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Once there was a married couple who lived in a village where they grew rice. The husband was called Nakar and his wife was known as Mayar.

One day, when Nakar was going to the rice field he found a mirror and picked it up. He saw his reflection in it and thought it could be his father, not knowing what a mirror was. When he arrived home, he kept the mirror in a box. Each time he looked at it, he cried. His wife was curious to know why.

She opened the box while he was away and saw her reflection. ‘Oh, this may be a picture of his next wife,’ she uttered.

When a monk visited their home, he asked them why they were arguing.

Mayar said, ‘He will have a new wife.’

Nakar replied, ‘No, it is my father’s picture.’

The monk looked in the mirror and on seeing his reflection said, ‘Oh! It is our abbot’s picture; he died last year. I want to take this to the monastery.’

Nakar and Mayar remained silent wondering about this curious experience.