux, Gabriel, 372–73
Pershing, John J., 34–35
Pétain, Philippe, 317–18
Petrie, Flinders, 194
Petrograd (St. Petersburg), 41–43
Phelan, James, 120
Philippines, US conquest of, 120
Phillips, Stephen, 183
Philpott, William, 397, 398
“phoney war,” 228, 245
“Photographs” (Gurney), 427
in Great War, 164, 166–67, 168–69, 328–29, 334–35, 352, 359–60, 368, 407, 427
Holocaust and, 278, 281–82, 286
Picasso, Pablo, 158–60, 161, 163–64, 344
Piłsudski, Józef, 10–11, 12, 14, 26, 28, 52, 385
Pineau, Christian, 319–20
Piper, John, 343
Pitt, William, the Younger, 411
Pity of War, The (Ferguson), 399
Plaid Cymru, 24, 392, 393
Plunkett, Joseph, 26
Poems of Wilfred Owen (Blunden, ed.), 340
Poems Written during the Great War (Lloyd, ed.), 338
Edwardian, 183–84
Georgian, 184–85, 191
Great War and, 183–93, 230, 337–42, 345, 350–51, 400, 405, 408, 411–12, 419, 421, 424–25
Imagist, 184–85, 191
modernist, 342
national traditions in, 185–86
pastoralist, 158, 186, 188, 189, 190, 337, 368
Poetry of the First World War (Hussey, ed.), 341
Poincaré, Raymond, 134, 146
poison gas, xviii, 173–74, 207, 232, 233, 238, 278, 295–96
Poland, 4, 10, 13–14, 26, 52, 195
in Cold War era, 273
German invasion of (1939), 239
in Great War, xxiv, 33
post–Cold War, 378
Russia and, 7–8, 11
Polish Legion, 8
Political and Economic Planning (PEP), 155
Political Origins of the New Diplomacy, The (Mayer), 315
Pompidou, Georges, 324
Ponsonby, Arthur, 195–96, 202
Ponticelli, Lazare, 407
Poppy Appeal, 207–8, 209
Popular Front, 45, 53, 146
populism, 256–58, 260
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce), 184
post-Impressionism, 161
Pound, Ezra, 162, 184–85, 191, 192–93, 342
Poussin, Nicolas, 163–64
Pownall, Henry, 226, 229
Pozières, Battle of (1916), 364
Poznan, 13–14
Prague Declaration on European Conscience and Communism, 386–87
Priestly, J. B., 201, 256–57
Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 53
progressivism, 230, 232
Prohibition, 210–11, 415
propaganda, 166, 168–69, 194–96, 245–46
Propaganda Technique in the World War (Lasswell), 194
Prost, Antoine, ix, 373
Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 400–401
Pugsley, Christopher, 367
Quakers, 218, 230
Quiet Don, The (Sholokhov), 303
radar, 226
Radio Times, 334
Rawlinson, Henry, 355
Real War, The (Liddell Hart), 329
Red Army, 264, 269, 283, 297, 305, 354, 384
“Red Clydeside,” 59, 60–61
Redmond, John, 24–25, 27, 28, 111
Redmond, Willie, 28
Red Scare, 78, 80–81, 211, 238, 314
Regeneration (Barker), 401–3
Regeneration (film), 405
Reichsbank, 228
Reichsbanner, 208–9
Reichsbund, 206–7
Reims, German shelling of, 21, 168
Remarque, Erich Maria, 197–98, 201, 207
Remembrance Sunday, 367, 395, 406
Renan, Ernest, 4
Renouvin, Pierre, 371–72
Repington, Charles, 157, 274
Representation of the People Act (1918), 56, 180, 442
Republicans, Spanish, 54
Returned and Services League (RSL), 361
Revolt, The (Russolo), 161
Revolutions of Civilisation, The (Petrie), 194
Rhythm, 184
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 291
Richardson, Tony, 360n
Ridley, Nicholas, 379
Riefenstahl, Leni, 51
Riga, Treaty of (1921), 11
Riis, Jacob, 80
Ritter, Gerhard, 316–17
Rivers, William, 402
Roberts, William, 166, 169
Romains, Jules, 351
Romania, Romanians, 6, 14, 33, 52, 195
Romanov dynasty, 4, 7
overthrow of, 41, 42, 55, 83, 415
Romanticism, 186, 337
Rome, Treaty of (1957), 320, 322
Rommel, Erwin, 47, 266
