
In this lesson, we scraped web page tables and then used interactive visualizations to study the data.

We started by looking at how HTTP requests work, focusing on GET requests and their response status codes. Then, we went into the Jupyter Notebook and made HTTP requests with Python using the Requests library. We saw how Jupyter can be used to render HTML in the notebook, along with actual web pages that can be interacted with. After making requests, we saw how Beautiful Soup can be used to parse text from the HTML, and used this library to scrape tabular data.

After scraping two tables of data, we stored them in pandas DataFrames. The first table contained the central bank interest rates for each country and the second table contained the populations. We combined these into a single table that was then used to create interactive visualizations.

Finally, we used Bokeh to render interactive visualizations in Jupyter. We saw how to use the Bokeh API to create various customized plots and made scatter plots with specific interactive abilities such as zoom, pan, and hover. In terms of customization, we explicitly showed how to set the point radius and color for each data sample. Furthermore, when using Bokeh to explore the scraped population data, the tooltip was utilized to show country names and associated data when hovering over the points.

Congratulations for completing this introductory course on data science using Jupyter Notebooks! Regardless of your experience with Jupyter and Python coming into the book, you've learned some useful and applicable skills for practical data science!

Before finishing up, let's quickly recap the topics we've covered in this book.

The first lesson was an introduction to the Jupyter Notebook platform, where we covered all of the fundamentals. We learned about the interface and how to use and install magic functions. Then, we introduced the Python libraries we'll be using and walked through an exploratory analysis of the Boston housing dataset.

In the second lesson, we focused on doing machine learning with Jupyter. We first discussed the steps for developing a predictive analytics plan, and then looked at a few different types of models including SVM, a KNN classifier, and Random Forests. Working with an employee retention dataset, we applied data cleaning methods and then trained models to predict whether an employee has left or not. We also explored more advanced topics such as overfitting, k-fold cross-validation, and validation curves.

Finally, in the third lesson, we shifted briefly from data analysis to data collection using web scraping and saw how to make HTTP requests and parse the HTML responses in Jupyter. Then, we finished up the book by using interactive visualizations to explore our collected data.

We hope that you've enjoyed working with Jupyter Notebooks through all of this, and that you might continue using them for your projects in the future!