Chapter 2. Data Cleaning and Advanced Machine Learning

The goal of data analytics in general is to uncover actionable insights that result in positive business outcomes. In the case of predictive analytics, the aim is to do this by determining the most likely future outcome of a target, based on previous trends and patterns.

The benefits of predictive analytics are not restricted to big technology companies. Any business can find ways to benefit from machine learning, given the right data.

Companies all around the world are collecting massive amounts of data and using predictive analytics to cut costs and increase profits. Some of the most prevalent examples of this are from the technology giants Google, Facebook, and Amazon, who utilize big data on a huge scale. For example, Google and Facebook serve you personalized ads based on predictive algorithms that guess what you are most likely to click on. Similarly, Amazon recommends personalized products that you are most likely to buy, given your previous purchases.

Modern predictive analytics is done with machine learning, where computer models are trained to learn patterns from data. As we saw briefly in the previous lesson, software such as scikit-learn can be used with Jupyter Notebooks to efficiently build and test machine learning models. As we will continue to see, Jupyter Notebooks are an ideal environment for doing this type of work, as we can perform ad hoc testing and analysis, and easily save the results for reference later.

In this lesson, we will again take a hands-on approach by running through various examples and activities in a Jupyter Notebook. Where we saw a couple of examples of machine learning in the previous lesson, here we'll take a much slower and more thoughtful approach. Using an employee retention problem as our overarching example for the lesson, we will discuss how to approach predictive analytics, what things to consider when preparing the data for modeling, and how to implement and compare a variety of models using Jupyter Notebooks.

In this lesson, you will:

Here, we will cover the preparation required to train a predictive model. Although not as technically glamorous as training the models themselves, this step should not be taken lightly. It's very important to ensure you have a good plan before proceeding with the details of building and training a reliable model. Furthermore, once you've decided on the right plan, there are technical steps in preparing the data for modeling that should not be overlooked.

Also, keep in mind that Jupyter Notebooks are particularly well-suited for this step, as we can use them to document our plan, for example, by writing rough notes about the data or a list of models we are interested in training. Before starting to train models, it's good practice to even take this a step further and write out a well-structured plan to follow. Not only will this help you stay on track as you build and test the models, but it will allow others to understand what you're doing when they see your work.

After discussing the preparation, we will also cover another step in preparing to train the predictive model, which is cleaning the dataset. This is another thing that Jupyter Notebooks are well-suited for, as they offer an ideal testing ground for performing dataset transformations and keeping track of the exact changes. The data transformations required for cleaning raw data can quickly become intricate and convoluted; therefore, it's important to keep track of your work. As discussed in the first lesson, tools other than Jupyter Notebooks just don't offer very good options for doing this efficiently.

When formulating a plan for doing predictive modeling, one should start by considering stakeholder needs. A perfect model will be useless if it doesn't solve a relevant problem. Planning a strategy around business needs ensures that a successful model will lead to actionable insights.

Although it may be possible in principle to solve many business problems, the ability to deliver the solution will always depend on the availability of the necessary data. Therefore, it's important to consider the business needs in the context of the available data sources. When data is plentiful, this will have little effect, but as the amount of available data becomes smaller, so too does the scope of problems that can be solved.

These ideas can be formed into a standard process for determining a predictive analytics plan, which goes as follows:

Steps 2 and 3 should be repeated until a realistic plan has taken shape. At this point, you will already have a good idea of what the model input will be and what you might expect as output.

Once we've identified a problem that can be solved with machine learning, along with the appropriate data sources, we should answer the following questions to lay a framework for the project. Doing this will help us determine which types of machine learning models we can use to solve the problem:

Data preprocessing has a huge impact on machine learning. Like the saying "you are what you eat," the model's performance is a direct reflection of the data it's trained on. Many models depend on the data being transformed so that the continuous feature values have comparable limits. Similarly, categorical features should be encoded into numerical values. Although important, these steps are relatively simple and do not take very long.

