Further Information


Cline, Elizabeth. Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion. New York: Portfolio, 2013.

Donovan, Sandy. Thrift Shopping: Discovering Bargains and Hidden Treasures. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, 2015.

Higgins, Nadia Abushanab. Feminism: Reinventing the F-word. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, 2016.

O’Neill, Terese. Unmentionable: The Victorian Lady’s Guide to Sex, Marriage, and Manners. New York: Little, Brown, 2016.

Rutledge, Jill S. Zimmerman. Prom: The Big Night Out. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, 2017.

Stein, Elissa, and Susan Kim. Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2009.

Tobin, Shelly. Inside Out: A Brief History of Underwear. London: National Trust, 2000.


“Girl Undresses in Public for Courageous Cause.” YouTube video, 1:29. Posted by Liberators International, August 14, 2015. This is the story of Jae West undressing in Picadilly Circus to raise awareness about self-esteem and body positivity.

Revealing Garments: A Brief History of Women’s Underwear. YouTube video, 1:04:56. Posted by the Indianapolis Museum of Art, November 15, 2012. https://youtube/AJ6eqMgn5u0. H. Kristina Haugland, the associate curator of Costume and Textiles at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, discusses the history of women’s underwear.

“Women’s Ideal Body Types throughout History. YouTube video, 3:09. Posted by BuzzFeedVideo, January 26, 2015. https://youtube/Xrp0zJZu0a4. The changing standards of female beauty for the last three thousand years are the focus of this video.

Online Articles

Bédat, Maxine, and Michael Shank. “There Is a Major Climate Issue Hiding in Your Closet: Fast Fashion.” Fast Company, November 11, 2016. https://www.fastcoexist.com/3065532/there-is-a-major-climate-issue-hiding-in-your -closet-fast-fashion.

Chapin, Angelina. “Underwear for Trans People: The Torture of Binding, Tucking and Packing Is Over.” Guardian (US ed.), September 24, 2015. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/sep/24/underwear-for-transgender -people-shapewear.

Chase, Loretta, and Susan Holloway. “More about Corsets: Baleen Ho!” Two Nerdy History Girls (blog), April 7, 2010. http://twonerdyhistorygirls.blogspot.com/2010/04/more-about-corsets-baleen-ho.html.

Edwards, Katie. “How Beyoncé Pregnancy Pics Challenge Racist, Religious and Sexual Stereotypes.” Conversation, February 5, 2017. http://theconversation.com/how-beyonce-pregnancy-pics-challenge-racist-religious-and-sexual-stereotypes-72429.

hooks, bell. “The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators.” In Black Looks: Race and Representation. Boston, South End, 1992. https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/english/currentstudents/pg/masters/modules/femlit /bell_hooks.pdf.

Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.” In Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings. Edited by Leo Braudy and Marshall Cohen. New York: Oxford UP, 1999, 833–844. Available online at http://www .composingdigitalmedia.org/f15_mca/mca_reads/mulvey.pdf.

Pandika, Melissa. “Bra History: How a War Shortage Reshaped Modern Shapewear.” NPR, August 5, 2014. http://www .npr.org/2014/08/05/337860700/bra-history-how-a-war-shortage-reshaped-modern-shapewear.

Singer, Maya. “Hear Us Roar: Finding Feminism in Fashion.” Vogue, September 5, 2014. http://www.vogue.com/article /finding-feminism-in-fashion.

Summers, Chelsea G. “The Politics of Pockets.” Racked, September 19, 2016. http://www.racked .com/2016/9/19/12865560/politics-of-pockets-suffragettes-women.

Thorpe, J. R. “The History of the Tampon—Because They Haven’t Always Been for Periods.” Bustle, November 19, 2015. https://www.bustle.com/articles/124929-the-history-of-the-tampon-because-they-havent-always-been-for-periods.