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Abbaye de Belloc, 452

aged Tuscan pecorino, Carlo’s farro salad with, 106

aïllade, pistachio, grilled asparagus with, 98–100

aïoli, 289–90

air-dried beef, 81

with butter lettuce and coriander vinaigrette, 92–93

with fromage blanc and greens, 94–95

and Fuyu persimmons with extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, 93–94

ale, Chimay, short ribs braised in, 383–85

all-purpose rabbit cure, 413–14


apricot crostata with, 497–98

blanched, prosciutto and White Rose nectarines with, 84–85

green, about, 84, 85

toasted, panna cotta with saba, 500


farro and tomato salad with basil and, 105–6

fresh, in piccolo fritto, 110

mayonnaise, 288

onion tart with saffron, tomato, olives and, 119

salted, 514–15

vinaigrette, shredded radicchio with bread crumbs, sieved egg and, 150–51

Zuni salt-cured, 72–73

antipasto of salami, Idiazabal, and celery-walnut-dried fig relish with grappa, 89–90

appetizers, 71–134

Appleby’s Double Gloucester, 450


charlotte, savory roasted, 260, 261

crostata with Zante grapes, 495–96

onion tart with bacon and, 120

tart, open-faced, 489–90

applesauce, roasted, 260


crostata with almonds, 497–98

tart, 490–91

Arbulo, Pepette, 21–22, 25, 36, 54, 72–73, 279, 437, 440

Artavaggio, 451


baked, with onions, lemons, black olives, and mint, 256–57

caponata, 103–5

choosing, 103

grilled, 244–45

hearts, crispy, carpaccio with Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 132


New Year’s Eve gougères with bacon, Carol’s pickled onions and, 116–17

salad with cucumbers, radishes, cracker bread, feta, and mint, 149–50

salad with raw sweet corn and Sweet 100 tomatoes, 148–49

Asher, Gerald, 52


grilled, with pistachio aïllade, 98–100

pencil, onions, and nasturtiums, piccolo fritto, 113

pencil-thin, in piccolo fritto, 109

raw, lamb’s lettuce with pistachios, Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 145

and rice soup with pancetta and black pepper, 166–67

white, raw, and porcini mushrooms with hazelnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and white truffle oil, 96–98

avocado, butter lettuce with oranges, shallot vinaigrette and, 143–44


braised, pasta with roasted tomato sauce and, 205–8

and chicken livers, rosemary-grilled, with balsamic-onion marmalade toasts, 127–29

New Year’s Eve gougères with arugula, Carol’s pickled onions and, 116–17

onion tart with apples and, 120

and potato omelette, Madeleine’s, 178

salmon cooked with flageolets, red wine and, 324–26

bagna cauda, chopped lemon, 308–9

bain-maries, 50

baked artichokes with onions, lemons, black olives, and mint, 256–57

balsamic vinegar:

air-dried beef and Fuyu persimmons with extra-virgin olive oil and, 93–94

Bosc pears with fennel, fresh walnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 107

crostini with charred Sweet 100 tomatoes and, 123

mayonnaise, rich, 289

onion frittata with, 180–81

-onion marmalade toasts, rosemary-grilled chicken livers and bacon with, 127–29

strawberry sorbet, 467

Banon, 451


dried, 263–65

fagioli all’uccelletto, 265–67

fresh shelling, 262–63

purée, crostini with sardines in chimichurri and, 124

romano, long-cooked, 250–51

shelling, smashed, crostini with giblet-mushroom sauce, greens and, 123

white, and skirt steak or hanger steak sandwich, 370

white, monkfish braised with fennel, tomato and, 326–28

beans, sea, sand dabs with shallots, sherry vinegar and, 317–19

Beaufort cheese, 449

Madeleine’s omelette with mustard croûtons and, 174–78


brasato, 373–77

broth with marrow croûtons and a truffled egg, 160–61

carpaccio and four ways to serve it, 129–34

hamburger, Zuni, 366–68

hanger steak, 368–70

and white bean sandwich, 370

and onion gratin with tomatoes, 389–91

oxtail braised in red wine, 377–82

in pot-au-feu, 385–88

in sauce, 214

short ribs, 383–85

skirt steak, 368–70

stock, 63–65

tripe, 186–88

beef, air-dried, 81

with butter lettuce and coriander vinaigrette, 92–93

with fromage blanc and greens, 94–95

and Fuyu persimmons with extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, 93–94


marinated roasted, 240–41

truffled, 240, 241

watercress salad, with walnut-mascarpone crostini and, 152–53

watercress salad with tapenade-goat cheese crostini and, 153

Belon oysters, 76


granita, 468

sorbet, 468–69

Bever, Carol, 271


cornmeal, 478–79

cornmeal-pistachio, 479

bisque, corn-shrimp, 170–72

bitter greens, roast chicken salad with peppers, pine nuts, olives and, 346–48


for granita and sorbet, 467–69

tart, double-crusted, 492–93

black olives, baked artichokes with onions, lemons, mint and, 256–57

black tea, prunes in, 278–79

blanching, 100–101

double-, tripe, 186–87

meats for pot-au-feu, 386, 388

blenders, 45

Bleu de Laqueuille, 453

blueberry tart, double-crusted, 492–93

blue cheeses, 453–54

blue point oysters, 75

boiled Dungeness crab, 314–17

boning knives, 44

Bosc pears with fennel, fresh walnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and balsamic vinegar, 107

bottarga, 183

charred eggplant with, 102–3

slow-scrambled eggs with, 182–84

bouillabaisse, chicken, 348–49


bacon, pasta with roasted tomato sauce and, 205–8

chicken with figs, honey, and vinegar, 350–52

duck with red wine, 352–54

fennel, 255

lentils in red wine, 267–68

monkfish with white beans, fennel, and tomatoes, 326–28

oxtails in red wine, 377–82

peas with onions, sage, and pancetta, 251–52

quail and sausage with grapes, 361–63

braising, mastering of, 370–73


house salt cod, 331–32

salt cod, crostini with chard in lemon oil and, 123

Brandel, Catherine, 55, 91

brandied fruit, 279–83

basic method for, 280

cherries, 280–81

red currants, 281–82

brasato, 373–77

bread, 505–7

see also cracker bread; chapons; croûtons

bread crumb(s):

fresh, 506

fried eggs in, 178–79

salsa, toasted, 297–98

shredded radicchio with anchovy vinaigrette, sieved egg and, 150–51

bread knives, 44

bread salad, Zuni roast chicken with, 342–46

bresaola, 81

see also air-dried beef

Brie, 451

Brin d’Amour, 452

brining, 36, 269, 401–3, 429

broccoli, spicy, pasta with cauliflower and, 203–5

broccoli rabe:

grilled, 247

in piccolo fritto, 109


beef, with marrow croûtons and a truffled egg, 160–61

stracciatelle in, with sorrel, 158

see also stock


aux orsins, 183

aux orties, 184

truffled, 184

browning, 382–83

bruising, 236

burners, 46

Buser, Martha, 220

butter, preserved lemon–caper, 309–10

butter lettuce:

air-dried beef with coriander vinaigrette and, 92–93

with oranges, avocado, and shallot vinaigrette, 143–44

buttermilk mashed potatoes, 233–34

Caesar salad, Zuni, 22, 24, 26, 154–56

Calcagno, Vera and Jim, 208

Calcagno, Vince, 24–26, 208

Cantal, 450

caper butter, preserved-lemon, 309–10

capers, in piccolo fritto, 109

capocollo, 81

caponata, artichoke, 103–5

carbonara, pasta alla, 210–11

Carlo’s farro salad with aged Tuscan pecorino, 106

Carol’s pickled onions, 271–72

New Year’s Eve gougères with arugula, bacon and, 116–17

carpaccio, beef, and four ways to serve it, 129–34

with celery leaf salsa verde, 132–33

with crispy artichoke hearts and Parmigiano-Reggiano, 132

with fried potatoes and truffles, 133–34

with lemon and olive oil, 130–31

salt cod, 331

carving, meat, 394

cast-iron pans, 49

Catherine’s celery root with coppa, 91–92


pasta with spicy broccoli and, 203–5

in piccolo fritto, 109

celery hearts, in piccolo fritto, 109

celery leaf salsa verde, 295

carpaccio with, 132–33

celery root, Catherine’s, with coppa, 91–92

celery-walnut-dried fig relish with grappa, antipasto of salami, Idiazabal and, 89–90

Chaource, 451

chapons, 507

garlic, mixed lettuces and greens with, 139–40

see also bread


fries, 248–49

with lemon oil, 248

in lemon oil, crostini with salt cod brandade and, 123

and onion panade with fontina, 227–30

charlotte, savory roasted apple, 260, 261


about service at Zuni, 27

aged Tuscan pecorino, Carlo’s farro salad with, 106

Beaufort, Madeleine’s omelette with mustard croûtons and, 174–78

blue, 453–54

choosing and storing of, 447

course, 445–54

cow’s milk, 449–51

feta, arugula salad with cucumbers, radishes, cracker bread, mint and, 149–50

fontina, chard and onion panade with, 227–30

fromage blanc, air-dried beef with greens and, 94–95

goat, 452–53

goat, -tapenade crostini, watercress salad with beets and, 153

Idiazabal, antipasto of salami, celery-walnut-dried fig relish with grappa and, 89–90

Manchego, salami with raw favas, mint and, 87–88

Parmigiano-Reggiano, see Parmigiano-Reggiano

sage grilled, 115–16

sheep’s milk, 452

warm Saint-Marcellin, mixed lettuces with roasted cherries, hazelnuts and, 142–43

wine and, 448–49

see also specific cheeses

chef’s knives, 44, 46


brandied, 280–81

roasted, mixed lettuces with hazelnuts, warm Saint-Marcellin and, 142–43

sweet, double-crusted tart, 493

sweet, lattice-topped tart, 493

chestnuts in sage oil, prosciutto with, 85–86

Chez Panisse, 20–21, 22


bouillabaisse, 348–49

braised with figs, honey, and vinegar, 350–52

breasts, brine for curing, 402

livers and bacon, rosemary-grilled, with balsamic-onion marmalade toasts, 127–29

roast, salad, with peppers, pine nuts, olives, and bitter greens, 346–48

roast, Zuni, with bread salad, 25, 342–46

stock, Zuni, 58–60


in piccolo fritto, 110

squid, and Sweet 100 tomatoes, piccolo fritto, 114

Chimay ale, short ribs braised in, 383–85


Connie and Maryanna’s, 298–99

sardines in, crostini with bean purée and, 123

chocolate pots de crème, 499

chop, pork, house-cured, 400–403

chopped lemon bagna cauda, 308–9

chowder, house salt cod, with fennel, saffron, onions, and cracker bread, 333–34

Cioni, Carlo, 106

citrus, 507–8

risotto, 196–97

zests, 507–8

see also specific citrus

citrus zesters, 44

cod, salt, see salt cod

compound stocks, 55–56, 61–70

conchaphila oysters, 76

confit, duck, 429–36

confits, gésiers, 434–36

Connie and Maryanna’s chimichurri, 298–99

Cookenboo, Julie, 499

cooking vessels, 48–50

coppa, 81

with Catherine’s celery root, 91–92

and warm parslied potato salad with roasted peppers, 90–91


arugula salad with Sweet 100 tomatoes and, 148–49

creamed, 253–54

fresh, polenta with, 191

pasta with pancetta, butter, sage and, 201–3

scraping, basic technique for, 254

-shrimp bisque, 170–72

-stuffed squash blossoms and mozzarella and Sweet 100 tomatoes, piccolo fritto, 113

cornmeal biscotti, 478–79

coulis, tomato, 287–88

Coulommiers, 451

cow’s milk cheeses, 449–51

crab, boiled Dungeness, 314–17

cracker bread:

arugula salad with cucumbers, radishes, feta, mint and, 149–50

house salt cod chowder with fennel, saffron, onions and, 333–34

cranberries and prunes in tea, 279

Crassostrea oysters, 75–76

creamed corn, 253–54

crème fraîche, mock and “real,” 286–87

portobello mushrooms with extra-virgin olive oil, mint, lemon and, 95–96

crostata(s), fruit, 494–98

apple, with Zante grapes, 495–96

apricot, with almonds, 497–98

basic method for, 494–95

Italian or French prune-plum, 498

peach, 498

crostini, 121–26

about, 121–22

with bean purée and sardines in chimichurri, 123

with charred Sweet 100 tomatoes and balsamic vinegar, 123

with egg salad, rosemary-pickled peppers, and smoked prosciutto, 125

with fava-egg salad and smoked trout, 125

with grilled foie gras and a few favorite garnishes, 125–26

with rabbit rillettes, 418

with salt cod brandade and chard in lemon oil, 123

with smashed shelling beans, giblet-mushroom sauce, and greens, 123

tapenade-goat cheese, 153

walnut-mascarpone, watercress salad with beets and, 152–53

Crottin de Chavignol, 452

croûtons, 507

marrow, beef broth with a truffled egg and, 160–61

mustard, Madeleine’s omelette with Beaufort cheese and, 174–78

see also bread

crumbly hazelnut picada, 305–6

cucumbers, arugula salad with radishes, cracker bread, feta, mint and, 149–50

cumin, sweet red pepper-lentil soup with black pepper and, 167–68

Cunningham, Marion, 22

cured anchovies, Zuni salt-, 72

cured meats, 79–95

about, 79–81

wine and, 81

see also air-dried beef; coppa; pancetta; prosciutto; salami; smoked prosciutto

curing, 35–39, 366, 400, 421, 429


-orange scones, 479–80

red, brandied, 281–82

Cypress Grove Humboldt Fog, 452–53

Da Delfina, 106


and mandarines with mascarpone, pomegranates, and pistachios, 457–59

roasted guinea hen with bay leaves, Madeira and, 355–57

David, Elizabeth, 21, 24, 221, 403

Délorme, André, 502

Descat, Georgette, 35–36, 439

desserts, pastry, 455–504

wine and, 456

double boilers, 49–50


basic rich tart, 480–86

“rough puff” pastry, 484–86

“with a little flake,” 483–84

dough cutters, 45

drunken raisins, 282


braised with red wine and prunes, 352–54

breasts, brine for curing, 403

confit, 429–36

fat, 431

stock, 67–68

see also foie gras

Dungeness crab, boiled, 314–17

edulis oysters, 76


charred, with bottarga, 102–3

grilled, 241–43

eggs, 173–88, 508

baked in restes, 184–85

choosing, 174

cooked in spicy tripe stew, 186–88

deep-fried, radicchio, onions, and portobello mushrooms with, piccolo fritto, 113