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 81
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 81, 155, 210–11, 234, 304
air warfare and, 236–37
Atlantic Charter and, 270–71
and Czech crisis of 1938, 236
Germany’s unconditional surrender as goal of, 269–70, 273
Lend-Lease Act and, 262, 263
and lessons of Great War, 270–71
Neutrality Acts and, 234–35, 262
Normandy invasion urged by, 268
postwar international security as goal of, 270–71
use of poison gas banned by, 296
war-crimes trials backed by, 293
Roosevelt, Theodore, 270
Rosenberg, Isaac, 427–28
Rosenthal, Joe, 305
Rothermere, Lord, 67, 69
Round Table conferences, 103, 106, 114, 115
Royal Air Force (RAF):
in Battle of Britain, 253–55, 256, 261
interwar buildup of, 225–26
Royal British Legion, see British Legion
Royal Dutch/Shell, 101
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 29, 75
Royal Navy, 120–22
interwar buildup of, 226–27
Russell, Bertrand, 218, 221
German armistice with, 89
provisional government of (1917), 42–43
Russia, Imperial, 4, 42, 43
February Revolution in, 41–42, 54, 83
in Great War, xxiv, 205, 350, 382
nationalism in, 7–8
Russian Civil War (1917–1922), 9, 10, 71, 205, 383
Russian Federation:
Great War commemoration in, 382–83
historical debate in, 387
Russian Revolution, see Bolshevik revolution
Russolo, Luigi, 161
Rwanda, 294
Ryan, Henry, 211
Samoa, 86, 92
Samuel, Herbert, 97n
Sandburg, Carl, 243
Sant’Elia, Antonio, 162
assassination of Franz Ferdinand in, 7, 20–21, 400, 425
siege of (1992–96), 400, 425
Sargent, John Singer, 173–74, 295, 345
Sargent, Orme, 245–46
Sarkozy, Nikolas, 407
Sassoon, Harold, 188
Sassoon, Siegfried, 180, 183, 188, 197, 254, 260, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 352, 357, 373, 401–2
Schacht, Hjalmar, 228
Schindler’s List (film), 386
Schleicher, Kurt von, 50
Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl, 163
Schuman, Robert, 320–21
Schützengraben (Dix), 163
Scotland, 16
devolution movement in, 393–94
in Great War, 23, 24, 392
Home Rule movement in, 19, 24, 392, 416
nationalism in, 18, 24, 393
Scotland, in interwar era:
economic slump in, 392–93, 418
labor unrest in, 59, 60–61
tenements as housing norm in, 66
Scots, British Empire and, 17
Scottish Home Rule bill, 21
Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), 392, 393
sea power:
Anglo-German race for, 120–21
5–5–3 formula for, 122
and pressure for disarmament, 121–22
Second World War, see World War II
Secret Agent (film), 328
Seeckt, Hans von, 206
Seeley, John, 102–3, 108, 109
Selbourne, Lord, 56
Selby, E. M., 243
self-determination, xviii, 3, 4, 9, 14, 37–38, 39, 91–93, 94, 96–97, 114, 416
Senate, US:
League of Nations rejected by, 38–39, 231
Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry (Nye Committee) of, 232–33, 234, 235
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 381–82, 390, 423
Serbia, Serbs, 6–7, 10, 14
in Great War, xxiv, 23, 33
Habsburg ultimatum to, 20–21
Serbs, 6–7, 10, 14
Sergeant York (film), 200
Service to Mark the Passing of the World War One Generation, 407–8
Sevareid, Eric, 261
Seydoux, Jacques, 320
Shakespeare, William, 177, 360
Shandong Peninsula, 86, 91–92
Shaw, George Bernard, 70–71
Sheffield, Gary, 396–97, 398
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 186
Sheppard, Dick, 217–18
Sherman, Alfred, 153
Sherriff, R. C., 201–2, 334
Sherry, Vincent, 197
Sherwood, Robert, 234
Shia Muslims, 100
