
Three people helped to make this a much better book: Maya Ziv, Dorian Karchmar, and Simone Blaser. As always, I am grateful to everyone at both Harper and William Morris Endeavor for their continued support as I move through the Tearling, but these three women put in effort above and beyond, and the book has benefited enormously. Maya, Dorian, and Simone also listened patiently to an awful lot of unjustified whining over the past year, so there’s that. Thanks to Jonathan Burnham, who lets me keep writing, and also to Heather Drucker, Amanda Ainsworth, Katie O’Callaghan, Ashley Fox, Erin Wicks, Miranda Ottewell . . . and a special thanks to Virginia Stanley, my spirit guide in taking no crap.

Thanks and love to my family, particularly my dear husband, Shane, who endured a great deal of artistic temperament over the past year and a half and never flinched once, and Sir and Monkey, who keep me laughing. Thanks also to my good friend Claire Shinkins, who gives just the right amount of love and support, and to the kind and helpful crew at my local Peets Coffee (especially you, Michi!), where I wrote the bulk of this book.

Quite by accident, I found the writing buddy I had needed for a long time. Thank you, Mark Smith, for listening and giving good advice always, as well as being brave enough to take the Tearling on. Not an easy world, this.

To all of the wonderful independent bookstores and libraries—and bookstore employees and librarians—who helped to get my first book out to the world, thank you. There’s no praise higher to me than that of people who love books, and your hard work on my behalf means a great deal.

Most of all, as always, thank you, readers. Without you, none of this is possible.