-fava salad, crostini with smoked trout and, 125

fried, in bread crumbs, 178–79

fried or poached, boiled kale with, 163

frittata and elaborations, 180–82

gribiche, four-minute, 291

hard-cooked, 508

Madeleine’s omelette with mustard croûtons and Beaufort cheese, 174–78

Madeleine’s potato and bacon omelette, 178

in piccolo fritto, 110

poached, onion soup with tomato and a, 159–60

salad, crostini with rosemary-pickled peppers, smoked prosciutto and, 125

sieved, shredded radicchio with anchovy vinaigrette, bread crumbs and, 150–51

slow-scrambled, with bottarga, and variations, 182–84

truffled, beef broth with marrow croûtons and a, 160–61

electric burners, 46

electric ovens, 47

endive and Fuyu persimmon salad with pecans, 153–54

Epoisses, 451

escarole, wilted, 249–50

espresso granita with whipped cream, 474

esquiexada, 330

essence, shellfish, 172

extra-virgin olive oil, see olive oil

fagioli all’uccelletto, 265–67

farinata, kale, 163

Farmer’s Cheese, 452


salad, Carlo’s, with aged Tuscan pecorino, 106

soup, turning farrotto into, 200–201

and tomato salad with basil and anchovies, 105–6

farrotto, with dried porcini, 199–200

turning into farro soup, 200–201


-egg salad, crostini with smoked trout and, 125

raw, salami with mint, Manchego cheese and, 87–88

fennel, 107

Bosc pears with fresh walnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano, balsamic vinegar and, 107

braised, 255

house salt cod chowder with saffron, onions, cracker bread and, 333–34

monkfish braised with white beans, tomato and, 326–28

onions, and Zante grapes, piccolo fritto, 114

in piccolo fritto, 109

smoked prosciutto with spiced Zante grapes and, 87

feta, arugula salad with cucumbers, radishes, cracker bread, mint and, 149–50


frittata with tomato sauce and, 181–82

with wild mushrooms and peas, Zuni, 217–19


chicken braised with honey, vinegar and, 350–52

dried, in red wine, 282

fresh, in piccolo fritto, 109

fried, with whipped cream, raspberries, and honey, 459–60

warm roasted, prosciutto with hazelnut picada and, 83

fingerling potatoes, roasted, 236–37


cleaning of, 321–22

fumet, 68–70

salting in advance, 37

see also specific fish

flageolets, salmon cooked with bacon, red wine and, 324–26

Fleur du Maquis, 452

fleur du sel, 39

foie gras:

en terrine, 436–39

grilled, crostini with a few favorite garnishes and, 125–26

pearà sauce, 312

fontina, chard and onion panade with, 227–30

food processors, 45

Fougérus, 451

Fourme d’Ambert, 453

Fourme de Montbrison, 453

French prune-plum crostata, 498


figs with whipped cream, raspberries, and honey, 459–60

potatoes, carpaccio with truffles and, 133–34

fried eggs:

boiled kale with, 163

in bread crumbs, 178–79

fries, chard, 248–49

frittata, and elaborations, 180–82

with fideus and tomato sauce, 181–82

onion, with balsamic, 180–81

fromage blanc, 452

air-dried beef with greens and, 94–95


brandied, 279–83

crostatas, 494–98

granita and sorbet, 460–74

summer, shortcake with, 475–77

tarts, 486–93

see also specific fruits


fish, 68–70

shellfish, 172

Fuyu persimmon(s):

and air-dried beef with extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, 93–94

and endive salad with pecans, 153–54

garbure landaise, la, 169–70

garlic, 508–10

chapons, mixed lettuces and greens with, 139–40

leg of lamb with rosemary and, 399

Garrotxa, 453

gas burners, 46

gas ovens, 47

Geoffray, Yvonne, 52

gésiers confits, 434–36

giblet-mushroom sauce:

crostini with smashed shelling beans, greens and, 123

pasta with, 214–17

gigas oysters, 75, 77

glasswort, 317

pickled, 274–75

sand dabs with shallots, sea beans, and sherry vinegar, 317–19


spinach ricotta, 226

Zuni ricotta, 221–26

goat cheese(s), 452–53

-tapenade crostini, watercress salad with beets and, 153

gougères, New Year’s Eve, with arugula, bacon, and Carol’s pickled onions, 116–17

graisserons, 440–42


basic method for, 462–63

berry, 468

espresso, with whipped cream, 474

honeydew melon, 473

lemon, 471

strawberry, 466–67

watermelon, 473

grapes, quail and sausage braised with, 361–63

grapes, Zante:

apple crostata with, 495–96

fresh, in piccolo fritto, 109

onions, and fennel, piccolo fritto, 114

spiced, 276–77

spiced, smoked prosciutto with fennel and, 87

grappa, celery-walnut-dried fig relish with, antipasto of salami, Idiazabal and, 89–90


beef and onion, with tomatoes, 389–91

sage and onion polenta, 192–93

green olive-lemon relish, 301–2


air-dried beef with fromage blanc and, 94–95

bitter, roast chicken salad with peppers, pine nuts, olives and, 346–48

choosing and washing of, 137

crostini with smashed shelling beans, giblet-mushroom sauce and, 123

and lettuces, mixed, with garlic chapons, 139–40

types of, 136–37

gremolata, melting marrow, 296

gribiche, four-minute egg, 291


artichokes, 244–45

asparagus with pistachio aïllade, 98–100

broccoli rabe, 247

cheese, sage, 115–16

eggplant, 241–43

foie gras, crostini with a few favorite garnishes and, 125–26

quail, 359–61

quail, marinated, 359, 361

radicchio, 246–47

sausages, 424, 428

skirt or hanger steak, 368

squab, 364

summer squash, 243–44

zucchini, 243–44

grills, 46–47

Gruyère, 449

guinea hen:

breast “saltimbocca,” 357–59

roasted, with bay leaves, Madeira, and dates, 355–57

stock, 67–68

gypsy peppers, rosemary-pickled, 273–74

hamburger, Zuni, 366–68

hanger steak, 20, 368–70

and white bean sandwich, 370

hard-cooked eggs, 508

see also eggs

hash, polenta, 193

hashed sweet potatoes, 239–40


mixed lettuces with mandarins, hazelnut vinaigrette and, 140–41

mixed lettuces with roasted cherries, warm Saint-Marcellin and, 142–43

picada, crumbly, 305–6

picada, prosciutto with warm roasted figs and, 83

raw white asparagus and porcini mushrooms with Parmigiano-Reggiano, white truffle oil and, 96–98

