The Dulces Sueños cruised due north some eleven miles north-northeast of Cancún at minimum speed to conserve fuel. It was scheduled to round the tip of the Yucatán Peninsula before sunrise.
Despite its security contingent of cartel sicarios on board, the resin-infused carbon fiber vessel remained a very soft target. Logan knew that speed made a soft target hard—or at least, harder to hit. He was as restless as the tide these days, trapped on board his Mexican-flagged luxury yacht. He was unable to risk going ashore even under the cartel’s protection. America’s eyes were everywhere. He still needed to hide. A luxury yacht near the Mayan coast was just another platinum needle in a haystack of platinum needles.
Despite the late hour, he couldn’t sleep. The rumble of the boat’s big diesel engines calmed his nerves a little. The two-hundred-and-eighty-foot four-deck cobalt blue vessel remained far enough from shore to avoid any landward threats, and just inside the outer bounds of Mexico’s territorial waters to remain under her jurisdiction. The Uxmal, a lightly armed twin-diesel Mexican Navy Tenochtitlan-class vessel, half the size of his own, patrolled these waters on a disciplined schedule like a vigilant sheepdog.
Logan knew that Ryan wouldn’t risk a shooting war with Mexico over something as trivial as his arrest, especially since the TRIBULATION project had been completely defeated. The President was many things but he wouldn’t risk America’s national interest to satisfy his personal need for vengeance.
With Sammler destroyed, Logan turned to his most important criminal ally, the infamous Gulf Cartel, under whose protection he now lived as he plotted a return to the stage. He’d stashed away enough money, resources, and weapons to secure his future, despite the fact Ryan’s government was seizing White Mountain assets and shutting it down.
The only thing that kept him from losing his mind was imagining the look on Ryan’s face when he realized Buck Logan had played them all and nearly ran the table, all on Ryan’s watch.
The HALO jump was timed to the patrol route of the Uxmal, now at its maximum distance from Logan’s vessel. Speed and silence were key to the operation. So was the covering darkness of the moonless night.
Adara was the first to splash into the dark water two miles due north of Dulces Sueños, a fifty-five-pound float bag leading her way. Once in the water, she shed her chute, pulled on her fins, opened the bag, and began assembling the vehicle inside.
Thirty seconds later, the rest of The Campus team dropped into the Gulf, less than a quarter mile from Logan’s luxury vessel. Three landed due east, the other two due west of the big boat. Like Adara, they were kitted out in neoprene scuba suits.
But strapped to each of their chests in specialized harnesses was a 77-pound Rotinor DiveJet RD2, along with suppressed H&K MP7A1 automatic PDWs, firing 4.6x30mm armor-piercing rounds. They also carried full underwater diving and boarding gear—along with a few other surprises.
Once in the water and clear of their chutes, Clark, Ding, Dom, Midas, and Jack unharnessed their DiveJets, pulled on the rest of their dive gear, and checked their comms—waterproof Sonitus tactical mics attached like a retainer to their upper back molars, utilizing bone conduction through the jaw for both transmitting and receiving radio signals. The Campus started using them after seeing them deployed by a Marine FAST platoon in Indonesia.
“Alpha ready?” Clark asked.
“Alpha ready,” Adara replied.
“Bravo and Charlie are ready. See you in twenty.”
Clark gave the signal. Each of the men in Bravo and Charlie grabbed the control grips of the four-foot-long, lithium-ion dive sleds and slipped beneath the waves, tracking on a swift and silent intercept course for their target.
The Bravo and Charlie divers stopped on their first timed mark and stripped away their tanks, then rose just enough to breach the surface. At one hundred yards they were still far enough away that searching eyes would struggle to see the black forms in the black water. Each man swapped his scuba mask for NVGs and pulled his suppressed HK.
“Bravo and Charlie are in position,” Clark said. “Alpha, you are good to go.”
“Launching now.”
Clark acknowledged. The clock was ticking.
It wouldn’t be long now.
In less time than it took for Clark and the others to get into position, Adara had removed, unfolded, and assembled the waterproof UAV and its controller from the float bag. She pulled on her own pair of waterproof NVGs and shoved the rolled-up bag between her thighs to add to her buoyancy.
Time to rock and roll.
