Chapter Eighteen
Davis paced the length of her living room while talking on the phone to Malcolm. They’d left Aaron shouting dire threats as spittle shot out of his mouth. Davis filled his clan leader in on the heinous acts of more members of her accursed family. She stopped listening at the recounting and started making herself some tea to soothe her nerves, but it only made her think of Kate and the poisoned tea she had drank. Pushing the tea back in the cupboard and turning off the stove, she wandered into her bedroom to stare out the window. Had Aaron been the one to assault her and try to poison her? Had he been working with Bryant all along or had he stumbled across her brother’s scent blocker and poison like he found her uncle’s journals? She hadn’t thought her brother and Aaron had ever been close, but could it have been an act? Had they united against their uncle? Had Bryant known about their uncle’s treachery?
Davis’ light tread announced his presence before his reflection appeared in the window over her shoulder. “Malcolm is notifying the other council members of Aaron’s claims and threats.”
She turned to face him. “Even if what Aaron said is true, it’s all based on my uncle’s ramblings in a journal. It doesn’t provide Aaron with a solid claim to rule the clan.”
“That’s basically what Malcolm said as well.”
She nodded. Even if he wasn’t guilty of colluding with Bryant, or the one trying to kill her, Aaron was too damaged to ever be allowed to rule the clan.
“Come back to my clan with me.”
Bethany swung her head up. Her gaze collided with his. What?
“It’s not safe for you here. My clan will protect you.”
Ah, of course, he wanted her to go to protect her, not to claim her as his mate. She pivoted back to the window. What did it matter?
He stepped up behind her. “What’s left for you here? More betrayal? My clan will welcome you.”
“Why what?”
“Why would your clan welcome me? I am not only the sister of the man who murdered a clan member, but he also attempted to kill your leader and his mate. And then there is the rest of my horrible lineage. Why would they want me there? Why do you?”
Squeezing her shoulders, he pulled her back against his body. She closed her eyes. She wanted to turn and throw her arms around him.
“You know why.”
She opened her eyes and met his gaze in the reflection.
“You’re my mate.” Joy and sadness rose within her at his words.
He dipped his head and trailed kisses down her neck. She tilted her head to provide him with more access. Davis touched her, and any thought of resistance fled. She wanted the pleasure she found within his arms—even if it was only one last time. His arms slipped around her waist, pressing her back flush to his front. She lifted her hands and covered his.
Davis couldn’t resist the need to touch her any longer. She was his mate, and she had been endangered too many damn times. The rage had been simmering under the surface for days. When Aaron had dared to touch her, the only thought going through his mind was a need to protect what was his. He had barely stopped from ripping the bastard’s throat out. Only she had stopped him. Her calming voice slipped past the fury and allowed reason to return. He needed her.
The taste of her soft skin urged him to devour her, but he wanted to savor every touch and taste. Her hands fluttered, hovering over his a moment before dropping back to clutch his thighs, as he raised his hands slowly up to cup her breasts. Two exquisite handfuls of perfection.
Her head dropped back against his shoulder. A soft, blonde tendril of hair tickled his nose. Bethany's eyes drifted closed on a soft exhale of breath. Her pale lashes fluttered over her ivory skin. An angel of such beauty, and she was his.
One hand continued to cherish her breasts while the other slipped down to unfasten her pants and slide inside. A bright pink blush bloomed on her pale cheeks as his fingers discovered the warm honey between her thighs. Her lips parted on a gasp, and he couldn’t hold back the groan of arousal when the pleasure of her response washed over his fingers.
Swinging her up into his arms, he walked the short distance to the bed and laid her down. She helped remove her clothes and reclined back to watch him take off his own. He withdrew a condom from his pocket before dropping his jeans to the floor. He wasn’t taking any further chances. Her eyes widened slightly when she spotted the condom. She blinked but said not a single word.
While Bethany welcomed him into her arms, he reveled in the feel of her skin against his. Kissing her deeply, his body demanded to join with hers. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He donned the condom and returned to Bethany, sliding into her warmth inch by inch.
Their movements quickly became frantic with need. She cried out in release, and his orgasm hit him like a tsunami. Pleasure exploding in the base of his spine and rushing throughout his body.
He sank against her, momentarily unable to support his own weight. Sucking in a deep breath, he rolled over, taking her with him and tucking her against his side. Her hand lazily trailed over his chest.
The cool air swept over his sweat-dampened skin. He kissed her forehead and rolled to his feet. He walked into the bathroom to dispose of the condom and wash up. By the time he returned she had burrowed beneath the covers. Her gaze tracked him, but there was little emotion on her face for him to read. What was she thinking about? Would she go with him to his clan?
He climbed into the bed and pulled her back into his arms. She came easily, and he counted it as a good sign. He stroked her arm from the shoulder to her wrist and looped their fingers together on his chest.
“Should I make the arrangements for us to fly home?”
She stiffened slightly before she relaxed and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.
“I want to say yes.”
“Then say yes.”
She gazed into his eyes silently pleading with him to understand. “I cannot walk away and do nothing to prevent Aaron from claiming rule over my clan. If you were in my place, could you?”
He sighed. “If I were in your place, I would have killed him a long time ago.”
The heat of her gaze burned him, but he closed his eyes instead. What did she want from him? Her decision was clear in her voice. He could admire her conviction and resent the hell out of it at the same time. She was making her choice. It wasn’t him.