vinaigrette, mixed lettuces with mandarins, hazelnuts and, 140–41

heat sources, 46–48

herbs, fresh, guidelines for preparing and chopping, 292


chicken braised with figs, vinegar and, 350–52

fried figs with whipped cream, raspberries and, 459–60

rosemary, oranges with, 456–57

honeydew melon:

granita, 473

for granita and sorbet, 472–73

house-cured pork chop and tenderloin, 400–403

house salt cod, 328–31

brandade, 331–32

chowder with fennel, saffron, onions, and cracker bread, 333–34

in piccolo fritto, 110

Hy-Ku Baba, 453

Idiazabal, antipasto of salami, celery-walnut-dried fig relish with grappa and, 89–90

ingredients, choosing, 31–35

iodized salt, 39

Italian prune-plum crostata, 498

Juniper Grove Tumalo Tomme, 453


boiled, on toast, 162–63

boiled, with eggs, fried or poached, 163

farinata, 163

pappa, 163

Kennedy, Diana, 24

Kerr, Kelsie, 297

kitchen tools, 42–46

knives, 42–44

boning, 44

bread, 44

chef’s, 44, 46

paring, 43

kosher salt, 39

Kumamoto oysters, 75–76

la garbure landaise, 169–70


corkscrewing of, 395–96

leg of, with lavender, 399–400

leg of, with mustard, 399

leg of, with rosemary and garlic, 399

roast leg of, 394–400

spring, roasting of, 398–99

stock, 65–66

lamb’s lettuce with raw asparagus, pistachios, and Parmigiano-Reggiano, 145

L’Ami du Chambertin, 451

Langres, 451

lattice-topped sweet cherry tart, 493

lavender, leg of lamb with, 399–400

leafy salads, 135–56

L’Edel de Cléron, 450–51

leeks, sea bass with potatoes, thyme and, 322–24

leg of lamb, see lamb

lemon oil, fried

chard in, crostini with salt cod brandade and, 123

chard with, 248


bagna cauda, chopped, 308–9

baked artichokes with onions, black olives, mint and, 256–57

carpaccio with olive oil and, 130–31

granita, 471

for granita and sorbet, 470–72

-green olive relish, 301–2

-infused olive oil, homemade, 285

mayonnaise, 288

portobello mushrooms with extra-virgin olive oil, mint, mock crème fraîche and, 95–96

preserved, 275–76

preserved, -caper butter, 309–10

sorbet, 471–72

lemon slices, fried:

in piccolo fritto, 108

radicchio, and onions, piccolo fritto, 112

sand dab with onions, fresh sage and, piccolo fritto, 114


braised in red wine, 267–68

-sweet red pepper soup with cumin and black pepper, 167–68

Les Frères Troisgros, 17–20, 366, 502

l’Estanquet, 21–22

L’Etivaz, 449


butter, air-dried beef with coriander vinaigrette and, 92–93

butter, with oranges, avocado, and shallot vinaigrette, 143–44

and greens, mixed, with garlic chapons, 139–40

lamb’s, with raw asparagus, pistachios, and Parmigiano-Reggiano, 145

mixed, with mandarins, hazelnuts, and hazelnut vinaigrette, 140–41

mixed, with roasted cherries, hazelnuts, and warm Saint-Marcellin, 142–43

limequats, preserved, 275–76

Livarot, 450

livers, chicken, and bacon, rosemary-grilled, with balsamic-onion marmalade toasts, 127–29

long-cooked romano beans, 250–51

Los Reyes, 449

Lous Landès, 35

McBride, Marsha, 26

Madeira, roasted guinea hen with bay leaves, dates and, 355–57


omelette with mustard croûtons and Beaufort cheese, 174–78

potato and bacon omelette, 178

Manchego cheese, 452

salami with raw favas, mint and, 87–88


and dates with mascarpone, pomegranates, and pistachios, 457–59

mixed lettuces with hazelnuts, hazelnut vinaigrette and, 140–41

mandolines, 44–45

marinade, salmorigno as a, 299–300


grilled quail, 359, 361

roasted beets, 240–41

marinating, 35–38, 413–14

marmalade toasts, onion-balsamic, rosemary-grilled chicken livers and bacon with, 127–29

Maroilles, 450


croûtons, beef broth with a truffled egg and, 160–61

gremolata, melting, 296

Marsala, rabbit with prune-plums and, 414–16

Martha’s spätzle, 220–21


mandarins and dates with pomegranates, pistachios and, 457–59

-walnut crostini, watercress salad with beets and, 152–53

mashed potatoes, buttermilk, 233–34

Matos’ Saint George, 450


anchovy, 288

lemon, 288

how to rescue, 290

rich balsamic, 289

measuring, 40–42, 50–51


braising, 370–73

browning, 382–83

carving, 394

cured, see cured meats

roasting, 391–94

salting early, 35–38

tying up, 406–7

meat pounders, 46

meat thermometers, 50–51


honeydew, for granita and sorbet, 472–73

honeydew, granita, 473

and prosciutto in Sambuca, 82

watermelon, choosing, 473

watermelon, granita, 473

melting marrow gremolata, 296

mignonette, sauce, 79

Miller, Mark, 21

Mimolette, 450


arugula salad with cucumbers, radishes, cracker bread, feta and, 149–50

baked artichokes with onions, lemons, black olives and, 256–57

portobello mushrooms with extra-virgin olive oil, lemon, mock crème fraîche and, 95–96

salami with raw favas, Manchego cheese and, 87–88

whole sea bream roasted on onions with tomatoes, parsley and, 319–21

minutina salad with vegetable confetti and coriander vinaigrette, 146–47

miroton, 389–91

mock crème fraîche, 286–87

portobello mushrooms with extra-virgin olive oil, mint, lemon and, 95–96

mock porchetta, 407–10

monkfish braised with white beans, fennel, and tomato, 326–28

Montbriac, 454

Montgomery’s Cheddar, 450

Morbier, 449

mortar and pestle, 45–46

Moullé, Jean-Pierre, 21

Mountain Gorgonzola, 453

mozzarella and corn-stuffed squash blossoms and Sweet 100 tomatoes, piccolo fritto, 113

