Just as Spindrift would not exist without its crew, the same is true for A Tempest of Tea. It isn’t my debut, but it was still a collection of firsts. Arthie and Co. stood by my side as I went from re-entering the query trenches to getting married and moving across the country, but through it all, there were more constants that this story could not have happened without. And so, a thank-you is in order.
To Asma and Azraa, the best of sisters. For standing by my side through some of the darkest times. For the long bouts of daydreaming, helping me paint the landscape that soon became White Roaring, tossing what ifs and how abouts back and forth, plotting and dismantling until we had a graveyard of discarded words along the way.
To Cayce, roohi. If I begin to tell the world how I feel about you, I may never stop, but here is my attempt to be concise: Every day with you is a joy, and this book couldn’t have reached the finish line without you cheering me on. Thank you for fueling me with lattes, for reading my words and cherishing them, but most importantly, for showing this jaded soul that true love isn’t a fantasy that only exists in books.
To my parents, for guiding me and always giving me the push I needed. To my grandfather, who would have loved this book and the author I became.
To my incredible agent, Josh Adams, whose patience and support remains unparalleled. You are the ally I didn’t know I could have in the publishing world. A true champion. To Tracey Adams, Anna Munger, and the rest of the Adams Literary team: It is an honor to be a part of the family.
To my editor, Janine O’Malley, equally as patient. For challenging me and believing in me even when I don’t. For always being a quick text message away. I’ve called you my publishing mom before, and it remains true today.
To Melissa Warten, there to make this story stronger in the beginning and there at the end. To the loveliest of friends cheering me on: Joan He, the best goat who isn’t actually a goat; Kelly Andrew, my favorite agent sister; Huda Fahmy, who understood my torment; and Joanna Hathaway, sweet soul.
To my amazing publicists Chantal Gersch and Samantha Sacks, for opening the door to many new readers. To Melissa Zar and Leigh Ann Higgins, marketing magicians. To Kat Kopit and Helen Seachrist for polishing my pages to a shine, and the copyeditors who scoured through every word. To Molly Ellis and Allison Verost, for making Macmillan feel like a home. To Aurora Parlagreco, designer extraordinaire who gets it.
Special thanks to Jon Yaged, Jen Besser, Ally Demeter, Gaby Salpeter, Asia Harden, and the rest of the team at Macmillan. To Anissa de Gomery and Korrina Ede, for your support, always. To Cate Augustin and Sarah Plows, for brewing up magic across the pond. To Virginia Allyn, for the gorgeous map once again, and Valentina Remenar for the astounding cover. To the Zumra Discord and the many fans who have been waiting, oh so patiently, since we left the kingdom of Arawiya behind.
Which brings us to you, dear reader. I write for you, and I remain ever so grateful to you for picking up my books and bringing them to life in a way I never can. Thank you.