
Áine M. Humble, PhD, CFLE


Department of Family Studies and Gerontology

Mount Saint Vincent University

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Áine Humble carries out primarily qualitative research in family studies and in gerontology. Her research interests focus on family dynamics related to family rituals and transitions, in particular the transition to marriage, and in recent years, she has studied same-sex couples and LGBT aging issues. Secondary research interests are older women and healthy aging, qualitative research methods, and computer-assisted qualitative data analysiS (CAQDAS) software programs. She has published her work in scholarly journals such as the Canadian Journal on Aging, Family Relations, Journal of Family Theory & Review, Journal of GLBT Family Studies, and the Journal of Woman & Aging. She has served on the Editorial Board for Family Relations, and she is an Editorial Assistant for Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research. Dr. Humble also provides introductory and advanced training on MAXQDA software through her consulting company, Fada Research Consulting, facilitating full-day training workshops since 2009 to academic and government audiences.

M. Elise Radina, PhD, CFLE

Professor and Chair

Department of Family Science and Social Work

Miami University

Oxford, Ohio

Elise Radina is a qualitative methodologist whose research focuses broadly on families and health. Specifically, her research primarily focuses on mid- and later-life women in family contexts (e.g., breast cancer survivorship, positive aging, breast cancer-related lymphedema). More recently she and her student research team have turned their attention to understanding the experiences of parents who are raising children with primary lymphedema. She has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles that have appeared in scholarly journals. In 2012, she co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Family Theory & Review on “Qualitative Methodology, Theory, and Research in Family Studies,” and she serves on the Journal of Family Theory & Review Editorial Board.