Shinwell, Emaneul, 61
Sholokhov, Mikhail, 305
Siborne, William, 356–57
Sieff, Israel, 155
Simon, John, 228, 292
“Simplify Me When I’m Dead” (Douglas), ix
Simpson, John, 365
Sinn Féin, 18, 28, 29, 94
sites of memory:
Chinese, 425–26
Vietnam Memorial as, 377, 428–29
Western Front cemeteries and memorials as, 182, 418–19, 428
16th (Irish) Division, 28, 395
slavery, as seminal catastrophe of US history, xix
Slovakia, Slovaks, 6, 15, 195, 383
Slovenia, Slovenes, 6, 7, 10, 383, 388
Smuts, Jan, 87, 92–93, 106
Snowden, Philip, 68
Sobibor extermination camp, 294
Social Democrats, German, 206–7
Churchill’s oppostion to, 71–72
as failing to take root in US, 41, 78–81
in interwar Europe, 45
in interwar UK, 59–60, 61, 124–25, 151–53
Socialist Party, German (SPD), 49–50, 208, 210
Socialist Party, Italian, 46–47
Socialist Party, US, 78–79
Societé des Nations, 216
“Soldier, The” (Brooke), 83
“Soldier Poets of 1914–18, The” (Blunden), 339–40
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 303
Sombart, Werner, 79
Somme, Battle of (1916), xviii, 187, 207, 267, 331, 333, 337, 353–58, 359–60, 397, 405, 420
Anzacs at, 364
casualties in, xxiii, xxv, 27, 163, 364, 414, 416
first day of (July 1), 27, 353, 354–56, 357, 368, 397, 403, 424, 426
German losses at, xxv, 267, 333, 353–54, 397
Historial de la Grande Guerre and, xxii, 388–90, 422
1966 commemorations of, 312, 345, 349, 394
16th (Irish) Division at, 28, 395
Stalingrad compared to, 397
36th (Ulster) Division at, 27, 28, 349, 395, 416
Somme, The: Death of a Generation (Harris), 353
Son at the Front, A (Wharton), 200
Sontag, Susan, 427
Sorley, Charles, 339
Sorrow and the Pity, The (film), 319
South Africa, 25, 85, 92, 101, 102, 103, 109, 110–11
Southeast Asia, 253, 263
Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation? (Webb and Webb), 152
Soviet Union, 12, 45, 54, 331
Baltic states and, 384
in Cold War era, 300, 302–3, 308
collapse of, 42, 378, 379, 382, 422
crimes against humanity by, 386–87
economic planning in, 125, 151, 153, 155, 303
German nonaggression pact with (1939), 229, 384
Great War commemoration as lacking in, 205, 350, 382, 420
industrialization of, 125, 150–51
purges and show trials in, 152, 153
US and, 81–82, 417
western left’s admiration of, 151–53
Soviet Union, in World War II:
casualties in, 268, 301
as central myth of, 205, 420
commemoration of, 205, 244, 302–3, 382, 420
famine of 1946–47 in, 304
German invasion of, 252, 264, 302, 384
Manchuria invaded by, 297
Spain, 53
Spalding, Frances, 161
Spanish-American War (1898), 120
Spanish Civil War, 53–54, 72, 217, 247
Spender, Percy, 362
Spender, Stephen, 192
Spengler, Oswald, 193
Spielberg, Steven, 386
Stalin, Joseph, 126, 150–51, 152, 155, 264–65, 268, 273, 302, 336–37
Stalingrad, Battle of (1942–43), 354, 397
Stamfordham, Lord, 55–56
Stanley, Oliver, 154
state building, in interwar Europe, 9–15
states, legitimacy of, 15
Stein, Gertrude, 159, 163
Stenger, Karl, 290
Stephen, Martin, 187
Stevenson, Frances, 335
Stimson, Henry, 293, 294–95, 298–99
Stinnes, Hugo, 134
Stones of Remebrance, 180–81
Strachey, John St. Loe, 69
“Strange Meeting” (Owen), 342, 404
Stresemann, Gustav, 135
Strong, Benjamin, 130
Struggle for Mastery of Europe, The (Taylor), 331
Study of History (Toynbee), 194
suffrage, female, 45, 46, 67
in Dominions, 108
in India, 116
in UK, 45, 57–58, 66–67, 212–13, 417, 442
in US, 80, 230
suffrage, male, 45, 46, 47, 61–62
