The Grass Crown


DAWN WAS BREAKING red behind the Cotswold hills.

‘The sun will soon be up, Sir John,’ said Thomas Gournay, one of the two horsemen riding at the head of the escort.

‘Yes, the sun will soon be up, my friend, and we haven’t reached our halt yet,’ replied John Maltravers, riding beside him, stirrup to stirrup.

‘When day comes, people may well recognize our prisoner,’ the first man replied.

‘Yes, they may indeed, my friend, and that’s precisely what we’ve got to avoid.’

They were talking in deliberately loud voices, so that the prisoner behind might hear.

Sir Thomas Gournay had reached Berkeley the day before, having ridden across half England to bring John Maltravers the latest orders from Roger Mortimer at York about the disposal of the fallen King.

Gournay was a man of singularly unprepossessing appearance; his nose was short and flat, his lower teeth were longer than the rest, his face was blotchy and high in colour, covered with red hairs like a sow’s hide; his too long hair curled like copper shavings under the edge of his steel helmet.

To assist Thomas Gournay, and also to some extent to keep an eye on him, Mortimer had given him Ogle, who had once been barber in the Tower of London.

As night was falling, at the hour when the peasants had eaten their suppers and were going to sleep, the little cavalcade had left Berkeley Castle and ridden south through the silent countryside and the dark villages. Maltravers and Gournay rode in front. The King was surrounded by a dozen soldiers under the command of a subaltern officer named Towurlee, a huge man with a small head whose intelligence was in inverse proportion to his physical strength which was considerable. But Towurlee was obedient and useful for tasks in which it was better not to ask oneself too many questions. Ogle brought up the rear, together with the monk William, who had never been looked on as among the best in his monastery. But he might be needed to give extreme unction.

All night the ex-King had been wondering in vain where he was being taken. And now dawn was breaking.

‘How can one prevent a man being recognized?’ Maltravers asked pointedly.

‘Change his face, Sir John, I can see no other solution,’ Gournay replied.

‘You’d have to tar his face or black it with soot.’

‘The peasants would think we were in company with a Moor.’

‘But unfortunately we haven’t any tar.

‘We could shave him,’ said Thomas Gournay, with a meaning wink.

‘That’s a good idea, my boy! And we’ve got a barber with us. Heaven’s clearly on our side. Ogle, come here! Have you got your bowl and your razors with you?’

‘Indeed I have, Sir John, at your service,’ Ogle replied as he joined the two knights.

‘Well, let’s stop here. There’s water in that stream.’

This had all been arranged the evening before. The little column came to a halt. Gournay and Ogle dismounted. Gournay had wide shoulders and very short bow legs. Ogle spread a cloth on the grassy bank, laid out the tools of his trade and began slowly sharpening a razor, while staring at the ex-King.

‘What do you want with me? What are you going to do to me?’ asked Edward II anxiously.

‘We want you to alight from your steed, noble Sire, so that we can give you a new face. And here’s a proper throne for you,’ said Thomas Gournay flattening a mole-hill with the heel of his boot. ‘Come on, sit down!’

Edward made to obey. But, as he seemed to hesitate a little, Gournay pushed him over and the soldiers of the escort burst out laughing.

‘Stand round, my lads,’ Gournay said.

The soldiers formed a circle and the huge Towurlee stood behind the King so as to push him down by the shoulders, should it be necessary.

Ogle went to fetch icy water from the stream.

‘Wet his face well,’ said Gournay.

The barber threw the whole contents of the bowl in the King’s face. Then he put the razor roughly to the King’s cheeks. Tufts of blond hair fell on the grass.

Maltravers was still on his horse and, sitting with his hands leaning on the pommel and his hair falling over his ears, he was watching the operation with evident satisfaction.

Between two strokes of the razor Edward cried: ‘You’re hurting! Couldn’t you use hot water at least?’

‘Hot water?’ said Gournay. ‘Particular, isn’t he?’

And Ogle, pushing his round white face into the King’s whispered in his ear: ‘Did my lord Mortimer have hot water in his bowl when he was in the Tower of London?’

Then he continued his task with great strokes of the razor. Blood pearled on the skin. Edward began weeping with pain.

‘Oh, look at the clever fellow,’ cried Maltravers; ‘he’s discovered how to wet his cheeks with warm water!’

‘Shall I shave the hair too, Sir Thomas?’ Ogle asked.

‘Of course, of course, the hair too,’ Gournay replied.

From his forehead to the nape of the neck the locks fell under the razor.

Ten minutes later Ogle handed his victim a tin mirror, and the King stared with stupefaction at his real face which, at once childish and ageing, now appeared under a long narrow, naked skull. The long chin no longer concealed its weakness. Edward felt stripped and absurd, like a clipped dog.

‘I don’t recognize myself,’ he said.

The men standing round him laughed again.

‘That’s all right then,’ said Maltravers from his horse. ‘If you can’t recognize yourself, anyone looking for you will be still less likely to. That’s what you get by trying to escape.’

For this was why the King was being moved. A few Welsh lords, led by a certain Rhys ap Gruffyd, had organized a conspiracy to rescue the King. But Mortimer had been warned of it. In the meantime, however, Edward, taking advantage of Thomas de Berkeley’s negligence, had escaped from his prison one day. Maltravers had set off in pursuit and had recaptured him in the middle of a forest, running towards the water like a hunted stag. The King was trying to reach the Severn estuary in the hope of finding a boat. And now Maltravers was taking his revenge, for at the time he had been very much perturbed.

‘Get up, Sire King; it’s time we were moving on,’ he said.