Another thing to consider is the size of the datasets being used by many data scientists. As the dataset size increases, the prevalence of messy data increases as well, along with the difficulty in cleaning it.

Simply dropping the missing data is usually not the best option, because it's hard to justify throwing away samples where most of the fields have values. In doing so, we could lose valuable information that may hurt final model performance.

The steps involved in data preprocessing can be grouped as follows:

Let's explore some of the tools and methods for doing the preprocessing.

  1. Start the NotebookApp from the project directory by executing jupyter notebook. Navigate to the Lesson-2 directory and open up the lesson-2-workbook.ipynb file. Find the cell near the top where the packages are loaded, and run it.

    We are going to start by showing off some basic tools from Pandas and scikit-learn. Then, we'll take a deeper dive into methods for rebuilding missing data.

  2. Scroll down to Subtopic B: Preparing data for machine learning and run the cell containing pd.merge? to display the docstring for the merge function in the notebook:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    As we can see, the function accepts a left and right DataFrame to merge. You can specify one or more columns to group on as well as how they are grouped, that is, to use the left, right, outer, or inner sets of values. Let's see an example of this in use.

  3. Exit the help popup and run the cell containing the following sample DataFrames:
    df_1 = pd.DataFrame({'product': ['red shirt', 'red shirt', 'red shirt', 'white dress'],\n",
                         'price': [49.33, 49.33, 32.49, 199.99]})\n",
    df_2 = pd.DataFrame({'product': ['red shirt', 'blue pants', 'white tuxedo', 'white dress'],\n",
                         'in_stock': [True, True, False, False]})

    Here, we will build two simple DataFrames from scratch. As can be seen, they contain a product column with some shared entries.

    Now, we are going to perform an inner merge on the product shared column and print the result.

  4. Run the next cell to perform the inner merge:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    Note how only the shared items, red shirt and white dress, are included. To include all entries from both tables, we can do an outer merge instead. Let's do this now.

  5. Run the next cell to perform an outer merge:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    This returns all of the data from each table where missing values have been labeled with NaN.

  6. Run the next cell to perform an outer merge:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    This returns all of the data from each table where missing values have been labeled with NaN.

Since this is our first time encountering an NaN value in this book, now is a good time to discuss how these work in Python.

First of all, you can define an NaN variable by doing, for example, a = float('nan'). However, if you want to test for equality, you cannot simply use standard comparison methods. It's best to do this instead with a high-level function from a library such as NumPy. This is illustrated with the following code:

Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

Some of these results may seem counterintuitive. There is logic behind this behavior, however, and for a deeper understanding of the fundamental reasons for standard comparisons returning False, check out this excellent StackOverflow thread:

  1. You may have noticed that our most recently merged table has duplicated data in the first few rows. Let's see how to handle this.

    Run the cell containing df.drop_duplicates() to return a version of the DataFrame with no duplicate rows:

    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    This is the easiest and "standard" way to drop duplicate rows. To apply these changes to df, we can either set inplace=True or do something like df = df.drop_duplicated(). Let's see another method, which uses masking to select or drop duplicate rows.

  2. Run the cell containing df.duplicated() to print the True/False series, marking duplicate rows:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    We can take the sum of this result to determine how many rows have duplicates, or it can be used as a mask to select the duplicated rows.

  3. Do this by running the next two cells:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods
  4. We can compute the opposite of the mask with a simple tilde (~) to extract the deduplicated DataFrame. Run the following code and convince yourself the output is the same as that from df.drop_duplicates():
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods
  5. This can also be used to drop duplicates from a subset of the full DataFrame. For example, run the cell containing the following code:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    Here, we are doing the following things:

    • Creating a mask (a True/False series) for the product row, where duplicates are marked with True
    • Using the tilde (~) to take the opposite of that mask, so that duplicates are instead marked with False and everything else is True
    • Using that mask to filter out the False rows of df, which correspond to the duplicated products

    As expected, we now see that only the first red shirt row remains, as the duplicate product rows have been removed.