in Dominions, 108
in India, 116
in UK, 56–57, 64, 180, 417
Sunni Muslims, 100
superman (Übermensch), 51, 52, 70–71
Sutherland, Graham, 343
Swing, Raymond Gram, 232, 300
Sykes, Mark, 95
Sykes-Picot agreement, 95, 96, 98
Synge, John Millington, 18
Syria, 84, 90, 95, 97, 98, 100
Tallinn, Estonia, 385
Tannenberg, Battle of (1914), 205
Tannenberg Memorial, 176, 206
Tannenburg (film), 206
Tanzania, 87
Tartars, 302
Tate Gallery, 165–66, 344–45
Taylor, A. J. P., 168, 328–32, 350, 399
Tehran conference (1943), 268
Temoins (Cru), 371
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald), xviii
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 190n
Terkel, Studs, 305
Terraine, John, 332–33, 355, 357, 401
Teschen, duchy of, 13
Thanatos, 193–94
Thatcher, Margaret, 307, 379–80, 393–94
Their Finest Hour (Churchill), 317
Thiepval Ridge memorial, 180–81, 182, 377, 406, 418, 428–29
Third Geneva Convention (1925), 296
36th (Ulster) Division, 27, 28, 349, 395, 416
Thirty Years War, idea of, 275, 319–20
“This is no case of petty right or wrong” (Thomas), 189
Thomas, Edward, 189–90, 193, 337, 376, 402, 405, 419
Thomas, Jimmy, 62–63
Thompson, Dorothy, 260
Thomson, Alistair, 360–61, 362
Tilsit, Treaty of (1806), 133
Tippett, Maria, 169
Tito, Josip Broz, 383
Tobruk, Battle of, (1942), 265
Todman, Daniel, 342
Togoland, 86
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 305
Tommies, xxi, 105, 173, 202, 256, 268, 348, 406–8
To the Lighthouse (Woolf), 197
Toynbee, Arnold, 150, 194, 221, 224
Trade Disputes Act (1927), 65
Tragedy of American Diplomacy, The (Williams), 314
Transjordan, 84, 98, 100, 415
Transylvania, 14
Treblinka extermination camp, 294
Trenchard, Hugh, 289–90
trench warfare, xxiv, 206, 207, 276, 374–75, 423–24
Trentino province, 46, 47
Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 411, 429
Trieste, 46
Tripoli, 98
Triumph of the Will (film), 51
Truman, Harry S., 293, 299–300
Truman Doctrine, 262
Tsintao, Japanese capture of, 86
Tuchman, Barbara, 312–13
Tunis, German surrender at (1943), 266
Turkey, 87–88, 391
see also Ottoman Empire
Tyne Cot, 182
Übermensch (superman), 51, 52, 70–71
U-boats, xxvi, 37, 55, 287, 289
Ukraine, 10, 11, 12, 14, 301, 384
Ulster, 19–20, 27
see also Northern Ireland
Ulster Tower (Somme), 395
Ulster Volunteers, 19–20, 27
Undertones of War (Blunden), 338
Unemployment Insurance Act (1911), 140–41
Union Fédérale (UF), 209
Unionist Party, 18–20, 25, 27–28, 32, 33, 62, 348–49
see also Conservative Party, British
Union Nationale des Combattants, 209
Union of Democratic Control, 195
United Kingdom:
army of, see British Army
conservative art climate in, 161
as constitutional nation, 17, 41
creation of, 16
empire of, see British Empire
ethnic and cultural nationalism in, 16–20, 23
first-past-the-post system in, 62
French wars of, 16–17, 21, 396, 411–12
navy of, 120–22
near-disintegration of, 392, 415–16
Remembrance Sunday in, 367, 395, 406
sense of Britishness in, 16–17
United Kingdom, in Cold War era:
Australia and, 362–63
Conservative Party in, 306, 307–8, 393, 394
EEC joined by, 324, 363
global role of, 308
Great War as viewed in, 312, 325–45, 352–60, 421
Great War poetry revival in, 337–42, 345, 351, 421
Labour governments in, 259, 306–8, 393
National Health Service in, 307
nationalization of industry in, 306–7, 393
as “welfare state,” 307
World War II as viewed in, 324–25
youth revolt in, xxii