‘Where are we going to halt?’ Edward asked.

‘Somewhere we can be sure you’ll find no friends. Your sleep won’t be disturbed. You can count on us to watch over you.’

Their journey lasted almost a week. They rode by night, and rested by day, either in a manor of which they could be sure, or in some shelter among the fields, some isolated barn. On the fifth morning, Edward saw the outline of a huge grey castle built on a hill. There was a gusty wind from the sea, fresh, damp and salt.

‘It’s Corfe!’ Edward said. ‘Is that where you’re taking me?’

‘Of course it’s Corfe,’ said Thomas Gournay. ‘You seem to know the castles of your kingdom well.’

Edward uttered a cry of terror. His astrologer had once told him never to stay at Corfe, because it would be fatal to him. And, as a result, when he had journeyed in Dorset and Devon, he had often passed Corfe, but had always obstinately refused to enter it.

Corfe Castle was older, larger and indeed more sinister than Kenilworth. Its giant keep dominated the whole surrounding countryside, the whole Purbeck peninsula. Some of its fortifications dated from before the Norman conquest. It had often been used as a prison, particularly by King John, who, a hundred and twenty years before, had ordered twenty-two French knights to be left there to starve to death. Corfe seemed specially dedicated to the commission of crime. The tragic stories about it dated back to the murder of a boy of fifteen, the other Edward II, called the Martyr, who belonged to the Saxon dynasty before the year one thousand.

The legend of his murder was still current in the surrounding countryside. This Saxon Edward, the son of King Edgar, whom he had succeeded, was hated by his stepmother, Queen Elfrida, his father’s second wife. One day, when he had returned from hunting and was heated with the chase, while still on his horse, he raised a horn-cup of wine to his lips, and Queen Elfrida had struck him in the back with a dagger. Screaming with pain, the young King had spurred his horse and fled into the forest. Exhausted from loss of blood, he had soon fallen from the saddle; but he had caught his foot in the stirrup and his terrified horse had dragged him a long way, banging his head against the trees. Peasants had found his body by a trail of blood through the forest, and had buried him secretly. Then his grave had begun performing miracles, and King Edward had later been canonized.

The prisoner had the same name and the same number as that king of the other dynasty; and this coincidence, made more disturbing yet by the astrologer’s prophecy, was well calculated to make Edward tremble. Was Corfe to be the scene of a second Edward’s death?

‘You must have a crown, noble Sire, with which to enter this fine castle,’ said Maltravers. ‘Towurlee, go and get some grass from that field!’

Maltravers made a crown of the handful of dry grass the giant brought back, and placed it on the King’s shaven head. It was sharp enough to sink into the flesh.

‘Now we’ll go on, and you must forgive us for having no trumpets!’

A deep moat, a curtain wall, a drawbridge between two huge round towers, a green hill to climb, another fosse, another gate, another portcullis, and then more grassy slopes: turning round you could look down on the little houses in the village, with their roofs of flat, grey stone tiles. How could such small houses carry such heavy roofs?

‘Go on!’ cried Maltravers, giving Edward a blow with his fist in the small of the back.

The grass crown fell askew. The horses were moving forward through narrow, tortuous passages, paved with round cobbles, between huge, fantastic walls on whose summit crows were perched side by side making a black frieze along the grey stone, watching the column pass fifty feet below.

King Edward II was certain he was going to be killed. But there were many ways of putting a man to death.

Thomas Gournay and John Maltravers had no express orders to assassinate him, but rather to let him die. They therefore chose slow means. Twice a day Edward was given a disgusting gruel, while his guards crammed themselves in his presence with all kinds of delicious food. And yet the prisoner survived the disgusting food as he did the mockery and the blows. He was singularly robust in body and even in mind. Other men in his position might easily have lost their reason: he contented himself with complaining. But his very complaints were proof of the fact that he was sound in mind.

‘Are my sins so heavy that they deserve neither pity nor relief? Have you lost all Christian charity, all kindness?’ he said to his gaolers. ‘Even if I am no longer a sovereign, I am still a father and a husband; what have my wife and children to fear from me now? Are they not satisfied with having taken from me everything I had?’

‘And what complaint have you against your wife, Sire King? Has not Madame, the Queen, sent you fine clothes and kind letters, which we have read to you?’

‘Rogues, rogues,’ replied Edward, ‘you have shown me the clothes but you have not given them to me. You’re letting me rot away in this disgusting robe. And, as to the letters, why do you think that wicked woman has sent them, except to provide proof that she has shown me compassion? It is she, she and that wicked Mortimer who have given you orders to torture me. If it were not for her and that traitor, I am sure my children would hasten here to embrace me.’

‘Your wife, the Queen, and your children,’ replied Maltravers, ‘are too afraid of your cruelty. They have suffered too much from your temper and your wickedness to want to come near you.’

‘You can say what you like, you wicked man,’ said the King, ‘but the time will come when the tortures I am suffering will be avenged.’

And he began to weep, his denuded chin hidden in his arms. He wept, but he did not die.

Gournay and Maltravers were bored at Corfe, for every pleasure can pall, even that of torturing a king. Besides, Maltravers had left his wife, Eva, at Berkeley Castle with his brother-in-law; and then the people of the neighbourhood of Corfe got to know that Edward was detained there. After an exchange of messages with Mortimer, it was therefore decided to take Edward back to Berkeley.

And when, once again, with the same escort, and now looking a little thinner and a little more bowed, he passed the great portcullis, the drawbridges and the two curtain walls, King Edward II, unhappy as he was, nevertheless felt a great relief, a sense almost of deliverance. His astrologer had lied.