Kirsten, who lived on Little Thveraa, told of her mother the clairvoyant who as a child was once in the meadow and saw two women coming down from the mountain with a manlike figure between them, and they were carrying something. As the three came closer, the child saw that the object was a cradle covered with something red.
They then took the manlike being and drew blood from him so that he slowly became smaller until he was a dwarf. They then kneaded him until he was no larger than an infant. They then placed him in the cradle, covered it with the red cloth and then carried it between them toward the farm.
The child told her mother, who was with her, what she had seen. They both hurried back toward the house, arriving at the same time as the huldre women, just as they were trying to leave the cradle in front of the house. But when the huldre women saw them, they quickly took the child out of the cradle, beating it and kicking it ahead down the way in front of them. This suddenly caused the childlike dwarf to become larger until he was his normal size, which then followed the women back up the mountain where all three of them disappeared.