United Kingdom, in Great War, 243
anti-Semitism in, 55
art in, 165–74, 342, 343–45, 419
borrowing by, xxvi, 142–43
casualties in, xxi–xxii, xxiv, xxv–xxvi, 34, 157, 210, 268, 418
coalition governments in, xxiii, 21, 25, 27, 56, 68
concrete goals felt to be lacking in, 34
conscientious objectors in, 218–19
conscription imposed in, xxv, 54–55, 187
cost of, xxvi
German invasion of Belgium as catalyst for, 21–23, 25, 219, 245, 287, 413
government arts patronage in, 158
Irish conscription ordered by, 28–29, 33
“learning curve” in, 397–98
Middle East and, 88–89
as moral imperative, 22–23, 25, 413–14, 415
in photography and film, 166–67, 169, 171, 328–29, 334–35, 352, 359–60, 368, 407, 427
poetry and, 183–93, 230, 337–42, 345, 351, 400, 405, 408, 411–12, 419, 421, 424–25
propaganda in, 166, 168–69, 194
revisionist views of, 325–45, 352–60, 392, 396–409, 421
sense of Britishness fostered by, 4, 23, 24, 392, 416
strikes in, 59
suffrage expanded in, 56–58, 64, 417
Turkish armistice with, 96
as untouched by invasion or serious bombing, xxi, 33, 413
US loans to, xxvi
volunteerism in, 414
women’s contribution to, 57
World War II contrasted with, 420
xenophobia in, 55
United Kingdom, in interwar era (1919–39):
abdication crisis in, 72
air defense system of, 229
anti-Semitism in, 70
appeasement policy in, xxi, 224, 238, 258, 304, 313, 419
Armistice Day celebrations in, 175, 208
arms exports in, 227, 235
automobile production in, 147, 148–49
British Crown and, 73–74
coalition governments in, 62, 63, 69, 71, 146
communists in, 59–61, 61, 152, 153
Conservative Party in, 62–67, 113–16, 149, 258, 417
consumer demand in, 147
and Czech crisis of 1938, 207, 221, 222–24, 228, 238
defense planning in, xxi
demobilization crisis in, 58
democracy in, 41, 55–74, 82, 417
economic and political stability of, 66, 70, 144, 148–49, 227–28, 415–16, 417
economic planning in, 154–55
emigration from, 107
fascism in, 69–70, 417
fiction in, 197
financial crisis of 1931 in, 63, 67–68, 124–25, 129, 141, 145, 150, 151
fragmented workforce in, 60
General Strike in (1926), xxi, 64–65, 71, 144–45
gold standard abandoned in, 124, 129, 141, 142, 145, 150, 418
gold standard reinstituted in, 138–39, 142
government arts patronage in, 158
Great War commemoration in, 80–81, 174–77, 180–81, 182, 207–8, 212, 418–19
growth of home ownership in, 65–66, 147–48
industrial production in, 139–40, 146–47
isolationism in, 215, 216
labor relations in, xxi, 58–61, 64–65, 71, 140–41, 144–45
Labour governments in, 62–64, 115, 123, 124, 141, 145, 150–53, 212, 417
Middle East and, 89–90, 91, 93, 94–101
Middle Way in, 154–55
military-industrial sector in, 227
and misleading lessons of Great War, xxi, 205
monetary policy in, 145, 147
national debt in, 143
National Government in, 67–69, 70, 72, 115, 142, 145, 148, 149, 155, 219, 222, 248, 258
National Grid in, 147
nationalization in, 125
overstretch as concern of, 93–95
Peace Day in, 175
peace movement in, 212–19, 222, 229, 235, 237–38, 419
political culture of, 216, 238
public spending in, 143–44
rearmament in, 224–28
reconstruction boom in, 139–40
revisionist views of, 258–59
Silence in, 175, 207, 212, 418
slump of 1921–22 in, 59, 66, 122, 139–40, 142, 150, 259, 306, 392–93
slump of 1929–31 (Great Depression) in, xxi, 69, 70, 124, 129, 139, 142, 144, 149, 154, 156, 209, 212, 228, 258, 259, 418
socialism in, 59–60, 61, 124–25, 151–52
social welfare spending in, 144