    In order to proceed with the steps, let's replace df with a deduplicated version of itself. This can be done by running drop_duplicates and passing the parameter inplace=True.

  6. Deduplicate the DataFrame and save the result by running the cell containing the following code:

    Continuing on to other preprocessing methods, let's ignore the duplicated rows and first deal with the missing data. This is necessary because models cannot be trained on incomplete samples. Using the missing price data for blue pants and white tuxedo as an example, let's show some different options for handling NaN values.

  7. One option is to drop the rows, which might be a good idea if your NaN samples are missing the majority of their values. Do this by running the cell containing df.dropna():
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods
  8. If most of the values are missing for a feature, it may be best to drop that column entirely. Do this by running the cell containing the same method as before, but this time with the axes parameter passed to indicate columns instead of rows:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    Simply dropping the NaN values is usually not the best option, because losing data is never good, especially if only a small fraction of the sample values is missing. Pandas offers a method for filling in NaN entries in a variety of different ways, some of which we'll illustrate now.

  9. Run the cell containing df.fillna? to print the docstring for the Pandas NaN-fill method:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    Note the options for the value parameter; this could be, for example, a single value or a dictionary/series type map based on index. Alternatively, we can leave the value as None and pass a fill method instead. We'll see examples of each in this lesson.

  10. Fill in the missing data with the average product price by running the cell containing the following code:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods
  11. Now, fill in the missing data using the pad method by running the cell containing the following code instead:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    Notice how the white dress price was used to pad the missing values below it.

    To conclude this section, we will prepare our simple table to be used for training a machine learning algorithm. Don't worry, we won't actually try to train any models on such a small dataset! We start this process by encoding the class labels for the categorical data.

  12. Before encoding the labels, run the first cell in the Building training data sets section to add another column of data representing the average product ratings:
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    Imagining we want to use this table to train a predictive model, we should first think about changing all the variables to numeric types.

  13. The simplest column to handle is the Boolean list: in_stock. This should be changed to numeric values, for example, 0 and 1, before using it to train a predictive model. This can be done in many ways, for example, by running the cell containing the following code:
    df.in_stock ={False: 0, True: 1})
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods
  14. Another option for encoding features is scikit-learn's LabelEncoder, which can be used to map the class labels to integers at a higher level. Let's test this by running the cell containing the following code:
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    rating_encoder = LabelEncoder()
    _df = df.copy()
    _df.rating = rating_encoder.fit_transform(df.rating)
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    This might bring to mind the preprocessing we did in the previous lesson, when building the polynomial model. Here, we instantiate a label encoder and then "train" it and "transform" our data using the fit_transform method. We apply the result to a copy of our DataFrame, _df.

  15. The features can then be converted back using the class we reference with the variable rating_encoder, by running rating_encoder.inverse_transform(df.rating):
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    You may notice a problem here. We are working with a so-called "ordinal" feature, where there's an inherent order to the labels. In this case, we should expect that a rating of "low" would be encoded with a 0 and a rating of "high" would be encoded with a 2. However, this is not the result we see. In order to achieve proper ordinal label encoding, we should again use map, and build the dictionary ourselves.

  16. Encode the ordinal labels properly by running the cell containing the following code:
    ordinal_map = {rating: index for index, rating in enumerate(['low', 'medium', 'high'])}
    df.rating =
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    We first create the mapping dictionary. This is done using a dictionary comprehension and enumeration, but looking at the result, we see that it could just as easily be defined manually instead. Then, as done earlier for the in_stock column, we apply the dictionary mapping to the feature. Looking at the result, we see that rating now makes more sense than before, where low is labeled with 0, medium with 1, and high with 2.

    Now that we've discussed ordinal features, let's touch on another type called nominal features. These are fields with no inherent order, and in our case, we see that product is a perfect example.

    Most scikit-learn models can be trained on data like this, where we have strings instead of integer-encoded labels. In this situation, the necessary conversions are done under the hood. However, this may not be the case for all models in scikit-learn, or other machine learning and deep learning libraries. Therefore, it's good practice to encode these ourselves during preprocessing.

