JULY 1, 1916 — LT. COL. A. W. RICKMAN

(Public Record Office WO95/2366)

7.00 p.m. The 11th E. Lancashire Regt. marched off according to timetable along the prescribed route at 7 p.m. 30.VI.16 and reached Courcelles at 8.30 p.m.
8.30 p.m. where tea was served to the men.
9.40 p.m. After synchronising watches at 9.30 p.m. the head of the column left Courcelles at 9.45 p.m. and marched as directed to Central Avenue. The trench
12.20 a.m.

was in a very bad state and over the knee deep in mud which had become glutinous — As the fork in Central Avenue had not been reached by 12.20 a.m. — I proceeded to the head of the 2nd wave and ordered them to go overland — I reported this to 94th Brigade at entrance to Central Avenue — After coming to the batteries the regiment had to proceed in the trenches owing to the batteries firing — I reached with the head of the column the front line system of trenches at 2.40 a.m. — Where I found that orders had been issued by Higher Command that Sap D and Sap C were not to be occupied by any troops — Accordingly I had to make fresh preparations for the accommodation of my first wave — I accommodated No. 1 and 11 Platoon W Company between Warley Avenue and 29A93. No. 5 and 6 platoons X Company between this point and Mark Copse inclusive — in the positions from which the 1st wave would start — They were accommodated in partially blown in fire boys and Traffic Trench. The wave being under command of Capt. Tough. The 2nd wave was under command of Capt. Livesey and was accommodated in Copse Trench — The 3rd wave under 2/Lt. Williams in Campion. 4th wave in Monk under Capt. Riley. Head Quarters at mouth of Sap C — During the night and early morning there was a constant bombardment. Attention was paid to Rob Roy and the Front Line.
7.20 a.m. At 7.20 a.m. the hurricane bombardment opened and the first wave crossed into No Mans Land. The Germans opened almost immediately with MG and rifle fire putting on a few minutes later an intense barrage.
7.22 a.m. The 2nd wave proceeded to follow the 1st wave into No Mans Land.
7.23 a.m. Two platoons 13 Y & L (1st Barnsley Pals) crossed following my 2nd wave.
7.29 a.m. I saw my 3rd and 4th waves advancing from Campion and Monk respectively.
By this time there was intense rifle, MG fire and a very heavy barrage of artillery fire.
They crossed into No Mans Land crossing the front line about 7.32 a.m.
7.39 a.m. I reported by runner via Mark Copse 1st two waves crossed according to timetable.
Heavy MG and rifle fire still coming from German 1st line. Intense fire of all description.
7.42 a.m. I reported by runner intense fire of all description.
7.50 a.m. I reported by runner all four waves have gone forward — MG fire still com-ing from the north. Report from Lt. Gay. Left platoon through 1st line. Lt. Gay wounded.
MG much less intense.
I sent Lt. Macalpine to establish telephone communication between Mark Copse and my HQ — Lt. Macalpine returned and informed me all communication was cut and it was not re-established all day.
8.10 a.m. I reported MG fire still coming from the north traversing from beyond Mark Copse over Sap C.
Capt. Gurney 13 Y & L arrived with only 9 men in his two platoons.
I further reported I could see odd groups in my front believed to be wounded.
Also that I could not see any of my waves.
No further report from waves.
Heavy artillery barrage on front line.
8.22 a.m. Machine gun fire still crossing from direction of Mark Copse.
Heavy artillery barrage front line.
No information from my waves.
Line not entered about 8.55.
Very little rifle fire to my front. Heavy MG fire still coming from my left over Mark Copse. And now and then a burst from right.
No information from my waves.
9.00 a.m. Report from Corpl. Rigby wounded, belonging to 1st wave states that 7 of his platoon got into 1st line.
They held it for about 20 minutes and bombing Germans back till bombs were exhausted. Capt. Livesey was with Corp. Rigby and was wounded.
Corpl. Rigby saw remains of 2nd wave in front of Ger. barbed wire.
Germans still holding out.
Saw no sign of 3rd or 4th wave.
Heavy barrage on front line.
Capt. Currin 13 Y & L reported arrived.
Capt. Smith 13 Y & L was informed was going forward to 2nd line German trenches.
10–1 a.m. No report from my waves — Excema heavily shelled — Capt. Roberts RAMC wounded. Message from O.C. 13 Y & L that C Company 13 Y & L/Capt.
Currin was going forward to occupy German 1st line trenches.
Heavy barrage ( ) front line trenches. MG fire from right.
Capt. Currin is putting his company into front line from Matthew Copse to Sap C.
10 wounded men 11n E.L. have returned and they state front line still in German hands.
11.25 a.m. No information from my waves.
Pte. Glover 1st wave ( ) Capt. Livesey states 1st wave encountered heavy MG, rifle and grenades and bombs and artillery fire in crossing No Mans Land.
Capt. Livesey 1st wave with remnants of 2nd wave together with 3rd wave charged German trenches led by Capt. Livesey.
Lt. Thompson also entered German trenches.
Capt. Livesey sent back a message for reinforcement — this never reached me — Capt. Currin is holding from Matthew Copse to Sap C. 18th W. Yorks (2nd Bradford Pals) ( ) his line to the south.
A number of wounded in Sap C and in Excema. Field Dressings urgently required.
11.50 a.m. Capt. & Adt. Peltzer d & Lt. Ryden wounded. Lt. Ryden remained on duty. No reports from my waves except statements of wounded men.
I asked for reinforcement of one Company as only a few of Capt. Currin’s party arrived. Was promised Company HXQ — they never arrived.
12 noon I proceeded to put Front Line in state of defence as far as possible against counter-attack — Sap C which had been opened up was blocked by bomb stops. I asked Staff Capt. for supply of bombs which arrived later.
3.10 p.m. The trench mortars 92nd Brigade occupying Sap C were withdrawn and put in emplacements on right and left of Sap C. I went by my whole front line and reported there were very few bays defensible — Men mostly driven out of them and are located in Excema. 93rd Brigade have withdrawn their men and I have only left 1 off & 25 O.R. of my own Regiment available. 2 Stokes guns in position and details of KOYLI & Capt. Currin & Capt. Gurney and about 30 men 13 Y & L. 12 Y & L (Sheffield City Battalion) HQ are in Mark Copse and have no one except their HQ and that they are not in touch with any of their waves. I am holding ( ) by means of bomb stops.
3.50 p.m. Very intense bombardment of my front line — All posts driven in by artillery fire — Men accommodated in Excema.
Urgently require more men.
Bombardment still intense especially from Rossignol.
Lt. Ryden severely wounded.
I have 55 men in all some of whom are wounded. 2 Lewis guns only two men to work them one of them wounded — pans filled by officers servants.
9.20 p.m. I beg to report that at 9.20 p.m. I saw 2 Germans removing our wounded back to their lines from No Mands Land. As regards numbers I have at present 56 (may be 50) men including Stokes mortars & HQ HLR. I have also 1 officer 25 men, 18th West Yorks — holding 3 posts in 93 area. 1 & 2 posts opposite Warley Ave. Then there is a gap — until you come to Capt. Gurney who holds 4 posts ( ) s. of Sap C. I have one post between Sap C and Mark Copse.
There are no Lewis or MG in line.
I am getting the wounded evacuated as soon as possible but there are a good number yet to be attended to.
I have 5 red rockets at Sap C & 12 Y & L have their rockets but I have no rockets at Warley or any Very lights or pistols.
The men are a good deal rattled.
And have very few NCOs.
Just completed inspection SOS rockets in position.
9.40 p.m. Here I was knocked out by shell.