
6:12 a.m. I was up early and conned Mr Kim into firing up one of the web computers. He wasn't too happy about it but I'd been thinking about something all night and I had to check it. I knew the results from yesterday wouldn't be online till eight so I googled 'cool'. When I thought about it in the night, I realised I wasn't even sure what the word meant. I found a bunch of Wikis and dictionary defs but I found this answer in a chatroom and I liked it best:

'It means doing your own thing and not conforming just to make other people happy. Work out your own opinions, respect people and follow your own thing. Otherwise you're not human. You're a photocopy.'

I took a look around to see if Mr Kim was about to boot me off but he was out in the kitchen chopping stuff up. So I cracked open my blog and just started freewriting on 'cool'. Here's what I wrote:

what is cool?

ive never even thought about what cool is before. i mean why would i? cool's just ... cool. like hot but different. less intense than hot. but definitely not cold. maybe it's something to do with music? but what kind of music? and is cool sporty or not sporty? my mum told me that salvador dali this artist with a weird moustache reckoned the next big thing in fashion was whatever was out of fashion now. so maybe he thought uncool was cool. so did that mean my dad is cool? because he's so not-cool. but then his lightning farm is cool. so is it only certain uncool things that are cool?

maybe cool is on the inside. but then cat seems to think cool is all about outside stuff.

a list of stuff i think is cool:

movies, flying, creating, inventing, new york city, hokkien noodles, yellow cabs, things that move fast, adrenaline, dreaming, doing your own thing, writing my blog, jewels i spose in a kind of uncool way, the beach, cat ... but is cat really cool? why? she thinks im a loser. ive got to try 2 not like her but i cant stop thinking about her. im an idiot.

cat if you're somehow reading my blog im only kidding about liking you. you're actually a freak.

i just surfed round n found this thing on 'flow' on the web. this is what cool really is ... flow is when you're so into something you forget about time. you love it so much that time just disappears. everything else disappears. like when i'm creating stuff or working on a new idea or flying. FLOW is my idea of cool.

till whenever.
