The strident sound of cheering overwhelmed Bethany as she gazed out over her clan gathered once again in the square—only this time they were welcoming her as their new ruler. The vote had been held, and she had won by a landslide. Aaron had left in the middle of the night, taking some family heirlooms from Elsof’s, now her, office with him.
Davis had been right, Aaron’s claims his father had been intended to succeed their grandfather had been a lie. Her father was the one who had been named. Kioshi had found Elsof’s journals in Aaron’s flat. She tried not to think too hard about the breaking and entering he had done to find them. She had confronted Aaron with the truth but had refrained from airing it to the clan. In the end it hadn’t mattered. The clan had chosen her without the knowledge.
She had expected Aaron to cause trouble, but perhaps he had seen the futility in continuing to claim rule over the clan. Davis was keeping tabs on him to be safe. He had fled to the Canary Islands. That was fine with her. As long as he posed no threat to her clan, he could live out his life in peace. Preferably far away from her and those she loved.
Members of Davis’ clan had arrived this morning to show their support and welcome her to the family. Malcolm and his mate, Elsie, had surprised her the most. Elsie was beautiful. She had expected no less, but she hadn’t anticipated the comradery between her and her clan or the ease with which she blended in with the Risharden as a whole. It boded well for their race on many levels if a human could not only adapt but be welcomed. Finding one’s mate may have become an easier endeavor with their example leading the way. Malcolm appeared a different man than the one she remembered. A lightness surrounded him which hadn’t been there before. It appeared as if his mate had freed him from some heavy burdens. Ashley was as stunningly beautiful as she remembered in an emerald green form fitting dress—with her wild mane of hair cascading down her back. She, Kate, and Celeste had instantly hit it off. She feared her friends might be making plans to visit the North American clan to look for mates. Ashley’s brother, Greer, stoically glared at everyone. Davis had been shocked by his friends’ arrival, and she knew deeply touched.
Aki, the leader of the Asian clan, had arrived with a small entourage of guards as well to witness the ceremony and welcome her as a new member to the council. Kioshi would be returning with him to his own clan. She would miss his presence. She knew Davis would be consulting him in the future as he revamped the security on the compound. The two of them had already had many animated discussions over the colossal task at hand.
The leader of the South American clan had sent a simple email with a single word, “Congratulations.”
Bethany glanced at her mate by her side. Happiness welled inside her. He gazed back at her with a grin. They were bonded. He could feel the happiness pouring from her as she could feel how proud he was of her. It was incredible. Tears clogged her throat and welled up in her eyes, simply thinking about how much they loved one another.
Yet, she still had a secret to share with him. She planned to tell him tonight, was a bit surprised he hadn’t figured it out already because of the bond they shared.
She was pregnant with their child—a new hope for their clan and race growing inside her. A child with ties to two of the four clans and the physical embodiment of their love for one another.
Her prayers for an end to the distrust between the clans and the start of a peaceful coexistence had been answered. An era of change and promise had begun.