strikes in, xxi, 58–59, 60–61, 64–65
tax and tariff policy in, 143, 149
textile industry in, 139–40
and threat of bombing, 219–22, 224, 236, 244–45, 419
unemployment in, 137–38, 140, 141–42, 143, 148
US debt owed by, 126
war graves controversy in, 178–80
war pensions issue in, 209–10
United Kingdom, in post-Cold War era:
Armistice Day in, 406
devolution movement in, 394
fiction in, 401–6, 408–9
Great War commemoration in, 406–7
Great War as viewed in, 392, 396–409
isolationism in, 379, 422
Labour Party in, 394
United Kingdom, in World War II, 244, 396
anti-Semitism in, 280
army defeats in, 265
art in, 342–45
Battle of Britain in, 253–55, 256, 261
Blitz in, xxii, 33, 253, 255, 256, 257–58, 261, 276, 420
casualties in, 268
coalition government in, 68–69, 248, 257
Dunkirk in, 243, 252, 253, 256–57
evacuations to rural areas in, 244–45, 276
failed Scandinavian campaign of, 247
Great War contrasted with, 420
heroic language in, 254–55
home front in, 244–45, 257–58, 276
interwar era as viewed in, 258–59
invasion threat in, xxii, 256, 260–61, 420
Labour Party in, 248, 257
Lend-Lease Act and, 262, 263, 268
and misleading lessons of Great War, 246, 269
1940 as key year in, 243, 247–48, 251–52, 253–58, 260, 264, 276
outbreak of, 244
populist narrative of, 256–58, 260
propaganda in, 245–46
reaction to Holocaust evidence in, 280–84
sense of achievement fostered by, 260, 276, 308–9, 319
sense of Britishness in, 306, 392, 416
US aid to, 252
war-crimes trials opposed by, 292
United Nations, 271, 273
United States:
civic nationalism of, 35, 36, 37, 39
democratic values in, 35
fear of communism and socialism in, 41, 78–81, 314, 417
geographic mobility in, 79
lack of class-consciousness in, 79–80
liberalism in, 238
national cemeteries in, 181–82, 305
progressive era in, 230–31, 232
racial and ethnic discrimination in, 35–36, 37, 80, 119–20
self-image of, 37
slavery in, 35–36
in Spanish-American War, 120
standard of living in, 79
unions in, 79, 81
United States, in Cold War era, xxii
antiwar protest in, xxii
Civil Rights Movement in, 350
commemoration of World War II in, 304–5
Cuban Missile Crisis in, 300, 305, 312, 313
European integration backed by, 323
and fear of communism, 314, 417
foreign policy of, 262, 314, 422
Great War as viewed in, 312–15, 421–22
as self-appointed world policeman, xviii
veterans in, 304
Vietnam War and, xviii, xxii, 305, 313–14, 362, 369, 371, 376–77, 400, 422, 428–29
Wilsonianism in, xvii, 314–15, 422
United States, Great War and, xxiii, 238
art in, 164–65
casualties in, xxi–xxii, 34–35, 181
commemoration of, 407
conscientious objectors in, 230
conscription in, 414–15
entry into, xxvi, xxvii, 37, 315
as forgotten conflict, xvii, xix, xxii, 413
imperialism fostered by, 117, 123
influenza deaths and, xxi, 35, 181
as introduction to global stage, xxii, 37
naval expansion in, 121
neutrality policy of, 36
as proof of America’s superior values, xvii, xix, 36
revisionist views of, 263, 280, 298, 420–22
as “war for civilization,” 414–15
United States, in interwar era:
Armistice Day celebrations in, 208
automobile production in, 125–26, 129
British debt owed to, 126
“cash and carry” arms sales by, 235
consumer debt in, 126
foreign investment of, 126–27
global economy and, 124, 125–26, 129–31, 137
gold reserves in, 128
gold standard abandoned in, 145–46
Great Depression in, 131, 144, 210, 233, 273–74, 418
Great War as viewed in, 235, 280, 298, 420