Munster, 450

Munster-Gérômé, 450

Muscat wine, peaches in, 501–2

mushroom-giblet sauce:

crostini with smashed shelling beans, greens and, 123

pasta with, 214–17


cleaning and choosing, 516–17

farrotto with dried porcini, 199–200

in piccolo fritto, 108, 109

porcini and raw white asparagus with hazelnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and white truffle oil, 96–98

porcini pearà sauce, 311–12

portobello, radicchio, and onions with a deep-fried egg, piccolo fritto, 113

portobello, with extra-virgin olive oil, mint, lemon, and mock crème fraîche, 95–96

mushrooms, wild:

cleaning and choosing, 516–17

risotto with wild rice, squash and, 197–99

Zuni fideus with peas and, 217–19


croûtons, Madeleine’s omelette with Beaufort cheese and, 174–78

leg of lamb with, 399

nasturtiums, in piccolo fritto, 109


sorbet, 470

White Rose, and prosciutto with blanched almonds, 84–85

“New American Cooking,” 22

New Year’s Eve gougères with arugula, bacon, and Carol’s pickled onions, 116–17

Nguyen, Quang, 129, 513

nonstick pans, 49

nouvelle cuisine, 17, 23

nuts, 510

see also specific nuts

olive oil:

carpaccio with lemon and, 130–31

extra-virgin, air-dried beef and Fuyu persimmons with balsamic vinegar and, 93–94

extra-virgin, portobello mushrooms with mint, lemon, mock crème fraîche and, 95–96

homemade lemon-infused, 285

lemon, chard in, crostini with salt cod brandade and, 123

lemon, chard with, 248

sage, prosciutto with chestnuts in, 85–86

white truffle, raw white asparagus and porcini mushrooms with hazelnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 96–98

olive(s), 510–11

black, baked artichokes with onions, lemons, mint and, 256–57

onion tart with saffron, tomato, anchovies and, 119

-orange tapenade, 304–5

roast chicken salad with peppers, pine nuts, bitter greens and, 346–48

Olney, Richard, 21

Olympia oysters, 76


cooking of, 177–78

Madeleine’s, with mustard croûtons and Beaufort cheese, 174–78

Madeleine’s potato and bacon, 178

onion(s), 511–13

baked artichokes with lemons, black olives, mint and, 256–57

-balsamic marmalade toasts, rosemary-grilled chicken livers and bacon with, 127–29

and beef gratin with tomatoes, 389–91

braised peas with sage, pancetta and, 251–52

Carol’s pickled, 271–72

Carol’s pickled, New Year’s Eve gougères with arugula, bacon and, 116–17

and chard panade with fontina, 227–30

fennel, and Zante grapes, piccolo fritto, 114

frittata with balsamic, 180–81

house salt cod chowder with fennel, saffron, cracker bread and, 333–34

panade, summer, with tomatoes, 230

panades, three: chard, sorrel and tomato, 227–30

pencil asparagus, and nasturtiums, piccolo fritto, 113

in piccolo fritto, 108

Quang’s dicing method, 513

radicchio, and lemon or orange slices, piccolo fritto, 112

radicchio, and portobello mushrooms with a deep-fried egg, piccolo fritto, 113

red, pickles, 270–71

and sage polenta, 192

and sage polenta gratin, 192–93

sand dab with lemon slices, fresh sage and, piccolo fritto, 114

and sorrel panade, 230

soup with tomato and a poached egg, 159–60

whole sea bream roasted with tomatoes, parsley, and mint on, 319–21

onion tart, savory, with 2 elaborations, 118–20

with apples and bacon, 120

with saffron, tomato, anchovies, and olives, 119

open-faced apple or pear tart, 489–90


butter lettuce with avocado, shallot vinaigrette and, 143–44

-currant scones, 479–80

-olive tapenade, 304–5

with rosemary honey, 456–57

sorbet, 472

orange slices:

in piccolo fritto, 108

radicchio, and onions, piccolo fritto, 112

Ostrea oysters, 76

ovens, 47–48

oven thermometers, 51

oxtails braised in red wine, 377–82


choosing, storing, and serving of, 74–78

sauce mignonette for, 79

see also specific oysters


chard and onion, with fontina, 227–30

panfried, 230

sorrel and onion, 230

summer onion, with tomatoes, 230


asparagus and rice soup with black pepper and, 166–67

braised peas with onions sage and, 251–52

pasta with corn, butter, sage and, 201–3

panna cotta, toasted almond, with saba, 500

pans, 48–49

pappa, kale, 163

pappa al pomodoro, 164–65

paring knives, 43

Parma prosciutto, 80

see also prosciutto

Parmigiano-Reggiano, 449

Bosc pears with fennel, fresh walnuts, balsamic vinegar and, 107

carpaccio with crispy artichoke hearts and, 132

lamb’s lettuce with raw asparagus, pistachios and, 145

raw white asparagus and porcini mushrooms with hazelnuts, white truffle oil and, 96–98


salsa verde with one other pungent herb and, 294

whole sea bream roasted on onions with tomatoes, mint and, 319–21

parslied potato salad, warm, and coppa with roasted peppers, 90–91


alla carbonara, 210–11

with braised bacon and roasted tomato sauce, 205–8

cooking of, 201

with corn, pancetta, butter, and sage, 201–3

with giblet-mushroom sauce, 214–17

with preserved tuna and pine nuts, 211–13

with sardines and tomato sauce, 208–10

with spicy broccoli and cauliflower, 203–5

Zuni fideus with wild mushrooms and peas, 217–19

pastry, “rough puff,” 484–86

pastry scrapers, 45

Patron, le, see Troisgros, Jean-Baptiste


crostata, 498

in Muscat wine, 501–2

pearà sauce, 27

foie gras, 312

porcini, 311–12


Bosc, with fennel, fresh walnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and balsamic vinegar, 107

tart, open-faced, 489–90


braised, with onions, sage, and pancetta, 251–52

sugar snap boats, 252–53

Zuni fideus with wild mushrooms and, 217–19

pecans, endive and Fuyu persimmon salad with, 153–54

pecorino, aged Tuscan, Carlo’s farro salad with, 106

pencil asparagus:

onions, and nasturtiums, piccolo fritto, 113

in piccolo fritto, 109

pepper grinders, 46


gypsy, rosemary pickled, 273–74

live-fire method, 303

oven method, 303

roast chicken salad with pine nuts, olives, bitter greens and, 346–48

rosemary-pickled, crostini with egg salad, smoked prosciutto and, 125

sweet red, -lentil soup with cumin and black pepper, 167–68

pepper(s), roasted:

coppa and warm parslied potato salad with, 90–91

relish, 302–4

spicy squid stew with red wine and, 338–39

Pérail, 451

persimmon(s), Fuyu:

and air-dried beef with extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, 93–94

and endive salad with pecans, 153–54

pestle and mortar, 45–46

pesto, sage, 307–8

Petit Basque, 452

picada, hazelnut, crumbly, 305–6

prosciutto with warm roasted figs and, 83

piccolo fritto, 108–15

about, 108–12

mozzarella and corn-stuffed squash blossoms and Sweet 100 tomatoes, 113

onions, fennel, and Zante grapes, 114

pencil asparagus, onions, and nasturtiums, 113

radicchio, onions and lemon or orange slices, 112

radicchio and portobello mushrooms with a deep-fried egg, 113

sand dab with onions, lemon slices, and fresh sage, 114

squid, chick peas, and Sweet 100 tomatoes, 114

and wine, 114–15

pickles, pickling:

glasswort, 274–75

gypsy peppers, rosemary-, 273–74

onions, Carol’s, 271–72

onions, Carol’s, New Year’s Eve gougères with arugula, bacon and, 116–17

red onion, 270–71

salting vegetables before, 37

spiced prunes, 278

spiced Zante grapes, 276–77

zucchini, 269–70

Picon, 453–54

Pierre Dorée, 449

pine nuts:

pasta with preserved tuna and, 211–13

roast chicken salad with peppers, olives, bitter greens and, 346–48


aïllade, grilled asparagus with, 98–100

-cornmeal biscotti, 479

lamb’s lettuce with raw asparagus, Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 145

