Chapter Twenty-Four
Davis hung his head and let the hot water beat down on his shoulders. He’d left Bethany at the healer’s with Kate and Celeste visiting her, and Kioshi standing guard. He had been in desperate need of a shower and change of clothes, so he had returned to his suite. He didn’t think Aaron would dare try anything, but the coward had to be scrambling after the announcement.
He’d known as soon as the advisor started describing the qualities needed in a leader who he was going to say. Even before he said her name, he’d known he’d lost her.
Bethany would choose her clan.
Davis didn’t expect anything else. He slapped off the water and grabbed the towel he had hung over the glass doors. There was no way he could ask her to turn her back on her entire clan and leave it in the hands of Aaron. He wasn’t that selfish.
Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped the towel around his waist and wandered into the bedroom. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, he calculated the time difference between here and Wyoming. Malcolm should be awake. He needed to fill him in and tell him he would be home soon.
“Please tell me you haven’t uncovered evidence of another accomplice and they’re still on the loose.”
Davis snorted. “No, Heyes was the last one. It’s all wrapped up nice and tidy.”
“Is it? Then what is it I hear in your voice?”
Sighing, he wiped a hand through his damp hair. “Your mate making you want to discuss feelings now?”
Malcolm chuckled. “As a matter of fact, we’ve had a few conversations on the subject. So why don’t you tell me what’s going on.”
“Advisor Heyes gave a speech in front of the whole clan and nominated Bethany as ruler.”
There was only a brief stretch of silence. “She’s a sound choice.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“What does she have to say about the nomination?”
“She was shocked as hell, but I think she’ll come around and see it’s the logical step for her to take.”
“Do you think her cousin is going to be a problem?”
“I plan to stick around long enough to see that he isn’t.”
“I see.”
Davis frowned and glanced at the phone. “What’s that supposed to mean? What exactly do you see?”
Malcolm sighed. “She’s your mate.”
“No shit. I know damn well she’s my mate, but what kind of selfish bastard do you take me for? I can’t stand in the way of her leading her clan. I’ll make sure she is safe and then I’ll get the hell out of the way.”
“You haven’t bonded with her.”
Bonded mates linked their spirits together. It gave them a deep connection even death was often unable to sever. Bonded mates rarely survived long without the other. His parents sure hadn’t, not even to raise him. “Been a little busy, and she hadn’t made her decision to come home with me. It’s a damn good thing we didn’t, seeing as we’ll be living on different continents.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“Again, not much choice here, Malcolm.”
“I think you do have a choice. You know we’ll always be your clan, your family. Distance isn’t going to alter that. But Bethany is your mate. Can you really live without her? Do you want to?”
Davis sat on the bed. The thought of living without her made his chest hurt. When he had seen her lying bloody on the floor and believed she might die, he hadn’t wanted to go on. Tears stung his eyes, and he stared at the ceiling.
“You need to talk to her. There are always options and compromises to make.”
“You’re saying stay here.”
“I’m saying you need to be wherever she is, so if it’s there, yes. Besides, wasn’t it you who was talking my ear off about the security nightmare over there and all the changes that needed to be made? I happen to know just the guy to be put in charge of all that. Sound familiar?”
“Damn, Malcolm, I thought you liked me. That’s one giant headache you’re suggesting I take on.”
“Admit it, your palms itch to whip that place into shape.”
He was right. If his mate was going to be staying here, then he would have to ensure her safety. The current state of the clan’s security was insufficient in the extreme. They would need more guards, more surveillance, and a whole list of procedures. First item on the list would be to explore those tunnels and secure them.
A chuckle interrupted his thoughts. “Already making plans, aren’t you?”
Davis shook his head. “Thanks Malcolm.”
“Anytime, and I meant what I said. We’re always going to be your family.”
“There you go with those feelings again. What’s she done to you?”
Malcolm laughed. “Tell Bethany I can’t wait to welcome her to the council and the family.”
Davis hung up the phone and ran a hand over his face. Well, hell, that phone call certainly hadn’t gone the way he thought it would.
