Author’s Note

While doing research for this book, I came across the interesting historical fact that at a point in Napoleon’s distinguished military career he was briefly imprisoned under suspicion of treason (August 9–20, 1794). Though promptly released, he fell out of favor with the then-ruling French regime. (His name was removed from the list of active army officers on September 15, 1795, and he did not return to government favor until he assisted in quashing an uprising of French moderates and royalists on October 5, 1795.)

This fact set my mind spinning. I wondered if someone who had met this twenty-six-year-old, down-on-his-heels French officer would ever have ventured that he’d soon seize power in France, later crown himself emperor, and then attempt to dominate Europe? What if that same someone had exposed a cherished secret to the young man, never guessing that Napoleon might soon become his greatest enemy? These musings led me to the idea for Evelyn Amherst’s legacy from her father, and my story began to take shape. The wonder of fiction for me is all the more interesting if interlaced with fact. I hope you enjoyed my wild imaginings in bringing Evelyn’s and Justin’s story to life.