WILD AT HEART. Copyright © 2019 by Alice Outwater. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Cover photograph: Forest © Sebastian Stapf/EyeExn/Getty Images
Photograph credits: Introduction: Sandra Selle-Rodriguez, The Old Juniper Tree. Figure 2: Erik Lam, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. Chapter 1: Frank Fiske, Mrs. Jack Treetop, State Historical Society of North Dakota, 1952-0110. Chapter 2: George Inness, The Lackawanna Valley, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, circa 1855. Chapter 3: Thomas Annan, Scotland, 1868, printed 1900. Close No. 101 High Street (-8) LACMA M.2008.40.98.8.jpg. Chapter 4: Ole Worm’s Cabinet of Curiosities, Museum Wormianum, 1655, Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Chapter 5: Smithsonian Institute Archives, Image #MNH-43843. Chapter 7: Frederic Edwin Church, Niagara Falls, from the American Side, 1867, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Presented by John S. Kennedy 1887. Chapter 8: Anonymous photograph taken in New York, circa 1905. Chapter 9: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California, Francis Stewart, War Relocation Authority photographer, National Archives and Records Administration, NARA record: 8464475. Chapter 10: LeRoy Woodson, photographer for the EPA, July 1972 (NARA record: 2368875) National Archives Archeological Site. Chapter 11: Stuart Franklin, Julia Butterfly Hill in Luna.
The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:
Names: Outwater, Alice B., author.
Title: Wild at heart: America’s turbulent relationship with nature, from exploitation to redemption / Alice Outwater.
Description: First edition. | New York: St. Martin’s Press, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018041157 | ISBN 9781250085788 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781250085795 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Nature—Effect of human beings on—United States—History. | Human ecology—United States—History. | Environmentalism—United States—History. | Conservation of natural resources—United States—History.
Classification: LCC GF75 .O87 2019 | DDC 304.2/80973—dc23
LC record available at https://
eISBN 9781250085795
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First Edition: April 2019