industrial production in, 125
isolationism in, 137, 232, 234, 237
labor militancy in, 80–81
and misleading lessons of Great War, 232–33
monetary supply in, 145–46
Neutrality Acts in, 232–33
New Deal in, 155
peace movement in, 230–38
ratio of imports and exports to national income in, 128
Red Scare in, 78, 80–81, 211, 238, 314, 417
Soviet Union and, 81
stock market in, 128–29
subsidence of consumer boom in, 128–29
tariffs in, 130
veterans associations in, 208, 210–11
war-crimes trials opposed by, 287, 288
women’s suffrage in, 80, 230
United States, in post-Cold War era:
9/11 attacks in, 381–82
Wilsonianism in, xvii–xviii, 381–82, 423
United States, in World War II, 244
aid to UK from, 252
air- and firepower superiority of, 269
arms production in, 274
Battle of Britain and, 261
Blitz and, 261
casualties of, 304
changed view of UK in, 260–63
commemoration of, 303–5
Dunkirk and, 260
entry into, 253
and fall of France, 261–62
GI Bill of Rights (1944) passed in, 304
Great War as viewed in, 263, 270–71
isolationism in, 261–62
and lessons of Civil War, 269–70
reaction to Holocaust evidence in, 284–85
Strategic Bombing Survey of, 297
and threatened German invasion of UK, 260–61
war-crimes trials desired by, 292–94
world leadership role assumed by, xxii, 264, 304
Unity Party, Spanish, 53–54
Üntermensch, 51–52
Up the Line to Death (Gardner, ed.), 340–41
Upper Silesia, 13–14
U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic (Lippmann), 263–64
US Steel, 150–51
Vandenberg, Arthur, 233, 235, 237
Van Gogh, Vincent, 161
Vansittart, Robert, 215
Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford, 278
Verdun, Battle of (1916), xxv, 163, 318, 331, 347, 355, 372
Verdun, Douaumont Ossuary at, xxv, 176
Verdun (Péricard), 371
Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 49, 50, 91–92, 175, 196, 205, 258
German war guilt and, 131, 206, 285, 288, 293–94, 316, 319
“Very Well, Alone” (Low), 256
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 211
Vichy France, 317, 318, 319
Victoria, Queen of England, 73–74, 177–78
Victoria and Albert Museum, 344
Victory Day, 268
Vie et mort des français 1914–1918 (Ducasse, Meyer, and Perreux), 372–73
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 376–77, 428–29
Vietnam War, xviii, xxii, 305, 313–14, 360, 362, 369, 371, 376–77, 400, 422, 428–29
Vimy Ridge, Battle of (1917):
Canadian Corps in, 104, 108–9
memorial to, 182
“Vital English Art” (Marinetti), 162
Vorticism, 162, 166, 170, 184
Anglican Church disestablishment in, 19, 22, 23, 392, 416
cultural and ethnic nationalism in, 18, 19, 23, 24
devolution movement in, 393–94
in Great War, 23, 24, 392
interwar slump in, 392–93, 418
Wallace, William, 18
War Artists Advisory Committee, 343–44
war criminals, prosecution of:
after Great War, 285–90, 291
after World War II, 284, 291–94
Ward, Joseph, 104
Ware, Fabian, 176–77, 178, 180, 212, 427
war guilt, Great War and:
German denial of, 196, 206, 285, 289, 290, 293–94, 373
Paris peace conference debate on, 287–88
Versailles Treaty and, 131, 206, 285, 288, 293–94, 316, 319
War of Independence Victory column (Tallinn), 385
War on Terror, xvii, 390
War Requiem (Britten), 342, 408
Washington Naval Conference (1921–22), 122
“Waste Land, The” (Eliot), 191–93
Waterloo, Battle of (1815), 177–78, 356–57, 411–12, 426
weapons of mass destruction, 294–301
We Are Making a New World (Nash), 173
