Mike Pfeiffer Mike Pfeiffer is a 20-year tech industry veteran who’s worked for some of the largest technology companies in the world, including Microsoft and Amazon Web Services (AWS). He’s the founder and chief technologist at CloudSkills.io, a cloud consulting and training firm. Mike is an author for Pluralsight, international conference speaker, Microsoft Azure MVP, and host of the CloudSkills.fm podcast.
Derek Schauland Derek Schauland is an IT professional with 20 years’ experience. He currently specializes in cloud technologies. He spent 10 years of his career as a Microsoft MVP, first in file system storage and then in cloud and datacenter management. In addition to writing about cloud technologies, he has co-authored three other books and countless articles and blogs. Outside of the technology space, he enjoys barbecuing with family and friends.
Gurvinder Singh Gurvinder Singh is a Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect with 13 years of diversified software development experience. He has a strong programming background and hands-on experience on .NET and C#. Since the past few years, Gurvinder has been guiding large enterprises in the transformation of legacy applications into cloud-native architecture with a focus on migration to Microsoft Azure. He is extremely passionate about technology, especially with the Microsoft Azure platform (PaaS, IaaS, and Serverless).
Nicole Stevens Nicole Stevens is technical director of an independent software vendor (ISV) in the United Kingdom. Nicole has 20 years’ experience in software development, starting out as an Oracle DBA troubleshooting performance, design, and integration issues for large enterprises across EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa). Switching to an ISV start-up brought fresh challenges, with a role spanning IT pro, technical consultancy, and DevOps engineer. Nicole’s current focus is architecting cloud native solutions whilst assisting in the refactor of legacy software solutions for customers in Azure.