mandarins and dates with mascarpone, pomegranates and, 457–59


choosing for granita and sorbet, 469–70

sorbet, 470

poached egg(s):

beef broth with marrow croûtons and a truffled egg, 160–61

boiled kale with, 163

onion soup with tomato and a, 159–60

polenta, 190–94

basic, 190–91

firm, three ways to serve, 192–93

with fresh corn, 191

gratin, sage and onion, 192–93

hash, 193

roasted, 192

sage and onion, 192

pomegranates, mandarins and dates with mascarpone, pistachios and, 457–59

Pont l’Evêque, 450

porchetta, mock, 407–10


dried, farrotto with, 199–200

fresh, in piccolo fritto, 109

pearà sauce, 311–12

and raw white asparagus with hazelnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and white truffle oil, 96–98


brine for curing, 401–2

chop, house-cured, 400–403

mock porchetta, 407–10

sausage, 424–26

standing rib roast of, 403–6

stock, rich, 61–63

tenderloin, house-cured, 400–403

see also copa; pancetta; prosciutto; salami; smoked prosciutto

portobello mushroom(s):

caps, in piccolo fritto, 108

with extra-virgin olive oil, mint, lemon, and mock crème fraîche, 95–96

radicchio, and onions with a deep-fried egg, piccolo fritto, 113

portugaise oysters, 75


and bacon omelette, Madeleine’s, 178

buttermilk mashed, 233–34

fried, carpaccio with truffles and, 133–34

roasted fingerling, 236–37

rosemary-roasted, 235–36

salad, warm parslied, and coppa with roasted peppers, 90–91

salt-roasties, 237–38

sea bass with leeks, thyme and, 322–24

potatoes, sweet, hashed, 239–40

pot-au-feu, 385–88

pots de crème, chocolate, 499

poultry, 341–64


lemon-caper butter, 309–10

lemons or limequats, 275–76

tuna, pasta with pine nuts and, 211–13


with chestnuts in sage oil, 85–86

and melon in Sambuca, 82

Parma, 80

with warm roasted figs and hazelnut picada, 83

and White Rose nectarines with blanched almonds, 84–85

prosciutto, smoked, 80

crostini with egg salad, rosemary-pickled peppers and, 125

with spiced Zante grapes and fennel, 87


crostata, Italian or French, 498

rabbit with Marsala and, 414–16

tart, 490–91


in black tea, 278–79

and cranberries in tea, 279

duck braised with red wine and, 352–54

in piccolo fritto, 109

spiced, 278

pudding, tomato summer, 258–60

purée, bean, crostini with sardines in chimichurri and, 123

Putney Tomme, 450


marinated grilled, 359, 361

roasted or grilled, 359–61

and sausage braised with grapes, 361–63

stock, 67–68

Queso Cabrales, 453–54

Queso Majorero, 453


cure, all-purpose, 413–14

cutting up, 411–13

with Marsala and prune-plums, 414–16

mixed grill, 416–18

rillettes, 442–44

sausage, 426–29

stock, 67–68


grilled, 246–47

onions, and lemon or orange slices, piccolo fritto, 112

onions, and portobello mushrooms with a deep-fried egg, piccolo fritto, 113

in piccolo fritto, 109

shredded, with anchovy vinaigrette, bread crumbs, and sieved egg, 150–51

radishes, arugula salad with cucumbers, cracker bread, feta, mint and, 149–50

raisins, drunken, 282


choosing for granita and sorbet, 467–69

fried figs with whipped cream, honey and, 459–60

raw asparagus, lamb’s lettuce with pistachios, Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 145

raw favas, salami with mint, Manchego cheese and, 87–88

raw sweet corn, arugula salad with Sweet 100 tomatoes, 148–49

raw white asparagus and porcini mushrooms with hazelnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and white truffle oil, 96–98

Reblochon, 450

red currants, brandied, 281–82

red onion pickles, 270–71

red pepper, sweet, -lentil soup with cumin and black pepper, 167–68

reduction, 56–57

red wine:

dried figs in, 282

duck braised with prunes and, 352–54

lentils braised in, 267–68

oxtails braised in, 377–82

salmon cooked with flageolets, bacon and, 324–26

spicy squid stew with roasted peppers and, 338–39


dried fig–celery-walnut, with grappa, antipasto of salami, Idiazabal and, 89–90

green olive–lemon, 301–2

roasted pepper, 302–4

restes, eggs baked in, 184–85

rib roast of pork, standing, 403–6


short, braised in Chimay ale, 383–85

short, in pot-au-feu, 385–88


and asparagus soup with pancetta and black pepper, 166–67

for risotto, 194

wild, risotto with squash, wild mushrooms and, 197–99

rich balsamic mayonnaise, 289

rich pork stock, 61–63

ricotta gnocchi:

spinach, 226

Zuni, 221–26

Riley, Kathi, 394, 414

rillettes, rabbit, 442–44


about, 194–95

citrus, 196–97

with wild rice, squash, and wild mushrooms, 197–99

roast chicken:

salad with peppers, pine nuts, olives, and bitter greens, 346–48

Zuni, with bread salad, 25, 342–46


apple charlotte, savory, 260, 261

applesauce, 260

beets, marinated, 240–41

cherries, mixed lettuces with hazelnuts, warm Saint-Marcellin and, 142–43

figs, warm, prosciutto with hazelnut picada and, 83

fingerling potatoes, 236–37

guinea hen with bay leaves, Madeira, and dates, 355–57

leg of lamb, 394–400

polenta, 192

potatoes, rosemary-, 235–36

quail, 359–61

squab, 363–64

tomato sauce, pasta with braised bacon and, 205–8

roasted pepper(s):

