Aberffynnon (ah-ber-FIN-nuhn) —a port city on the southern coast of Gwydden
Aenghus (AYN-gus) —Lady Macha’s husband
Ailís (AY-leesh) —Aine’s mother, lady of Forrais and wife of Alsandair Mac Tamhais, now deceased
Aine Nic Tamhais (ON-yuh nik TAV-ish) —the “lady healer of Lisdara,” married to Conor Mac Nir
Alsandair Mac Tamhais —Aine’s father, lord of Forrais and chief of Clan Tamhais, now deceased
Amanta (ah-MAN-ta) —the island upon which Aron and Gwydden are located
Amantine Sea (ah-MAN-teen) —narrow sea separating Seare and Amanta
Ard Dhaimhin (ard DAV-in) —former high city of Seare, home of the Fíréin brotherhood
Arkiel (ar-KEEL) —Companion who instigated the rebellion against Comdiu
Aron (ah-RUN) —Aine’s birthplace, across the Amantine Sea from Seare
Askr (as-KER) —Norin warrior god
Bain (bwen) —Forrais guard
Balian (BAH-lee-an) —the faith of those who follow Balus; a follower of Balus
Ballaghbán (bal-luh-BAHN) —port city in northern Faolán
Balus (BAH-lus) —son of Comdiu, savior of mankind
Beagan (BOG-awn) —Fíréin tracker
Bearrach (BEAR-uhk) —healer at Lisdara; Aine’s instructor
Breann (BREE-ahn) —novice of the Fíréin brotherhood
Bress (bress) —King of Aron
Briallu (bree-AHL-lu) —Talfryn’s daughter
Brightwater —nickname for Ionbhar Dealrach
brithem (BRITH-ev) —traveling judge in Aron who presides over serious crimes
Caerfaddyn (care-FAD-duhn) —a Gwynn castle, seat of Prince Dewyn
Calhoun Mac Cuillinn (cal-HOON mok CUL-in) —former King of Faolán, assumed deceased; Aine’s half brother
carnyx (car-nix) —war horn
Carraigmór (CAIR-ig-mor) —fortress of the High King and the Fíréin brotherhood
Cass Mac Onaghan (kass mok ON-ah-han) —captain of the Beacon
Cé (keh) —Forrais guard
céad (ked) —a company of men; literally, one hundred
Ceannaire (KAN-na-ahr) —leader of the Fíréin brotherhood
Cill Rhí (kill ree) —Balian monastery
Cira/Ciraen (seer-AH) (seer-AY-ahn) —largest empire in history, now reduced to a small portion of the continent
Clogheen (cloh-EEN) —a market town in central Faolán
Comdiu (COM-dyoo) —God
Companions —the spirit warriors of Comdiu; angels
Conclave —the ruling body of the Fíréin brotherhood
Conor Mac Nir (CON-ner mok NEER) —Timhaigh warrior and musician, former Fíréin apprentice
Criofan (CRIH-fahn)– former Fíréin brother
Cwmmaen (coom-MINE) —a former Ciraen fortress in Gwydden, seat of Prince Talfryn
Daigh (dy) —senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood
Daimhin (DAV-in)– the first High King of Seare
Dal (DAHL) —senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood
Dewyn (DEW-ayn) —prince of Gwydden, Talfryn’s brother
Diarmuid (DEER-muhd) —druid; formerly Ceannaire Niall
Diocail (dyuh-KEL) —master of Forrais’s house guard
Dún Caomaugh (doon KOW-mah) —southern Aronan port city
Dyllan (DIL-lahn) —Gwynn prisoner in the Sofarende settlement
Eilean Buidhe (AY-luhn BOO-yah) —a southern island located between Aron and Seare
Eluf (ell-LOOF) —Norin warrior
Eoghan (OH-in) —Fíréin apprentice; Conor’s best friend
Faolán/Faolanaigh (FEY-lahn) (FEY-lahn-aye) —northeastern kingdom in Seare, formerly ruled by Clan Cuillinn/their language and people
Fechin (feh-KEEN) —senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood
Fergus Mac Nir (FAYR-gus mok NEER) —former king of Tigh; Conor’s uncle
Fermaigh (fuhr-MY) —southern Aronan port city
Fionnuala (fin-NOO-la) —Eoghan’s mother; clan Fearghail (husband’s clan unknown)
Fíréin (FEER-een) brotherhood —ancient brotherhood dedicated to the reinstatement of the High King
Forrais (FOR-rahs) —Aine’s birthplace in the Aronan Highlands
Gabhran (GAH-ruhn) —Lord Riagain’s enforcer
Gainor Mac Cuillinn (GAY-nor mok CUL-in) —tanist to King Calhoun; Calhoun’s brother, assumed deceased
