
We wish to acknowledge the following sources for permission to reprint or transcribe interviews previously published, broadcast, or otherwise aired by them, or in their possession. We have not been able to determine or to contact the copyright holders of all the works included in this volume, and we welcome notice from any who have been inadvertently omitted from these acknowledgments. The dates given are those of publication or broadcast, where applicable.

The BBC Written Archives Centre for “Marshall McLuhan” (1981).

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for “Between Paradise and Apocalypse,” Morningside (1978); “Beyond the Ivory Tower,” Ideas (1972); “B.K. Sandwell,” Tuesday Night (1967); “Blake’s Cosmos,” On Man and Cosmos (1971); “The Canadian Imagination,” Ideas (1975); “Canadian Writers in Italy” (1988); “Commemorating the Massey Lectures” (1981); “CRTC Hearings” (1974 and 1975); “The Darkening Mirror: Reflections on the Bomb and Language” (1985); “Easter,” Concern (1973); “On Evil” (1971); “The Future Tense” (1977); “Getting the Order Right,” Anthology (1978), “The Great Test of Maturity,” Media File (1986); “Hard Times in the Ivory Tower,” Ideas (1983); “Harold Innis” (1972); “On Human Values” (1952); “Impressions” (1973); “Inventing a Music: Macmillan and Walter in the Past and Present,” Ideas (1983); “The Limits of Dialogue,” Ideas (1969); “Morningside Interview on Shakespeare” (1987); “On Education” (1988); “On The Great Code” (I) (1982); “Notes on a Maple Leaf” (1971); “Poets of Canada: 1920 to the Present,” Anthology (1971); “Symmetry in the Arts: Blake,” Ideas (1975); “Richard Cartwright and the Roots of Canadian Conservatism,” Ideas (1984); “Storytelling,” Ideas (1981); “Style and Image in the Twentieth Century” (1967); “Two Heretics: Milton and Melville,” On Man and Cosmos (1971); “The Voice and the Crowd,” Media 1 (1966); “What Has Become of Conversation?” The Varsity Story (1948); “William Blake: Prophet of the New Age” (1987).

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) for “CRTC Guru” (1968–69).

David Cayley for Northrop Frye in Conversation (1992).

The College English Association Critic for “Frye’s Literary Theory in the Classroom: A Panel Discussion” (1980).

The CTV TV Network for “Second Marriage” (1989).

Le Devoir for “Dix Ans avant la Néo-critique” (1967) and “L’Anti-McLuhan” (1968).

Doubleday Inc. for “Canadian and American Values,” from Bill Moyers: A World of Ideas, by Bill Moyers, © 1989 by Public Affairs Television, Inc. Used by permission of Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc.

Ellen Esrock for “Visualization in Reading.”

The Estate of Northrop Frye/Victoria University for “The Critical Path” (1979); “An Eminent Victorian” (1978); “A Fearful Symmetry” (1981); “Frye at the Forum” (1991); “On the Media” (1986); “Scientist and Artist” (1981); “Tradition and Change in the College” (1978–79); “Into the Wilderness” (1970).

The Fiddlehead and Studies in Canadian Literature for “Moncton, Mentors, and Memories” (1986).

Tibor Fabiny for “Time Fulfilled” (1995).

Branko Gorjup for “Regionalism in Canada” (1980).

Marty Gross for “The Art of Bunraku (1980).”

Francesco Guardiani for “Schools of Criticism” (I) (1988).

The Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies for “William Morris” (2001).

David Lawton for “Archetype and History” (1986).

Libération for “Les Lecteurs doivent manger le livre” (1984).

Vijay Mishra, Alan Roughley, and Imre Salusinszky for “Making the Revolutionary Act New” (1984).

Carl Mollins for “Cultural Identity in Canada” (1991).

The National Council of Teachers of English for “Literature in Education” (1980).

The National Film Board for University (1961) and The Scholar in Society (1984).

The Newspaper (University of Toronto) for “Maintaining Freedom in Paradise” (1982).

Hugh Oliver for “There Is Really No Such Thing as Methodology” (1970) and “A Literate Person is First and Foremost an Articulate Person” (1977).

Radio Canada International for “Back to the Garden” (1983).

Harry Rasky for The Great Teacher (1988).

Gilbert Reid for “Identity and Myth” (1980) and “On The Great Code” (IV).

Imre Salusinszky and Taylor & Francis for “Criticism in Society” (1987).

Deborah Shackleton for “Canadian Energy: Dialogues on Creativity” (1980) and Frontispiece photograph of Frye.

Glenna Sloan for “The Magic of Words” (1970).

The Student Administrative Council of the University of Toronto for “Student Protest Movement” (1969).

Torstar Syndication Services for “Love of Learning” (1987).

TV Ontario for “The Education of Mike McManus” (1977) and “Imprint Interview” (1991).

Unitarian Universalist World for “Modified Methodism” (1990).

The United Church of Canada for “Breakthrough” (1967).

The University of Toronto Archives for “Towards an Oral History of the University of Toronto.”

The University of Toronto Bulletin for “‘Condominium Mentality’ in CanLit” (1990).

The University of Toronto Columns for “The Primary Necessities of Existence” (1985).

The University of Western Ontario Gazette for “Literary Trends of the Twentieth Century” (1963).

The Varsity for “Education, Religion, Old Age” (1976) and “Northrop Frye: Signifying Everything” (1979).

Peter Yan for “The Final Interview” (1993).

With the exception of those listed above, all works are printed by courtesy of the Estate of Northrop Frye/Victoria University.