  17. A commonly used technique to convert class labels from strings to numerical values is called one-hot encoding. This splits the distinct classes out into separate features. It can be accomplished elegantly with pd.get_dummies(). Do this by running the cell containing the following code:
    df = pd.get_dummies(df)

    The final DataFrame then looks as follows:

    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    Here, we see the result of one-hot encoding: the product column has been split into 4, one for each unique value. Within each column, we find either a 1 or 0 representing whether that row contains the particular value or product.

    Moving on and ignoring any data scaling (which should usually be done), the final step is to split the data into training and test sets to use for machine learning. This can be done using scikit-learn's train_test_split. Let's assume we are going to try to predict whether an item is in stock, given the other feature values.

  18. Split the data into training and test sets by running the cell containing the following code:
    features = ['price', 'rating', 'product_blue pants',
                'product_red shirt', 'product_white dress',
                'product_white tuxedo']
    X = df[features].values
    target = 'in_stock'
    y = df[target].values
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \
        train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3)
    Explore data preprocessing tools and methods

    Here, we are selecting subsets of the data and feeding them into the train_test_split function. This function has four outputs, which are unpacked into the training and testing splits for features (X) and the target (y).

    Observe the shape of the output data, where the test set has roughly 30% of the samples and the training set has roughly 70%.

    We'll see similar code blocks later, when preparing real data to use for training predictive models.

This concludes the section on cleaning data for use in machine learning applications. Let's take a minute to note how effective our Jupyter Notebook was for testing various methods of transforming the data, and ultimately documenting the pipeline we decided upon. This could easily be applied to an updated version of the data by altering only specific cells of code, prior to processing. Also, should we desire any changes to the processing, these can easily be tested in the notebook, and specific cells may be changed to accommodate the alterations. The best way to achieve this would probably be to copy the notebook over to a new file, so that we can always keep a copy of the original analysis for reference.

Moving on to an activity, we'll now apply the concepts from this section to a large dataset as we prepare it for use in training predictive models.

Suppose you are hired to do freelance work for a company who wants to find insights into why their employees are leaving. They have compiled a set of data they think will be helpful in this respect. It includes details on employee satisfaction levels, evaluations, time spent at work, department, and salary.

The company shares their data with you by sending you a file called hr_data.csv and asking what you think can be done to help stop employees from leaving.

To apply the concepts we've learned thus far to a real-life problem. In particular, we seek to:

Now that our client's data has been properly loaded, let's think about how we can use predictive analytics to find insights into why their employees are leaving.

Let's run through the first steps for creating a predictive analytics plan:

Recall, as mentioned earlier, that effective analytics techniques lead to impactful business decisions. With that in mind, if we were able to predict how likely an employee is to quit, the business could selectively target those employees for special treatment. For example, their salary could be raised or their number of projects reduced. Furthermore, the impact of these changes could be estimated using the model!

To assess the validity of this plan, let's think about our data. Each row represents an employee who either works for the company or has left, as labeled by the column named left. We can therefore train a model to predict this target, given a set of features.

Assess the target variable. Check the distribution and number of missing entries by running the following code:

Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem

Here's the output of the second code line:

Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem

About three-quarters of the samples are employees who have not left. The group who has left makes up the other quarter of the samples. This tells us we are dealing with an imbalanced classification problem, which means we'll have to take special measures to account for each class when calculating accuracies. We also see that none of the target variables are missing (no NaN values).

Now, we'll assess the features:

This code snippet is a little complicated, but it's very useful for showing an overview of both the continuous and discrete features in our dataset. Essentially, it assumes each feature is continuous and attempts to plot its distribution, and reverts to simply plotting the value counts if the feature turns out to be discrete.

The result is as follows:

Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem
Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem
Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem

For many features, we see a wide distribution over the possible values, indicating a good variety in the feature spaces. This is encouraging; features that are strongly grouped around a small range of values may not be very informative for the model. This is the case for promotion_last_5years, where we see that the vast majority of samples are 0.

