Following an almost sleepless night, Nick rose early with a plan of action in mind. Somewhere in the pre-dawn darkness, he decided to pay Tobias Cunningham a visit. If Lily wouldn’t answer his questions, maybe her father would. And maybe, just maybe, he could persuade the man to see reason.
After a hot shower and a quick cup of coffee, Nick grabbed his keys from the hook in the front entrance and jogged down the steps to his truck.
His hand froze on the door handle at the sight of Sarah Jane standing in the driveway, hands clasped in front of her. Nick swallowed a groan. This was the last thing he needed right now.
“Hello, Nick. Can I speak with you for a minute?” The wind blew strands of hair around her serious face.
He pulled his keys from the lock. “Actually, I was just heading out.”
“It’s important.”
The beginning of a headache pulsed across Nick’s forehead. “Fine, but I am in a hurry.”
Sarah Jane seemed to make an effort to soften her demeanor, relaxing the pinched lines around her mouth. “I hear Lily was arrested yesterday. You must be upset.”
Nick folded his arms and leaned a hip against the vehicle, tamping down his impatience. “Of course, I’m upset.”
“I also heard you turned down Uncle Ted’s position.”
Wisps of temper wound through his system. Sometimes the gossip mill of a small town frayed his last nerve. “That’s right.”
“All because of Lily Draper?” Her voice rose a notch, competing with the sound of a car whizzing by.
“Right again.”
Her brows crashed together in a scowl, her disapproval no longer hidden behind a mask of politeness. She stepped forward, her eyes hard. “Now that you know her true nature, I’m sure you’d like to re-consider your decision.”
The hint of challenge in her voice raised the hairs on the back of Nick’s neck. He straightened, moving away from the truck. “Sorry to disappoint you, but my decision stands.”
Sarah Jane’s mouth fell open. “You’d give up your vocation for a—a convicted criminal?”
The teeth of Nick’s temper took hold, and he yanked the driver’s door open. “She’s not convicted yet, and I am not discussing this with you.”
Sarah Jane’s footsteps skittered across the pavement. “You’re not the man I thought you were, Nick Logan. I guess God isn’t important enough to you after all.”
Nick froze, his insides solidifying to stone, as he made a slow turn to face her. “What did you say?”
“If you can choose a woman like that over God’s calling...” Her nose wrinkled in disgust as though she’d just smelled something rotten.
Blind fury raced unchecked through Nick’s veins. “My relationship with the Lord is none of yours—or anyone else’s—business.”
“I can’t believe Mike and I went to all that trouble for nothing.” Her eyes widened and a hint of fear crossed her features. She took a step back, pulling her cardigan tighter around her.
“You had no right to go digging around in Lily’s life.” Betrayal stung like an angry wasp at the idea of Mike conspiring with Sarah Jane behind his back.
Her cheeks reddened. “We were just looking out for you. Because we care about you.”
Nick didn’t believe for one minute that Sarah Jane had any true feelings for him.
She stuck out her chin. “I thought you’d be glad to know the truth. A future minister can’t afford to associate with the likes of her.”
A core of hot anger burned up his spine. “Who are you to judge? You know nothing of the circumstances surrounding Lily’s actions.”
Hard lines bracketed her mouth. “What does it matter? Sin is still sin, no matter what the circumstance.”
Nick leveled a steely gaze at her. “You’re right. It doesn’t matter.” That much had become crystal clear to him. “I love Lily—no matter what she may have done in the past.”
Sarah Jane’s smile of triumph slipped, and she clamped her thin lips together.
Nick leaned closer to make his point. “This conversation is over, and I don’t ever want to hear of you bothering Lily again. Is that clear?”
He glared at her until she nodded. Then he pulled his keys out of his pocket. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.”