(following page 236)
1. Apollo Korzeniowski (Jagiellonian Library, Cracow)
2. Eva Korzeniowska (Jagiellonian Library, Cracow)
3. Tadeusz Bobrowski (Jagiellonian Library, Cracow)
4. Konrad Korzeniowski, Cracow, 1874 (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University)
5. G. F. W. Hope (from Borys Conrad, My Father: Joseph Conrad. London: Calder & Boyers, 1970. Philip Conrad)
6. Adolf Krieger (from Norman Sherry, Conrad and His World. London: Thames & Hudson, 1972)
7. Konrad Korzeniowski, Marienbad, 1883 (National Library, Warsaw)
8. Marguerite Poradowska (Duke University)
9. Sir Roger Casement, 1915 (Mansell Collection)
10. Jessie George, 1896 (Philip Conrad)
11. Edward Sanderson, c. 1896 (Mrs. C. E. Taylor)
12. John Galsworthy, 1906 (University of Birmingham)
13. Edward Garnett, c. 1908 (Richard Garnett)
14. Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham, c. 1905 (Photograph by T. R. Annan, from Cedric Watts and Laurence Davies, Cunninghame Graham: A Critical Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Laurence Davies)
15. Henry James, 1913, by John Singer Sargent (National Portrait Gallery, London)
16. Stephen Crane, 1899 (from H. G. Wells, Experiment in Autobiography. New York: Macmillan, 1934)
17. Ford Madox Ford, c. 1909 (his grandson, John Lamb)
18. Hugh Clifford, 1895 (from Harry Gailey, Clifford: Imperial Proconsul. London: Rex Collings, 1982. Harry Gailey)
19. James Brand Pinker and Joseph Conrad, Oswalds, 1921 (from Norman Sherry, Conrad and His World. Philip Conrad)
20. Joseph Conrad, 1904 (from Ian Watt, Conrad in the Nineteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Ian Watt)
21. Norman Douglas, Capri, 1912 (from Mark Holloway, Norman Douglas: A Biography. London: Secker & Warburg, 1976. Mark Holloway)
22. Perceval Gibbon, 1909 (from Borys Conrad, My Father: Joseph Conrad. Philip Conrad)
23. Jessie Conrad, with Conrad and John, 1912 (from John Conrad, Joseph Conrad: Times Remembered. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Philip Conrad)
24. John Quinn, 1921 (from B. L. Reid, The Man from New York. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. B. L. Reid)
25. Richard Curle, 1923 (from John Conrad, Joseph Conrad. Adam Curle)
26. Joseph Retinger, 1912 (from Zdzislaw Najder, Joseph Conrad: A Chronicle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983)
27. Jane Anderson, 1910 (from Joan Givner, Katherine Anne Porter: A Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982. Janet Copeland)
28. Conrad, Jessie and Borys, Oswalds, 1921 (Photography Collection, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas)
29. Gérard Jean-Aubry, 1911 (from Jessie Conrad, Joseph Conrad and His Circle. New York: Dutton, 1935. Philip Conrad)
30. Sir Robert Jones (from Frederick Watson, The Life of Sir Robert Jones. Baltimore: William Wood, 1934)
31. Joseph Conrad, 1923 (Photograph by T. R. Annan. Philip Conrad)
32. Jessie Conrad, 1926 (from Jessie Conrad, Joseph Conrad and His Circle. Philip Conrad)