Webb, Beatrice, 124, 151–52, 153
Webb, Sidney, 151–52, 153
Wehler, Hans-Ulrich, 317
Weimar Republic, 46, 49–50, 133–35, 205, 208–9, 210, 307
Weir, Peter, 365–66
Weizmann, Chaim, 97
Wellington, Duke of, 426
Wellington House, 166, 167
Wells, H. G., 40, 55, 212
Western Front, xix, xxvi, xxvii, 23, 29, 86, 89, 109–10, 201, 250–51, 264, 268, 336, 356, 357, 368, 369, 370, 414
in art, 164–65, 167, 169–70, 172–73
in British conception of Great War, 83, 88, 176, 182, 373, 400, 423–24, 425
cemeteries at, 180–81, 182, 190, 403, 418, 428
in flims, 198–99
memorials at, xxii, 174–75, 176, 180, 182, 395–96, 428
in photography, 166–67
Western Front, The (Bone), 167
Westfront 1918 (film), 199
Westminster, Statute of (1931), 107, 109
Wharton, Edith, 200
Whitlam, Gough, 365
Whitman, Walt, 183
Wilde, Oscar, 73
Wilhelm II, Kaiser:
abdication of, xxviii, 44, 268, 288
British desire for prosecution of, 285, 286–87, 288
Williams, Ralph Vaughan, 18
Williams, William Appleman, 314
Wilson, Edith, 3–4
Wilson, Edmund, 131
Wilson, Henry, 58, 93, 94
Wilson, Woodrow, xvii, 314, 329, 414
April 1917 war message of, xxiii
background of, 36
Egypt and, 91, 92
equality of nations promoted by, 91
Fourteen Points of, 9
Keynes on, 132
League of Nations and, xvii, 37, 38–39, 91, 234, 270, 272
neutrality policy of, 36
at Paris peace conference, 3–4, 37, 91, 92–93, 288
personality of, 272
as propagandist, 195
public adulation of, 40
rehabilitated image of, 271–73
as seduced by his own slogans, 36
US role in world affairs promoted by, 39
Wilson (film), 271–72, 305
Wilsonianism, 100–101, 233, 412, 421
in Cold War era, xvii, 314–15, 381, 422
in G. W. Bush administration, 381–82, 423
international security as goal of, xvii–xviii, 4
and promotion of democracy, xviii, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 81
self-determination as principle of, xviii, 3, 4, 9, 14, 37–38, 39, 91–93, 94, 114, 416
Wilson vs. Lenin (Mayer), 315
Winter, Jay, ix, 388–89, 400, 401
Wiskermann, Elizabeth, 291–92
in Great War effort, 57
in interwar peace movements, 212–13
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WIL), 213, 230, 231–32
women’s suffrage, see suffrage, female
Woodrow Wilson and World Politics (Levin), 315
Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 271
Woolf, Virginia, 197
Wordsworth, William, 185
World Crisis, The (Churchill), 20, 250, 425, 464–65
World Disarmament Conference (1932), 213–14, 215, 222, 229, 231, 232
World War I, see Great War
World War II:
Dominions in, 109
Eastern Front in, 264, 283, 301, 333, 336
ethnic animosity as cause of, 14
as morally justified, 301, 305, 309, 420
names for, 274–75
and nature of evil, 277–309
Normandy invasion in, 265, 267, 268–69
outbreak of, 239, 244
“phoney war” in, 228, 245
see also specific countries and regions
World War Veterans, 211
Yalta conference (1945), 273
Yeats, William Butler, 18, 26, 28
“Yellow Peril,” 117–18
Yerevan, Armenia, 350
York, Alvin, 200
Yoshino Sakuz, 118
Young Scots, 19
Young Turks, 87–88
Young Wales movement (Cymru Fydd), 19, 22
Ypres, Belgium, 110, 180, 295, 377, 418, 428
Island of Ireland Peace Tower at, xxii, 395–96, 422–23
see also Passchendaele, Battle of
Yugoslavia, 4, 10, 14, 52, 383, 422
Monument to the Unknown Hero in, 425
Zanuck, Darryl F., 271–72, 305
Zborov, Battle of (1917), 8
Zec, Philip, 259–60
Zhukov, Georgy, 302
Zimmern, Alfred, 216
Zionists, Zionism, 95–97, 99
Zyklon B gas, 296