
Almost everyone has a collection of cherished objects, whether it’s porcelain, coins or trophies. When displayed in a glass cabinet or a case with proper lighting, collectables can become conversation pieces, adding interest and a personal touch to a room.

There are three fundamental factors to consider when it comes to displays: the case, the glass and the lighting.


It is easy to create display cases of comic figures or cars for a child’s or adolescent’s roomor your own.

 Looking to display miniature items? With a bit of luck, you might find an original typesetter drawer or case (originally used to store printer’s letters) at a second-hand store, a flea market or on the internet.

 Bear in mind that presenting objects in open display cases means that they can easily become dusty, which leads to more work for you and an increased risk of damaging the objects.

 Keep valuable collector’s items behind glass. In times past, almost every living room had a glass cabinet for displaying precious crystal, porcelain figurines, coins or pewter. These cabinets still work well today, and make for an interesting design element in themselves because they are rare and have a certain nostalgic appeal.


Keeping display objects behind glass protects them and prevents them from becoming dusty.




The way you light treasured objects can play a big role in how attractive the display is. It may even be worthwhile to install a special lighting system to feature treasured collectables properly. Here are a few pointers for displaying items in the best light possible.

 A lighted glass cabinet displays objects in the right light. You may also choose to highlight special pieces with small halogen spotlights.

 A light shining directly from above can be harsh and unappealingideally light should be projected at a 60-degree angle.

 Before choosing a lighting system, check that electric light won’t damage any of the display objects. Not all lights are cool enough for use in a display case and some collectables are sensitive to both temperature and light.