Muscle sprains

While a strain affects muscle or tendon tissue, a sprain is an injury to ligaments. The ankle is the most commonly sprained joint, usually the result of a single slip or stressful incident. Combine the correct first aid with some home remedies and you’ll soon be up and running again.


Act fast. A cold compress is the best and most effective aid for a sprain. It dulls the pain and decreases the blood flow, which lessens swelling. Ice the area immediately. Keep the ice in place for 15–20 minutes, then remove and leave off for an equal time. Do this four or five times daily for two days. After cooling, keep the sprained body part elevated to prevent further swelling. If you have sprained your ankle, place a pillow under the lower leg so that the leg is straight and slightly elevated. The easiest way to remember how to treat sprains and strains is the acronym RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation.



HOME remedies

 Wrap the sprained area in an elastic bandage. The compression will help control the swelling. But don’t make it so tight that you cut off circulation.

 Eat pineapple. Its active ingredient, bromelain, can help reduce swelling and speed your healing.

 Apply an ice pack or bag of frozen peas.

 Apply a little rubbing alcohol. This cools and combats swelling; cold wraps soaked in rubbing alcohol are a traditional treatment for sprains.

 When applied early, helichrysum oil can help combat inflammation.

 Carefully rub a few drops of tea tree oil on the affected area to encourage healing.

 Salves and tinctures with a base of horse chestnut or comfrey accelerate the healing process.

 To make a tincture of arnica, steep 1/2 cup (100 g) dried arnica flowers in 2 cups (500 ml) rubbing alcohol for 2 weeks, strain and store in a dark bottle. For a pain-relieving wrap, mix 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of the tincture with 1 cup (250 ml) cold water, moisten a cloth with it and apply to sprained joint for 10 minutes. Store tincture in a cool, dark place.

 Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help with pain and healing. Try it in tablets or capsules.

 Get the correct shoes for your foot type.

 Spraining an ankle repeatedly can be a sign that your footwear is not giving you the support you need. Shoes designed specifically with an activity in mind can provide appropriate cushioning and traction.

Dill salve

Dill salve alleviates the pain caused by sprains.

2 tablespoons (30 ml) minced fresh dill

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil

A little beeswax

Mix the dill and olive oil, set aside for 24 hours, then press through a strainer. Mix with warm beeswax to form a spreadable paste. Apply the salve to the affected area.
