The source of the reference to the interview is given in parentheses after the entry. In these instances, JW = Jane Widdicombe.
20 February 1950: discussion over U of T radio with professors Marcus Long and Melwyn Preston on the H-bomb (D, 266)
February 1950: discussion on the CBC’s Citizens Forum on film censorship (D, 266)
After 26 March 1950: possible discussion of religion over the CBC (D, 290, 301)
10 January 1952: discussion on CBC’s Citizens Forum on “Why do Canadians leave home?” (D, 472, 475)
15 March 1955: interview with Allan Anderson of the CBC on the opinions of the younger generation (D, 616)
1962 or 1963: interview with CBC TV on the subject of education in France and Canada (mentioned in a convocation address at the University of British Columbia, WE, 180–1)
16 March 1970: interview with Janice Kelly, CBC Montreal, on “What’s wrong with youth today” vs. Peter Desbarats (daybook entry)
Around 1970: interview with the Varsity that was broken up (mentioned in no. 34, p. 317 above)
20 June 1973: “TV/CBC Mr. Ian Soodor” (faint entry in daybook)
4 October 1973: “Paul Beam and Andre Ransbery / University of Waterloo and CBC / Brave New World Interview re Aldous Huxley” (daybook entry)
27 May 1975: “Mr. Lorenzini and Mr. Pantasso / Interview for Canadian [?] Mosaico” (daybook entry)
19 March 1976: “Al[l]an Anderson CBC” (daybook entry)
14 May 1976 (probably): interview with representative of the Thomas More Institute on SeS. Daybook entry reads, “Montreal, Thomas More Institute. Talk to class of 20 who will have been reading and discussing Secular Scripture.” A pamphlet of the Institute’s classes mentions a taped interview with Frye on SeS; the Institute still has some Frye tapes, but they are in frail condition.
1 December 1976: interview with Ayre for cancelled article in Weekend magazine (Ayre, 2)
9 November 1977: “National news (Don McNeill)” (daybook entry)
19 May 1978: “CKFM John McFadyen or Sue Donaldson” (daybook entry)
28 September 1978: “CFRB Betty Kennedy” (daybook entry)
25 October 1978: interview with Bruce Hoyle, Edmonton, for TV program Face the Newsmen (appointment in General Itineraries, NFF, 1991, box 47, file 1)
30 October 1978: “Global interview with Bodone Williams / Kathy Patrick” (daybook entry)
20 November 1978: “Mr. Guardini interview on Multi-culturalism” (daybook entry)
24 January 1979: “VUSAC [Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council] Discussion with [U of T] President Ham: Adam Ostry” (JW’s list)
May–June 1979: during his trip to Italy, besides the interviews collected in this volume, Frye was interviewed by Il Corriere della Sera (Milan; Sergio Perosa), Il Tempo (Rome; Domenico Petrocelli), Il Giornale di Vicenza (Carla Plevano), and Il Gazzetino (Venice; Angela Barbieri). He was also interviewed four times by the RAI (Italian Broadcasting Corporation). Especially notable was the filming in Florence of Northrop Frye a Firenze, produced by Claudio Gorlier, the first episode in a series on the most influential personalities of the twentieth century. (Program prepared by the Italian Cultural Institute of Toronto in NFF, 1988, box 67, file 5.)
20 September 1979: Interview with Robert Sandler (Ayre, 406)
8 January 1981: “Pete McGarvey CKEY” (daybook entry)
31 July 1981: CBC TV interview: Fiona McHugh on “World Mythology” (JW’s list)
The project did not come to fruition and the interview is not extant
15 January 1982: “Nancy Ryley CBC / Interview re Lawren Harris” (daybook entry)
17 June 1982: telephone interview with Elizabeth Cowan (JW’s list)
21 June 1982: interview with Robert Prowse, CBC, for Morningside (JW’s list)
13 July 1982: interview with Ian Alexander of the CBC on “The Sense of Place in Art”
19 November 1982: interview with Whig Standard, Queen’s Theological College (entry in General Itineraries, NFF, 1991, box 47, file 1)
14 January 1983: “Wendy O’Flaherty, CBC, The Journal” (daybook entry)
27 June 1983: filmed interview with Kay Armatage (JW’s list) The interview, towards the film Storytelling, proved unsuitable and is probably no longer extant.
4 January 1984: “Ken Hahnfeld and Trevor Willshire / High school interview” (daybook entry)
3 February 1984: “Evan Shapiro / Northview Hts. interview” (daybook entry)
26 November 1984: interview with Los Angeles Times (JW’s list)
10 January 1985: “CBC Pratt interview, Deborah Collins / St. John’s, Newfoundland” (daybook entry). JW’s list points out that this was conducted by telephone.
28 February 1985: Peter Renolds interview on Milton (JW’s list)
11 March 1985: John Harvard interview re The Great Code (daybook entry)
22 March 1985: “Interview with Heather Martin and William Nemton, Visions, CBC Ideas” (daybook entry)
25 March 1985: interview with Steve Minuk, Mensa (JW’s list)
4 April 1985: interview with Gary Ross, Saturday Night, and Robert Ful-ford (JW’s list)
5 November 1985: interview with Hugh Frazer, Hamilton Spectator (JW’s list)
7 November 1985: interview with Meer-ai Cho, Korean Times (JW’s list)
6 December 1985: interview with Paul Kennedy of CBC on Robert Zend (JW’s list)
Tape no longer exists; it was a brief comment
1 May 1986: Korean film interview (JW’s list)
27 May 1986: “Don Toffaletto, Discovery—Science Radio / interview” (daybook entry)
9 October 1986: interview with Dennis Duffy (JW’s list)
A brief comment on historical fiction for a radio program
25 August 1987: interview with Ian Anderson Gibbons (JW’s list)
31 August 1987: filming for CBC with Bob (JW’s list)
13 January 1988: CBC Journal filming, Massey (JW’s list)
8 April 1988: “David Kent, interview re. Margaret Avison; David Swail, interview re Loves” (daybook entry)
21 July 1989: “Irma De Ford” (daybook entry; personal conversation)