Galbraith Mac Nir (GOL-breth mok NEER) —king of Tigh; Conor’s stepfather, now deceased
Gillian (JILL-yuhn) —elderly Fíréin brother
Glenmallaig (glen-MAL-ag) —seat of the king of Tigh; Conor’s birthplace
Glyn (glin) —bard
Gradaigh (GRAH-duh) —senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood
Guaire (GUHR-yeh) —Forrais’s steward
Gwingardd (GWIN-gard) —a Gwynn castle, seat of Prince Neryn
Gwydden/Gwynn (GWIH-duhn) (gwin) —a country across the Amantine Sea/their people
Haldor (HAL-dohr) —captain of the Sofarende settlement near Cwmmaen; also known as Haldor the Brave
Hall of Prophecies —magically concealed chamber in Carraigmór that contains the Fíréin brotherhood’s ancient writings
Hyledd (HY-led) —Talfryn’s wife
Ial (yahl) —captain of Cwmmaen’s guard
Iomhar (EE-ver) —young Fíréin brother
Ionbhar Dealrach (ee-ON-var DAL-rok) —one of the largest clan holdings in Aron; controlled by Lord Riagain
Keondric Mac Eirhinin (KEN-drick mok AYR-nin) —Lord of Rathmor; battle captain
Klasjvic (KLAH-yah-vik) —Norin capitol
Lachaidh (LAH-chee) —Forrais guardsman
Lelle (LEL-leh) —Norin god known as the “dying god”
Lia (LEE-uh) —Aine’s lady’s maid
Liam Mac Cuillinn (LEE-um mok CUL-in) —Ceannaire, leader of the Fíréin brotherhood; Aine’s half brother
Lisdara (lis-DAR-ah) —seat of the king of Faolán
Llantawe (hlan-TAW) —a Gwynn castle, seat of King Llewellyn
Llewellyn (HLEW-ell-en) —King of Gwydden
Loch Ceo (lok kyo) —lake within Ard Dhaimhin
Lorcan (LUR-cawn) —leader of Aine’s guard, presumed deceased
Macha (mah-HUH) —chieftain of Clan Tamhais, lady of Forrais
Manog (mah-NOGH) —senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood
Meallachán (MOL-luck-on) —bard
Merov/Merovian (mehr-AHV) (mehr-OHV-ee-an) —country within the Ciraen empire/their language and people
Miach (ME-ahk) —first mate of the Beacon
Neryn (NEHR-ehn) —prince of Gwydden, Talfryn’s brother
Niall (NEE-ahl) —former Ceannaire of the Fíréin brotherhood, now Keondric
Niamh Nic Cuillinn (NEE-uv nik CUL-in) —King Calhoun’s sister, assumed deceased; Aine’s half sister
Norin (NOR-in) —the common name of the Northern Isles; origin of the Sofarende
Odran (OH-rawn) —Fíréin tracker
Oisean (oh-SHEEN) —Forrais guard
Pepin (pep-EEN) —Merovian mercenary
Rathmór (RATH-mohr) —seat of Clan Eirhinin, a minor royal line of Faolán
Riagain Mac Comain (REE-gan mok KO-myn) —lord of Ionbhar Dealrach (Brightwater), Aine’s distant cousin
Riordan Mac Nir (REER-uh-dawn mok NEER) —Conor’s father, senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood
Roidh (roy) —Forrais guard
Róscomain (ros-COM-muhn) —old forest bordering Tigh and Sliebhan
Ruarc (ROO-ark) —Aine’s bodyguard, now deceased
Seanrós (SHAWN-ross) —old forest bordering Faolán
Seare/Seareann (SHAR-uh)(SHAR-uhn) —island housing the four kingdoms/its language and people
Semias (SHAY-mus) —former King of Siomar
sidhe (shee) —the evil spirits of the underworld; demons
Sigurd (SEE-gyurd)– Norin mercenary
Siomar/Siomaigh (SHO-mar) (SHO-my) —Southeastern kingdom in Seare/their language and people
Sliebhan/Sliebhanaigh (SLEEV-ahn) (SLEEV-ahn-eye) —Southwestern kingdom in Seare/their language and people
Sofarende (soeh-FUR-end-uh) —seafarers from the Northern Isles (Norin)
Talfryn (TAL-frin) —prince of Gwydden, lord of Cwmmaen
tanist —chosen successor of a Seareann king, elected by the kingdom’s council of lords
Taran Mac Maolain (TAH-ruhn mok MAL-lin) —mercenary, once a Midland lord
Tigh/Timhaigh (ty) (TIH-vy) —northwestern kingdom in Seare, ruled by Clan Nir/their language and people
Uallas (WAL-luhs) —lord of Eilean Buidhe
Ulaf (OO-lahf) —Sofarende warrior