The next thing we need to do is remove any NaN values from the dataset.

  1. Check how many NaN values are in each column by running the following code:
    df.isnull().sum() / len(df) * 100
    Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem

    We can see there are about 2.5% missing for average_montly_hours, 1% missing for time_spend_company, and 98% missing for is_smoker! Let's use a couple of different strategies that we've learned about to handle these.

  2. Since there is barely any information in the is_smoker metric, let's drop this column. Do this by running: del df['is_smoker'].
  3. Since time_spend_company is an integer field, we'll use the median value to fill the NaN values in this column. This can be done with the following code:
    fill_value = df.time_spend_company.median()
    df.time_spend_company = df.time_spend_company.fillna(fill_value)

    The final column to deal with is average_montly_hours. We could do something similar and use the median or rounded mean as the integer fill value. Instead though, let's try to take advantage of its relationship with another variable. This may allow us to fill the missing data more accurately.

  4. Make a boxplot of average_montly_hours segmented by number_project. This can be done by running the following code:
    sns.boxplot(x='number_project', y='average_montly_hours', data=df)
    Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem

    We can see how the number of projects is correlated with average_monthly_hours, a result that is hardly surprising. We'll exploit this relationship by filling in the NaN values of average_montly_hours differently, depending on the number of projects for that sample. Specifically, we'll use the mean of each group.

  5. Calculate the mean of each group by running the following code:
    mean_per_project = df.groupby('number_project')\
    mean_per_project = dict(mean_per_project)
    Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem

    We can then map this onto the number_project column and pass the resulting series object as the argument to fillna.

  6. Fill the NaN values in average_montly_hours by executing the following code:
    fill_values =
    df.average_montly_hours = df.average_montly_hours.fillna(fill_values)
  7. Confirm that df has no more NaN values by running the following assertion test. If it does not raise an error, then you have successfully removed the NaNs from the table:
    assert df.isnull().sum().sum() == 0
  8. Finally, we will transform the string and Boolean fields into integer representations. In particular, we'll manually convert the target variable left from yes and no to 1 and 0 and build the one-hot encoded features. Do this by running the following code:
    df.left ={'no': 0, 'yes': 1})
    df = pd.get_dummies(df)
  9. Print df.columns to show the fields:
    Activity A: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem

    We can see that department and salary have been split into various binary features.

    The final step to prepare our data for machine learning is scaling the features, but for various reasons (for example, some models do not require scaling), we'll do it as part of the model-training workflow in the next activity.

  10. We have completed the data preprocessing and are ready to move on to training models! Let's save our preprocessed data by running the following code:
    df.to_csv('../data/hr-analytics/hr_data_processed.csv', index=False)

Again, we pause here to note how well the Jupyter Notebook suited our needs when performing this initial data analysis and clean-up. Imagine, for example, we left this project in its current state for a few months. Upon returning to it, we would probably not remember what exactly was going on when we left it. Referring back to this notebook though, we would be able to retrace our steps and quickly recall what we previously learned about the data. Furthermore, we could update the data source with any new data and re-run the notebook to prepare the new set of data for use in our machine learning algorithms. Recall that in this situation, it would be best to make a copy of the notebook first, so as not to lose the initial analysis.

To summarize, we've learned and applied methods for preparing to train a machine learning model. We started by discussing steps for identifying a problem that can be solved with predictive analytics. This consisted of:

We also discussed how to identify supervised versus unsupervised and regression versus classification problems.

After identifying our problem, we learned techniques for using Jupyter Notebooks to build and test a data transformation pipeline. These techniques included methods and best practices for filling missing data, transforming categorical features, and building train/test data sets.

In the remainder of this lesson, we will use this preprocessed data to train a variety of classification models. To avoid blindly applying algorithms we don't understand, we start by introducing them and overviewing how they work. Then, we use Jupyter to train and compare their predictive capabilities. Here, we have the opportunity to discuss more advanced topics in machine learning like overfitting, k-fold cross-validation, and validation curves.