Bethany limped down the hallway as quickly as her aching body would allow. She had slipped out of the healer’s building after telling Kate and Celeste she needed to use the bathroom. They had started following her to help until she insisted on going alone. Why did everyone feel the need to treat her like an invalid? She sighed. That was unfair. They were simply concerned and wanted to help in any way they could.
After evading them, she had snuck into Elizabeth’s quarters and climbed out a window to avoid Kioshi and her friends. She would apologize to them later, but she needed to talk to Davis.
His withdrawn attitude frightened her. She grew tired of waiting for him to claim her as his mate.
She was claiming him.
The clan would survive without her. They had to be smart enough not to vote for Aaron. If they weren’t, well, she would contemplate the dire outcome if it occurred. Right now, she needed to find Davis before he did something stupid like go home to Wyoming without her. And if he already had, well then, she would get on a plane and follow him.
A door opened down the hall, and she stiffened. She had already been waylaid a dozen times on the way over here by clan members giving her their support. She appreciated it, she really did, but she needed to see Davis.
Reaching the door to his suite she was suddenly afraid. What if he turned her down? What if he simply didn’t want her?
Straightening her shoulder, she knocked on the door. She would just have to change his mind.
The door opened, and every thought flew out of her head. He stood before her with nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist. The sight of his long, leanly muscled body made her throat run dry.
He looked beyond her down the hall. “Where the hell is Kioshi? Are you seriously telling me you walked all the way over here, and by yourself? You need a damn keeper, woman!”
“Are you applying for the job?”
One side of his mouth quirked up. “Somebody has to do it. It might as well be me.”
Not exactly a declaration of undying love, but it was a start. “Good. When do we leave for Wyoming?” She marched past him into the suite. She wasn’t about to let him know but she was more than a bit sore and tired from her escape out the window and trek across the compound.
She glanced over her shoulder on the way to the couch. “To your clan. We’re going to live there, aren’t we?” Did he want to go somewhere else instead? She couldn’t imagine him wanting to live away from his clan.
Davis’ phone buzzed, and he glanced down at it in his hand. He sighed. “Hold that thought. It’s Kioshi. I want to know what the hell he was thinking.”
“Don’t be hard on him. I snuck out.”
He glared at her while he answered the phone. Kioshi spoke rapidly, informing him she was missing. “She’s here.” She heard Kioshi apologize profusely. “I can hardly blame you since she’s done the same to me.”
She winced as he disconnected the call.
“We really need to have a long discussion about this tendency you have to slip away from those trying to protect you.”
Davis sighed and sat on the table in front of her and took her hands in his. He gently rubbed his thumbs over the tops of her hands. “We’re not going to Wyoming. Although it pleases me to no end that you were willing to go.”
“I don’t understand. Where are we going?”
“Nowhere. We’re staying here. Your clan needs you, and truth to be told it needs me, too. The security here gives me a migraine.”
“You want to live here and be in charge of security?”
“Once you’re elected to rule the clan, I figure I’m a shoe in for the job.”
Tears blinded her. “You’re assuming an awful lot.”
“You don’t think I’d be good at the job?”
She wiped the tears off her cheek. “I meant that I would win the vote. You would be wonderful in the position.”
He cupped her cheek and wiped the tears with his thumb. “You’re the only one for the job. Why are you crying?”
“Because I’m happy.”
He chuckled. “I’m never going to understand women.”
“You only need to understand one.”
He grinned. “You’re right, and that is a full-time job.”
She gave him a watery smile. “I was afraid you were leaving without me.”
His grin faded, and he swallowed hard. “I thought it was the right thing to do, but a friend helped me to realize you’re my home. You’re my mate. I love you.”
She leaned forward to throw her arms around his neck. “I love you so much.”
His arms slid around her and gently squeezed, careful to avoid her injuries still healing. “As soon as you’re well enough I want us to bond.”
“I’m well enough right now.”
He chuckled and pulled back slightly to kiss her softly, tenderly on the lips. “No, you’re not. I can see you’re in pain even though you’re trying to hide it. Believe me I’m eager to make love to you and seal our bond, but the last thing I want is to cause you any more pain.”
Biting her lip, she had to admit he was right. There was nothing in the world she wanted more than to bond with this man, but she didn’t want to mar the special occasion because of her injuries. Thank goodness she healed fast.