Appendix B
Interviews Which Led To Discursive Articles

These are followed, when possible, by the reference number in Robert D. Denham’s Northrop Frye: An Annotated Bibliography, where a brief summary may be found.

1 November 1949: Interview with Aileen Fritz

“Lazy Author at Vic,” Varsity, 2 November 1949, 1 [D82]

1950: Interview with Dorothy Howarth

“Professor of English Abhors Horses, Tales of $5 ‘Millionaires,’” Toronto Telegram, 25 March 1950, 39 [P95]

1951: Interview with Margaret World

“Profs Away,” Acta Victoriana, November 1951, 11–12 [P170]

1952: Interview with Pearl Parnes

“Campus Profile: Professor Northrop Frye,” Varsity, 21 February 1952, 4 [P132]

1971: Interview with Jean Kappell and Beverley Geary

“Soap Tales Cling to Classic Plots,” Dayton Daily News, 15 December 1971, 25 [P100]

5 May 1973: Interview with John Ayre

“The Mythological Universe of Northrop Frye,” Saturday Night, 88 (May 1973): 19–24 [L30]

20 October1975: Interview with Blake Kirby

“Frye: Seeking the Canadian Rainbow’s End,” Globe and Mail, 6 April 1976, 15 [P101]

4 November 1975: Interview with Richard Kostelanetz

“The Literature Professors’ Literature Professor,” Michigan Quarterly Review,17 (Fall 1978): 425–42 [L278]. Rpt. in his Three Canadian Geniuses: Glenn Gould, Marshall McLuhan, Northrop Frye (Toronto: Colombo, 2001)

23 February 1977: Interview with Harvey Schachter

“Let Quebec Go: Professor,” Toronto Star, 3 March 1977, B5 [P139]

15 October 1977: Interview with Daniel Stoffman

“Critic Claims Media Built René’s Image,” Toronto Star, 17 October 1977, A2 [P148]

25 May 1978: Interview with Frank Jones

“To Frye Fame Is No Fortune,” Toronto Star, 28 May 1978, D7 [P98]

26 January 1978: Interview with Judith Finlayson

“The Fearful Shyness of Northrop Frye,” Quest, September 1978, 26–30 [P75]

11 June 1979: Interview with William French

“Frye the Conqueror Wows Them in Italy,” Globe and Mail, 14 June 1979, 15 [P81]

30 November 1978–3 November 1986: 27 interviews with John Ayre

Northrop Frye: A Biography (Toronto: Ramdom House of Canada, 1989) [K1]

7 July 1980: Interview with Gillian Cosgrove

“Plain Mr. Frye Condemned to Be Lonely,” Toronto Star, 7 August 1980, F1 [P64]

18 September and 1 October 1980: Interview with Susan Gabori

“Beginnings,” Today Magazine, 3 January 1981, 3 [D260]. In C, 564–6.

14 January 1981 ff: Interview with Wayne Grady

“The Educated Imagination of Northrop Frye,” Saturday Night, 96 (October 1981): 19–24, 26, 28 [L192]

17 and 21 September 1981: Interview with Adele Freedman

“The Burden of Being Northrop Frye,” Globe and Mail, 3 October 1981, E1 [P80]

8 February 1982: Interview with Judith Knelman

“Experiment in Electronic Publishing Takes Frye from Stone Tablets to Computer Terminals,” [University of Toronto] Bulletin, 22 February 1982, 5 [P103]

“The Great Code,” The Graduate [University of Toronto], 9 (May–June 1982): 7–10 [M10.71]

1 and 8 March 1982: Interview with Mark Czarnecki

“The Gospel according to Frye,” Maclean’s, 5 April 1982, 40–4 [L101]. Rpt. abridged as “The Vision of Northrop Frye,” Reader’s Digest [Montreal], 121 (October 1982): 55–8; adapted by Daniel Pérouse as “Le Testament d’un génie ou l’homme biblionique,” L’Actualité, 10 (February 1985): 8, 11

11 March 1982: Phone interview with Marty Gervais

“The Bible according to Norrie,” Windsor Star, 27 March 1982 [M10.46]

24 August 1982: Interview with Janet Hook

“Anatomist of Criticism Confronts a ‘Huge, Sprawling, Tactless Book’—the Bible,” Chronicle of Higher Education, 27 October 1982, 19–20 [M10.58]

24 January 1983: Interview with Joanne Strong

“The Informal Northrop Frye,” Globe and Mail, 26 February 1983, 18 [P150]

19 October 1983: Interview with Martin O’Malley

“Northrop Frye’s Life as a Literary Legend,” United Church Observer, 47 (January 1984): 38–41 [P128]

5 November 1985: Interview with Hugh Frazer

“Dream World: Scholars Plan Autumn Look at Bard’s Midsummer Masterpiece,” Hamlton Speictator, 9 November 1985, D3

7 April 1986: Interview with Pattie Tasko (of Canadian Press Service)

“Frye Does His Research in Mind, Not Library,” Winnipeg Free Press, 8 August 1986, 30; “Northrop Frye at 74: A Legend Just Can’t Let Up,” Montreal Gazette, 9 August 1986, B9; and “Smartest ‘Teddy Bear’ Around,” Vancouver Sun, 8 August 1986, D6

25 September 1986: Interview with Michael Dirda

“Shakespeare and the Scholar,” Washington Post Educational Supplement, 2 November 1986, 1, 18–21

16 September 1987: Interview with Shirley Brady

“The Work of a Lifetime Continues,” Varsity, 24 September 1987, 6.

30 November 1989: Interview with Renato Banilli

Article on Frye’s T.S. Eliot in Il courriere della sera, 1989 (see correspondence with Guardiani in NFF, 1991, box 5, file 1)

6 February 1990: Interview with Ward McBurney

“Northrop Frye: A Profile,” Acta Victoriana, 114, no. 2 (1990): 20–2

Interview Which Led To an Oral Presentation

30 April 1984: Interview with David Cayley

“The End of History,” broadcast on CBC Radio, 10 May 1984, has one comment by Frye, published in SeSCT, 299.