I am one of the luckiest guys in the world. I have two of the most amazing kids on the planet, and they bestow the greatest honor on me every day—simply by calling me Dad. Without them and my wife, Lisa, Stranded would not exist. So Stranded is always dedicated to them.

And during the course of writing this book I met a couple of other suuuper cool kids who gave me so much inspiration and made me smile so many times that there was no doubt I would dedicate this book to them, too!

CJ and Logan—through your courage, you reminded me to always keep my chin up. I’m glad we’re friends.

Okay readers, hang tight. Shadow Island is a whole ’nother world. Remember, “The adventure you’re ready for is the one you get!”


With thanks to the Londonderries:

Jan Donley, Barbara Gregorich, Vicki Hayes,

Ruth Horowitz, and Joe Nusbaum