THE RESEARCH FOR this book was made possible by a three year Linkage Project grant from the Australian Research Council. We would also like to sincerely thank our Linkage Project partners, the National Library of Australia (NLA) and the Walkley Foundation, for their invaluable help and support. Our special thanks go to Margy Burn, Shelly Grant, Kevin Bradley and Rhys Kay at the NLA, and to Louisa Graham and Lauren Dixon at the Walkley Foundation. We are also grateful to the Arts Faculty at the University of Melbourne for providing a publication subsidy grant, which enabled us to purchase copyright images used in this book. The project was originally housed at the Centre for Advancing Journalism, which provided project-management support, and then at the School of Social and Political Sciences, the University of Melbourne. The School of Media, Film and Journalism and the Faculty of Arts at Monash University have also provided immense assistance. We would like to thank our friends and colleagues at the University of Melbourne and Monash University for their advice and generosity. Particular thanks to Deb Anderson, Stephanie Brookes, Phil Chubb and Mia Lindgren. And, at MUP, to Sally Heath, Cathy Smith and Lucy Davison.
Michael Gawenda was the catalyst for this project and encouraged us throughout. Kate Darian-Smith was a project investigator whose input was varied and included conducting interviews, contributing ideas and suggestions, and project-management assistance. We also had a wonderful team of research assistants who helped with many different aspects of the project and this book. We are extremely grateful for the incredible work of Nikki Henningham, Kaye Quek, Amanda McKittrick, Maria Rae and Kate Farhall. Mariaa Randall provided advice and information about the Koori Mail and about Indigenous history and newspapers. Our thanks also go to our steering committee members for their advice and support: Margy Burn, Naomi Cass, Kate Darian-Smith, Lauren Dixon, Kate Evans, Louisa Graham, Shelly Grant, Stuart Macintyre, Chris McAuliffe and Margaret Simons. Thank you also to Gavan McCarthy and Ailie Smith at the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre.
We wish to gratefully acknowledge the assistance provided by Newspix and Fairfax Syndication, as well as other newspaper agencies, the National Library, state libraries and individual photographers who supplied us with images.
We would like to express our gratitude to Bruce Howard, who acted as a special adviser on this project and contributed greatly of his time and expertise, including reading drafts and supplying additional information. Clive Mackinnon and Terry Phelan also read draft chapters and provided much appreciated information about the historical and technological aspects of press photography. Frances Dyke, Catherine Merchant and Neville Waller generously advised us. The usual disclaimer applies: we alone are responsible for any errors or omissions in the final book.
Several photographers very generously gave their time to talk to a public audience with us and shared their knowledge and experiences at conferences and other public events; thank you to Kate Geraghty, Justin McManus, Andrew Meares, Julie Millowick, Simon O’Dwyer, Jason South and the State Library of Victoria.
Finally, we wish especially to thank the photographers who generously gave their time to tell their stories, reflect on their experiences or send us information. This book would not have been possible without their candour, insight and kindness. It was a privilege to hear their life stories. Our sincere thanks to Tony Ashby, Barry Baker, Keith Barlow, Barat Ali Batoor, Mervyn Bishop, Ray Blackburn, Craig Borrow, Mike Bowers, Nigel Brennan, Lloyd Brown, Peter Bull, Verity Chambers, Andrew Chapman, Bryan Charlton, Lukas Coch, David Dare Parker, Stephen Dupont, Julia Featherstone, Kate Geraghty, Yvette Grady, Lorrie Graham, Stephen Grove, Leigh Henningham, Phil Hillyard, Bruce Howard, Clive Hyde, John Ibbs, Julian Kingma, John Lamb, Dennis Lingane, Bill McAuley, Clive Mackinnon, Justin McManus, Peter McNamara, Russell McPhedran, Guy Magowan, Andrew Meares, Lyndon Mechielsen, Karleen Minney, Nick Moir, Barry Norman, Renee Nowytarger, Colleen Petch, Terry Phelan, Alan Porritt, Bruce Postle, Gary Ramage, Ray Sizer, Jason South, Penny Stephens, Rick Stevens, Graham Tidy, Darren Tindale, Jay Town, Neville Waller, Grant Wells, Susan Windmiller, Angela Wylie and several who wished to remain anonymous.
Our apologies to the many photographers we were unable to interview or were not able to interview in time for this book. More publications and resources from this project will be forthcoming.
Throughout this book, any quotes that appear without a citation are from interviews conducted by the authors for the National Library of Australia (see ‘References’). Several of our interviewees did not want to be identified, so to protect their identities, quotations from their interviews are provided in the text with no endnote or bibliographic reference. Captions for the photographs reflect information provided by the publishers and from our own sources. More information was available for some photographs than for others. While every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright and to ensure correct attribution of photographers’ work, the authors and publisher will be happy to rectify any errors or omissions in further editions.