One Constant Star would not exist without two of the stars in my writer’s life: Margaret Clark and Ed Schlesinger. In the normal course of events, my editors provide me with a tremendous resource. Their creativity and professionalism always help me find my way from the beginning of the process—the dreaded outline stage—through the first draft, subsequent drafts, copy edits, first-, second-, and final-pass pages, and at last into print. For much of what’s right with this novel, I have them to thank. With this particular project, both Margaret and Ed also demonstrated a personal level of understanding and compassion during a difficult time, and for that I am genuinely grateful to them.
That difficult time, I’m sorry to say, ended with the loss of a dear woman, Lillian Ragan. A kind and caring aunt, “Diamond Lil” welcomed me into her family with love and kindness. She lived a fascinating and unique life, and I have never met anybody quite like her. I hope that I can remember and savor the uncounted stories she related to me through the years. I miss her.
During the days, weeks, and months leading to and in the aftermath of Lillian’s death, a number of people stepped forward to help and support her and others in the family. In particular, I want to single out Maria (Marianne) Olejnikova, a compassionate and loving woman who makes life easier for everybody around her. When the going got particularly tough, Marianne showed incredible strength and character, as did Colleen Ragan, Charlene Costello, and Audrey Nemes. To the sisters and to the significant others that stood with them, John Costello and Bob Nemes, I offer my heartfelt thanks. Likewise, I am grateful to Jesse Ragan and his wife, Krystle, who both gave so willingly of themselves over a long period.
I want to thank my friends Amy Sisson and Dr. Paul A. Abell, Ph.D., as well. When a cadre of us writers decided to get together for a long weekend somewhere, Amy, a fellow scribe, had the brilliant idea of congregating in Houston, where her husband, Paul, works as the Lead Scientist for Planetary Small Bodies at the National Aeronautic and Space Administration’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Amy and Paul thought our group would enjoy touring the NASA site, but once they involved its Public Affairs Office in our visit, the experience grew into a truly once-in-a-lifetime event. Simply visiting JSC for the first time, even on a public tour, would have been fulfilling, but the outing that the PAO’s Lynnette Madison and Linda Matthews-Schmidt put together exceeded anything for which I could have hoped. Although I’m a writer, it is impossible for me to find appropriate words to describe our ten-plus hours at the Johnson Space Center. I count the day as one of the highlights of my life. Many thanks to Lynnette and Linda, and to all the folks in the PAO who helped make the day happen, including Susan Anderson, Jeannie Aquino, Lisa Gurgos. Ashle Harris, Todd Hellner, Danial Hornbuckle, Jenny Knotts, Beth LeBlanc, Tammie Letroise-Brown, Kevin Moore, Robin Hart Prouse, Megan Sumner, and Laura Rochon.
I am also very grateful to the scientists, engineers, and technicians at NASA, who work hard daily to turn the dreams of a human presence in space into a reality, and who, during our visit to JSC, gave so much of themselves in guiding us through the Space Center. Thanks to Astronauts Dr. Stanley G. Love, Ph.D., and Colonel Cady Coleman, USAF, Ret.; Deputy Center Director Steve Altemus; Integration Manager Todd Hellner; Flight Director Ed “Carbon Flight” Van Cise; Exploration Mission and Systems Office Deputy Manager John Connolly; Morpheus Project Manager Dr. Jon Olansen, Ph.D.; Space Suit and Crew Survival Systems Branch Chief Raul A. Blanco; Robonaut Deputy Project Manager Casey Joyce; Orion Cockpit Development Lead Jeff Fox; Eagleworks Lab veteran David Brady; Commercial Crew Program Manager Dr. James Peters, Ph.D.; International Space Station Associate Program Scientist Dr. Tara Ruttley, Ph.D.; Automation and Robotic Systems engineer Jodi Graf; Apollo Sample Curator Dr. Ryan Zeigler, Ph.D.; Director of Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Dr. Eileen Stansbery, Ph.D.; and Antarctic Meteorite Curator Kevin Righter. You are all inspirations.
It almost always seems to pass that, during the course of writing a Star Trek novel, I find myself having a very specific question that does not lend itself to a simple research effort. In those instances, I oftentimes call upon the great minds of the Trek universe to help me out. In this particular case, writers Greg Cox and Michael Jan Friedman quickly and happily gave me the benefit of their expertise. Thanks, Greg and Mike.
I would also like to thank the people closest to me in my life, people who are always there for me. I have included them in my acknowledgments many times before, and it’s always for good reason. Whether related to me by blood or not, Walter Ragan, Colleen Ragan, Anita Smith, Jennifer George, and Patricia Walenista make up my immediate family. Thank you all for your enduring love and support.
Finally, I thank my constant star, Karen Ragan-George. Karen shines on me with her love, brightens me with her humor, warms me with her kindness and compassion, and dazzles me with her intellect and her many talents. She defines my days and nights by her presence, making life all that it can be. I love you, Karen, for now and ever.