To my head chefs Tom Mitchell, Daniel Texter, Matt Baverel and Karen Jung – you’ve always got my back and are there to help whenever needed, thanks for all the prep time you put into this book. And to all the rest of the kitchen teams, thanks for all your help getting everything ready for this book, you’re the concrete and foundation behind all my creations.
To Rosalba Zumbo, my sister and GM, thanks for working with me, always being there whenever I need anything and running around to get random things for my ideas. It’s very special to be able to work with you, love you lots.
To Mum and Dad (little Frankie & Nancy), my other sister Trish, bro H and the kids Jeremy, Dakota and Hunter (my nieces and nephews), thanks for always believing in me as a family. The support that you gave me has helped me get to where I am today, I know you are proud and I love you all.
To Marky Sparky McDonald, thanks for being an amazing PA/bit of everything – I throw so many things at you and we get through it! To Maria Kirkman and the office crew, thanks for all your hard work. To all the suppliers and producers who, day in, day out, help make everything run with all their quality products and service, thank you. To Tom, Feliz and Mark from Kenwood, thanks for the support. To Gary Willis (Mr Chocolate Australia) and the F Mayer crew, thanks for the immense support and helping the industry to be what it is today.
To the team at Murdoch Books, Hugh, Corinne, Virginia, Brett, Matt, Katy, Melody and Sue: thanks for the opportunity, and for your hard work in making this book spectacular.
To all the people and angels up above, thanks for guiding me on this journey and helping me find the right path to grow and for new experiences and dreams to evolve.
To all the pastry chefs, patissiers, chocolatiers, confectioners, chefs and people in the sweet industry, we are all one big family and thanks for making it such a great industry to work in and for all the inspiration and drive you bring to myself and others.
To all the fans, customers and supporters of Zumbo, and to anyone who loves pastry, baking and confectionery, thanks for the support. Your love for pastry and trying something new has made the industry in Australia what it is today. We are one step closer!
Live the passion, chase the dream, eat sweet, stay sweet and keep baking!