Weighing just fifty-five pounds, the Songar UAV lifted swiftly into the air. The drone’s night-vision sensors, camera, and laser range finder fed its data in first-person shooter imagery into the gaming-styled, handheld controller. The drone was hovering in position one hundred feet above the water when Clark reported that both teams had reached their waypoints.
Lying directly in the path of the oncoming vessel, Adara needn’t fly the Songar any farther. The sound of the UAV’s whirring blades was masked by the gentle rolling Gulf waters and the rumbling diesel engines coming toward her.
She zoomed in on the brightly lit forward bridge on the third deck of the magnificent super yacht, bought and paid for with dirty narco-money and crewed by narco-killers. She felt no guilt when she set the reticle on the man standing at the helm and pressed the trigger.
The helmsman never heard the shot or the sound of the breaking glass as the 5.56 NATO round tore into his abdomen. He fell to the floor with a scream, grabbing at his burning guts.
The captain dashed out from behind a door just as more bullets—fired in three-shot bursts—shattered more of the bridge-wide glass. Two of the rounds struck him in the chest. A third ripped out his throat, splattering blood against the polished mahogany bulkhead as he dropped to the deck.
The first shots startled the starboard guard out of his waking slumber on the second deck. He was no coward. The other sicarios were shouting behind and below him as more shots rang out from the distance.
He unslung his AK-47 cuerno de chivo—goat horn—and charged forward toward the sound of the gunfire coming from high and ahead of the boat. He raced at a dead run toward the bow and raised his rifle at the sparks flashing like angry fireflies in the night sky. But the sparks changed position, pointing at him.
Bullets clawed his chest open.
The brave sicario died before he could even scream.
Clark waited for the sound of AK-47 fire—the weapon of choice of assholes everywhere—before giving the “go” signal.
All five men simultaneously revved their silent DiveJet engines and sped toward the yacht. Their eyes were locked on the sicarios charging forward on all three decks, firing their weapons at the Songar drone dancing in all directions off the bow and sniping at them from out of the dark.
Thirty seconds later, all five Campus operators had reached the port and starboard sides of the slow-moving vessel, avoiding the spinning props at the stern. They slapped boarding hooks onto the rails, the first man up clearing the way for the others to follow. They scrambled aboard completely undetected by the distracted gunmen, leaving their DiveJets behind.
They’d already studied the yacht’s schematics. Clark and the others knew where they had to go, and what they had to do.
Jack most of all.
As Clark and Bravo team cut down the sicarios Adara hadn’t already killed on the outer decks, Charlie team—Dom and Jack—began clearing the interiors, Jack in the lead.
One fat, hairy gunman, naked save for his bikini underwear, leaped out of his stateroom with a gold-plated Desert Eagle, aiming it at Jack’s face as he bolted past the door. A bullet from Dom’s HK tore off the man’s jaw before he could fire his pistol. He fell to the floor, mewling in agonizing pain.
Dom did him a favor and put a second one in his skull.
Jack raced up the three flights of interior stairs, reaching the fourth deck, where Logan’s private quarters were located.
Logan reached for a mag to slam home into his daddy’s ivory-handled .45 Colt just as Jack turned the corner into the door, his PDW held high ready.
Jack charged forward and knocked the pistol out of Logan’s meaty hand with the butt of his HK. The Colt crashed to the floor with the thunk of heavy metal. Jack pulled his weapon back to his eye.
Jack heard the calm, professional chatter of his team echoing in his skull, and the sharp retorts of the last 4.6x30mm rounds dispatching the remaining sicarios.
Logan looked at Jack like a wounded child, slapped around by an angry parent.
“I wasn’t gonna use that on you, boy.” He glanced at the pistol on the floor. “It was for me.”
“No shit.”
Jack’s finger slipped onto the HK’s two-and-a-half-pound trigger. It would take more energy to scratch his nose than to kill this son of a bitch where he sat.
But his dad’s orders were clear.
Alive, not dead.
“No easy way out for you, Logan. Instead, you’re going to spend the next forty years of your miserable life in a cement hole somewhere, tied into your chair and crapping in a baggie in the dark.”
Logan squared up in his chair, puffing out his chest, defiance burning in his eyes.
“I don’t care what you do to me. It won’t change the fact I kicked the President’s ass. My name will still go down in history.”