coppa and warm parslied potato salad with, 90–91

relish, 302–4

spicy squid stew with red wine and, 338–39

roasting, successful, 391–94

roasting methods, 303

Robiola di Mondovi, 451

Rochebaron, 454

rock salt, 39

romano beans, long-cooked, 250–51

romesco, shrimp cooked in, with wilted spinach, 334–37

Root, Waverley, 21

Roquefort, 453


-grilled chicken livers and bacon with balsamic-onion marmalade toasts, 127–29

honey, oranges with, 456–57

leg of lamb with garlic and, 399

-pickled gypsy peppers, 273–74

-pickled peppers, crostini with egg salad, smoked prosciutto and, 125

-roasted potatoes, 235–36

Roth Käse USA Gruyère, 449

“rough puff” pastry, 484–86

saba, about, 500

toasted almond panna cotta with, 500


house salt cod chowder with fennel, onions, cracker bread and, 333–34

onion tart with tomato, anchovies, olives and, 119


braised peas with onions, pancetta and, 251–52

fresh, in piccolo fritto, 109

fresh, sand dab with onions, lemon slices and, piccolo fritto, 114

grilled cheese, 115–16

and onion polenta, 192

and onion polenta gratin, 192–93

pasta with corn, pancetta, butter and, 201–3

pesto, Cynthia’s, 307–8

sage oil, prosciutto with chestnuts in, 85–86

Saint-Marcellin, 451

warm, mixed lettuces with roasted cherries, hazelnuts and, 142–43


arugula, with cucumbers, radishes, cracker bread, feta, and mint, 149–50

arugula, with raw sweet corn and Sweet 100 tomatoes, 148–49

with beets and walnut-mascarpone crostini, 152–53

bread, Zuni roast chicken with, 342–46

butter lettuce with oranges, avocado, and shallot vinaigrette, 143–44

dressing of, 137–38

egg, crostini with rosemary-pickled peppers, smoked prosciutto and, 125

endive and Fuyu persimmon with pecans, 153–54

farro, Carlo’s, with aged Tuscan pecorino, 106

farro and tomato, with basil and anchovies, 105–6

fava-egg, crostini with smoked trout and, 125

lamb’s lettuce with raw asparagus, pistachios, and Parmigiano-Reggiano, 145

leafy, 135–56

minutina, with vegetable confetti and coriander vinaigrette, 146–47

mixed lettuces and greens with garlic chapons, 139–40

mixed lettuces with mandarines, hazelnuts, and hazelnut vinaigrette, 140–41

mixed lettuces with roasted cherries, hazelnuts, and warm Saint-Marcellin, 142–43

potato, warm parslied, and coppa with roasted peppers, 90–91

roast chicken, with peppers, pine nuts, olives, and bitter greens, 346–48

shredded radicchio with anchovy vinaigrette, bread crumbs, and sieved egg, 150–51

watercress with beets and tapenade-goat cheese crostini, 153

wine and, 137–38

Zuni Caesar, 154–56

salami, 80

antipasto of Idiazabal, celery-walnut-dried fig relish with grappa and, 89–90

with raw favas, mint, and Manchego cheese, 87–88

see also soppressata

Sally Jackson’s Goat Milk Cheese Wrapped in Grape Leaves, 453

Sally Jackson’s Sheep’s Milk Cheese Wrapped in Chestnut Leaves, 452


choosing, 324

cooked with flageolets, bacon, and red wine, 324–26

salmorigano (salmoriglio), 299–300

salsa, toasted bread crumb, 297–98

salsa verde, 292–95

carpaccio with, 132–33

celery leaf, 295

with parsley and one other pungent herb, 294


early use of, 35–38

fleur du sel, 39

iodized, 39

kosher, 39

rock, 39

sea, 38–39

salt cod:

brandade, crostini with chard in lemon oil and, 123

brandade, house, 331–32

carpaccio, 331

chowder, house, with fennel, saffron, onions, and cracker bread, 333–34

house, in piccolo fritto, 110

house-cured, 328–31

salt-cured anchovies, Zuni, 72–73

salted anchovies, 514–15

“saltimbocca,” guinea hen breast, 357–59

salt-roasties, 237–38

Sambuca, prosciutto and melon in, 82

sand dab(s):

with onions, lemon slices, and fresh sage, piccolo fritto, 114

in piccolo fritto, 110

with shallots, sea beans, and sherry vinegar, 317–19


focaccia, meat from pork stock and ricotta, 63

frittata, 180

leftover porchetta, 408

leg of lamb, with grilled eggplant and roasted pepper relish, 398

sage grilled cheese, 115–16

skirt steak or hanger steak and white bean, 370


in chimichurri, crostini with bean purée and, 123

pasta with tomato sauce and, 208–10

in piccolo fritto, 110

sauces, 53–70, 283–312

chopped lemon bagna cauda, 308–9

Connie and Maryanna’s chimichurri, 298–99

foie gras pearà, 312

giblet-mushroom, crostini with smashed shelling beans, greens and, 124

giblet-mushroom, pasta with, 214–17

mignonette, 79

porcini pearà, 311–12

preserved lemon-caper butter, 309–10

roasted tomato, pasta with braised bacon and, 205–8

romesco, 334

salmorigano, 299–300

salsa verde, 292–95

toasted bread crumb salsa, 297–98

tomato coulis, 287–88

tomato, pasta with sardines and, 208–10

vinaigrette, 284–85

saucepans, 49


and charcuterie, 419–44

making of, 420–24

pork, 424–26

and quail braised with grapes, 361–63

rabbit, 426–29

sautéing, 340

sauté pans, 49

scales, 50

scallops, in piccolo fritto, 110

scones, orange-currant, 479–80

sea bass with leeks, potatoes, and thyme, 322–24

sea beans, sand dabs with shallots, sherry vinegar and, 317–19

see also glasswort

sea bream, whole, roasted on onions with tomatoes, parsley, and mint, 319–21

seafood, 313–40

choosing of, 314

sea salt, 38–39

Selles-sur-Cher, 452

Serraille, Madeleine Troisgros, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 174–75

serrano ham, Spanish, 80


sand dabs with sea beans, sherry vinegar and, 317–19

vinaigrette, butter lettuce with oranges, avocado and, 143–44

Shea, Cynthia, 307

sheep’s milk cheeses, 452

shellfish essence, 172

shellfish fumet, 172

shelling beans:

fresh, 262–63

smashed, crostini with giblet-mushroom sauce, greens and, 123

Shere, Lindsey, 21

sherry vinegar, sand dabs with shallots, sea beans and, 317–19

shortcake with summer fruit, 475–77

short ribs:

braised in Chimay ale, 383–85

in pot-au-feu, 385–88

shredded radicchio with anchovy vinaigrette, bread crumbs, and sieved egg, 150–51


choosing, 334–35

cooked in romesco with wilted spinach, 334–37

-corn bisque, 170–72

sieved egg, shredded radicchio with anchovy vinaigrette, bread crumbs and, 150–51

sikamea oysters, 75–76

skate, in piccolo fritto, 110

skirt steak, 368–70

and white bean sandwich, 370

slow-scrambled eggs with bottarga, and variations, 182–84

smelt, in piccolo fritto, 110

smoked prosciutto, 80

crostini with egg salad, rosemary-pickled peppers and, 125

with spiced Zante grapes and fennel, 87

smoked trout, crostini with fava-egg salad and, 125

sole, in piccolo fritto, 110

with shallots, sea beans, and sherry vinegar, 317–18

soppressata, 80

see also salami


about, 463–64

basic method, 464–65

berry, 468–69

lemon, 471–72

nectarine, 470

orange, 472

plum, 470

strawberry, 467

strawberry balsamic, 467


and onion panade, 230

stracciatelle in broth with, 158

soups, 157–72

asparagus and rice, with pancetta and black pepper, 166–67

beef broth with marrow croûtons and a truffled egg, 160–61

boiled kale, four ways, 162–63

corn-shrimp bisque, 170–72

farro, turning farrotto into, 200–201

la garbure landaise, 169–70

onion, with tomato and a poached egg, 159–60

pappa al pomodoro, 164–65

stracciatelle in broth with sorrel, 158

sweet red pepper–lentil, with cumin and black pepper, 167–68

sources and resources, 518–20

Spanish serrano ham, 80

spätzle, Martha’s, 220–21

speck, 80

see also smoked prosciutto

spiced prunes, 278

spiced Zante grapes, 276–77

smoked prosciutto with fennel and, 87


ricotta gnocchi, 226

wilted, shrimp cooked in romesco with, 334–37

spring lamb legs, roasting, 398–99


grilled, 364

roasted, 363–64

stock, 67–68


risotto with wild rice, wild mushrooms and, 197–99

summer, grilled, 243–44

summer, in piccolo fritto, 109

squash blossoms:

corn-stuffed, and mozzarella and Sweet 100 tomatoes, piccolo fritto, 113

in piccolo fritto, 109


chick peas, and Sweet 100 tomatoes, piccolo fritto, 114

cleaning, 338–39

in piccolo fritto, 109–10

stew, spicy, with red wine and roasted peppers, 338–39

standing rib roast of pork, 403–6

starchy dishes, 189–230


hanger, 368–70

hanger, and white bean sandwich, 370

skirt, 368–70

skirt, and white bean sandwich, 370


spicy squid, with red wine and roasted peppers, 338–39

spicy tripe, eggs cooked in, 186–88

Stilton, 453

stock, 53–70

beef, 63–65

compound, 55–56

duck, 67–68

fish fumet, 68–70

guinea hen, 67–68

lamb, 65–66

quail, 67–68

rabbit, 67–68

rich pork, 61–63

shellfish fumet, 172

squab, 67–68

Zuni chicken, 58–60

stockpots, 49

stracciatelle in broth with sorrel, 158


balsamic sorbet, 467

granita, 466–67

for granita and sorbet, 465–67

sorbet, 467

sugar snap boats, 252–53

summer squash:

grilled, 243–44

in piccolo fritto, 109

sweating, 165–66

sweet corn, raw, arugula salad with Sweet 100 tomatoes, 148–49

sweet potatoes, hashed, 239–40

sweet red pepper-lentil soup with cumin and black pepper, 167–68

tapenade, orange-olive, 304–5

-goat cheese crostini, watercress salad with beets and, 153

tart dough, basic rich, 480–86


apricot, 490–91

double-crusted blackberry, 492–93

double-crusted blueberry, 492–93

double-crusted sweet cherry, 493

fruit, 486–93

lattice-topped sweet cherry, 493

onion, with apples and bacon, 120

onion, with saffron, tomato, anchovies, and olives, 119

open-faced apple, 489–90

open-faced pear, 489–90

prune-plum, 490–91


black, prunes in, 278–79

prunes and cranberries in, 279

tempering, 120–21, 433, 483, 486

tenderloin, pork, house-cured, 400–403

terrine, foie gras en, 436–39

Tête de Moine, 449


meat, 50–51

oven, 51


balsamic–onion marmalade, rosemary-grilled chicken livers and bacon with, 127–29

boiled kale on, 162–63

see also crostini

Toma della Valcuvia, 451

tomato(es), 515–16

beef and onion gratin with, 389–91

charred Sweet 100, crostini with balsamic vinegar and, 123

corn-stuffed squash blossoms and mozzarella, piccolo fritto, with Sweet 100, 113

coulis, 287–88

and farro salad with basil and anchovies, 105–6

monkfish braised with white beans, fennel and, 326–28

onion soup with a poached egg and, 159–60

onion tart with saffron, anchovies, olives and, 119

squid and chick peas, piccolo fritto, with Sweet 100, 114

summer onion panade with, 230

summer pudding, 258–60

Sweet 100, arugula salad with raw sweet corn and, 148–49

whole sea bream roasted on onions with parsley, mint and, 319–21

tomato sauce:

coulis, 287–88

frittata with fideus and, 181–82

pasta with sardines and, 208–10

roasted, pasta with braised bacon and, 205–8

Tomme de Savoie, 449–50

tools, kitchen, 42–46

tripe stew, spicy, eggs cooked in, 186–88

Troisgros, Jean, 16–18, 20, 21, 27, 174, 366

Troisgros, Jean-Baptiste, 18–19, 21, 22, 27, 439, 501

Troisgros, Pierre, 17–18, 174

trout, smoked, crostini with fava-egg salad and, 125


beets, 240, 241

brouillade, 184

egg, beef broth with marrow croûtons and a, 160–61

Truffled Crutin, 449

truffles, carpaccio with fried potatoes and, 133–34

tuiles, 502–4

Tuma dla Paja, 451

tuna, preserved, pasta with pine nuts and, 211–13

turkey, brine for curing, 402

Tuscan pecorino, aged, Carlo’s farro salad with, 106

tying up meat, 406–7

Union Hotel, 22–23, 25, 394

Vacherin, 450–51

vegetable confetti, minutina salad with coriander vinaigrette and, 146–47

vegetable peelers, 44


savory fruit dishes, pickles and preserves, 231–82

wine and, 233

see also specific vegetables

Vella Aged Dry Jack, Special Reserve, 450

veritabile uova in trippa, 186–88

Vermont Shepherd Cheese, 452

vinaigrette, 284–85

anchovy, shredded radicchio with bread crumbs, sieved egg and, 150–51

coriander, air-dried beef with butter lettuce and, 92–93

coriander, minutina salad with vegetable confetti and, 146–47

hazelnut, mixed lettuces with mandarins, hazelnuts and, 140–41

shallot, butter lettuce with oranges, avocado and, 143–44


chicken braised with figs, honey and, 350–52

sherry, sand dabs with shallots, sea beans and, 317–19

see also balsamic vinegar

virginica oysters, 75, 77


-celery-dried fig relish with grappa, antipasto of salami, Idiazabal and, 89–90

fresh, Bosc pears with fennel, Parmigiano-Reggiano, balsamic vinegar and, 107

-mascarpone crostini, watercress salad with beets and, 152–53

see also nuts

watercress salad:

with beets and tapenade-goat cheese crostini, 153

with beets and walnut-mascarpone crostini, 152–53

watermelon granita, 473

Waters, Alice, 20–21, 22

weights, 40–42

West, Billy, 24–26, 420

white asparagus, raw, and porcini mushrooms with hazelnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and white truffle oil, 96–98

white bean(s):

monkfish braised with fennel, tomato and, 326–28

and skirt steak or hanger steak sandwich, 370

white truffle oil, raw white asparagus and porcini mushrooms with hazelnuts, Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 96–98

wild mushrooms, 516–17

risotto with wild rice, squash and, 197–99

Zuni fideus with peas and, 217–19

wild rice, risotto with squash, wild mushrooms and, 197–99


cheese and, 448–49

choosing, 52

cured meats and, 81

dessert and, 456

Muscat, peaches in, 501–2

piccolo fritto and, 114–15

salads and, 137–38

vegetables and, 233

see also red wine

Wood-Setrakian, Beth, 480

Zante grapes:

apple crostata with, 495–96

fresh, in piccolo fritto, 109

onions, fennel and, piccolo fritto, 114

spiced, 276–77

spiced, smoked prosciutto with fennel and, 87

zests, citrus, 507–8


grilled, 243–44

pickles, 269–70


Caesar salad, 154–56

chicken stock, 58–60

fideus with wild mushrooms and peas, 217–19

hamburger, 366–68

ricotta gnocchi, 221–26

roast chicken with bread salad, 342–46

salt-cured anchovies, 72–73

Zuni Café, 14–16, 24–28, 420