Many people have helped me on the road to publication, but I must express my deepest gratitude to a few of them:

My agent, Nat Sobel, and all at Sobel Weber Associates, Inc, for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime. Nat, I owe you more than I can say.

Caspian Dennis and all at Abner Stein Ltd for such excellent work.

Geoff Mulligan, Briony Everroad and all at Harvill Secker for their skill, professionalism and tolerance of my daft questions.

Laura Hruska at Soho Press for taking a chance in uncertain times.

Betsy Dornbusch, without whose belief, encouragement and friendship this book would never have been written.

Shona Snowden for her sharp eye and excellent critiques.

Josephine Damian for her enthusiasm and support.

Juliet Grames for her wisdom and advice.

My PR, Hilary Knight, for spreading the word.

Declan Burke and Gerard Brennan for championing the cause.

The online writing community for, in varying proportions, its friendship, support and advice. There are far too many people to list here, but just a few are: Adrian McKinty, Chris F Holm, Cindy Pon, Ellen Oh, Jeremy Duns, JJ De Benedictis, Moonrat and Nathan Bransford. A special mention must go to the redoubtable Miss Snark, wherever she may be, for beating us writers with the clue-stick so many times that some of us took heed and actually made it over the transom.

My friends and family for . . . well, you know.