“As an asterisk, at best.”
“I did what was right.”
“Are you kidding? How does setting the world on fire constitute ‘right’ in any sane universe?”
Logan sat up straighter. “Sane? Sane? Two hundred and forty-four trillion dollars of global debt is sane? The whole financial system needs one giant flush. A Year of Jubilee for the whole world, to start everything all over again. That’s what I was gonna do.”
“And the five trillion you stole was just a finder’s fee, right?”
“A man’s gotta get paid, doesn’t he?”
“Forget your Freakonomics. A world war isn’t a fresh start for anybody.”
Logan leaned forward, his face reddening.
“I make no apologies for trying to defend my country. Extreme threat demands extreme action. I’m a loyal American patriot. It was my duty to try and destroy America’s enemies before they destroyed us. In less than a decade, the Chinese and the Russians will have the means to wipe us out. They already have the will to do it.”
“You just forgot one thing. The Chinese and Russians might have blown themselves to bits in the Bering Sea, but they would’ve figured out pretty damn quick that someone else was behind it—and they would’ve blamed us.”
“That’s why I did it! I put the ball in the red zone. First and goal. All Ryan had to do was punch it into the end zone and win the game once and for all. I knew he didn’t have the balls for a first strike. So I was gonna do it for him because I sure as hell do.”
“The only problem, Logan, is that you aren’t the President and never will be.”
Logan chuckled with disgust. “Don’t I know it.” He sat back. “It was my destiny to be President. I was born and bred for it.”
Logan’s big hands rubbed the armrests of his hated wheelchair. “But the hell of it is, sometimes fate makes the wrong man king.”
Clark gave the order to stack the dead bodies into the yacht’s first-floor deck compartment away from prying eyes until they got deeper out into the Gulf, where they’d toss them overboard, chum for the hungry sharks patrolling the deeper waters.
Clark, a former chief boatswain’s mate, knew how to handle a boat, even one as big as the Dulces Sueños. He maneuvered it closer to Adara, still in the water, the Songar already packed for the trip home. Dom helped her on board as Ding made the call to the CV-22B Osprey, a SOCOM tilt-rotor bird winging its way toward them from its base at MacDill AFB, Florida. The others pulled the DiveJets from the water and secured them, then prepped the yacht for the journey across the Gulf to Houston.
Jack arrived on the aft deck with a handcuffed Logan slumped in his chair just as the tilt-rotor Osprey arrived overhead. Its twin turbo-shaft Rolls-Royce engines rotated to ninety degrees to vertical, converting the airplane into a helicopter in just twelve seconds.
The pilot’s voice echoed clearly in Jack’s skull. The Sonitus mics eliminated the ambient noise of the roaring turbines and beating rotor blades.
Jack confirmed. The clock was ticking the moment the Osprey entered Mexican airspace, something a hostile Mexican government wouldn’t look kindly upon. Interceptors would be launched within minutes if the Osprey didn’t clear back out pronto.
Clark reported the yacht’s onboard radar showed the Uxmal making a turn, and heading back their way at flank speed.
“We need to get this tub moving, fast!”
A rope was lowered from the hellhole in the belly of the Osprey. A dual Y strap was attached to the rope with carabiners on each arm of the Y.
Jack snapped the carabiners to the D-rings on the shoulder straps of Logan’s STABO extraction harness.
“He’s on the string,” Jack said.
“Roger that,” the pilot said.
A winch inside the Osprey turned. Logan lifted out of his chair helplessly, his dead legs dangling, his cuffed hands immobilized. He cleared the deck five feet, then ten. The big, crippled body began slowly spinning in the prop wash.
“If you like fishing with live bait, he’s all yours,” Jack said. The pilot had been briefed on his cargo’s criminal actions.
“Too bad I forgot to bring my fishing license.” The pilot laughed as he signed off.
The Osprey’s big engines roared again as it leaped into the sky, Logan still dangling from the rope. No time to wait and pull him into the Osprey. The accelerated speed and rotor wash spun him like a top as he rocketed into the moonless air. The pilot swung away at a steep angle, pointing his machine toward home.
Jack’s eyes tracked Logan into the dark that finally swallowed him up.
Logan was still alive. Mission accomplished.
A wide grin creased Jack’s face.
He could still hear Logan’s screams.