MOST OF the organizations and structures in the world around you are designed to take away your individual power. This book serves as a magnificent and devastating battle plan, whereby you will learn to expand your personal power and win back absolute control of your life.
The political, social, and financial structures that are imposed upon us today were designed hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago. The function of these structures is to influence and control the people so that they can be manipulated into supporting the system. You have now reached a point in your life where you have enough courage, inner power, and charisma to push against that manipulation and to win back control.
Divesting yourself of the encumbrance of the beliefs of others, you become free. You have to stand alone. That is the only true spiritual path for you. Everything else is just a way station, while you gather enough confidence to step out on your own. You need to get your power back, and fast. To do so you will have to become like a “gorilla on the path” that is going to walk up to the system and lovingly demand its bone back!
But your “power-surge” cannot be achieved through confrontation. Nothing ever comes from blowing up the Town Hall. The sage’s way is to discipline himself and to take back his power, then wait while the system exhausts itself—which it will. The power brokers of the world have created a system that is careening out of control. In an attempt to enslave the world in debt, they have printed so much phony paper money that the system is on the verge of falling apart. Once that happens, things will change for the better: The individual will have his day; and the intuitive, loving, and caring people will inherit the earth.
All you have to do is wait and work on yourself in the meantime. This book outlines your battle plan through heightened perception, discipline, courage, and determination. Through it you can create that commanding, transcendent being that calls to you so longingly from within yourself.
Let us start.
There are four main types of affirmations: affirmations of word, affirmations of thought, affirmations of feeling, and affirmations of action.
An affirmation is, in effect, a statement either of word, thought, feeling, or action that underlines or confirms a belief pattern that you hold. There are negative affirmations and positive affirmations.
This book is for those who want to develop and learn how to use affirmations to mold reality to suit their positive ends.
Before discussing in detail what affirmations are and their use, we must look briefly at the ancient wisdoms and at how the Universal law manifests itself. Those of you who have read Miracles and The Force, bear with me for a moment, as the basic principles are always worth retelling.
Your reality, the situations around you, and the events of your life are created by the energy of your inner being. That inner being is built of various factors, including every thought, feeling, and action you have ever been a part of. Your inner being is strong or weak depending on how you feel about yourself and on how you understand the nature of energy and metaphysical reality.
Every thought or feeling you have about your life, no matter how slight, goes to create the events that are coming toward you. Note that I say “toward you.” In the physical plane, we accept the illusion that we move toward events. We speak in terms of what will happen next week, or we think about a gift that will arrive in a few days, and in so doing we create a feeling that the future is ahead of us and that we are moving toward it. In fact, the future, metaphysically, is all around us, and “events move toward us.” Through the laws of attraction, you draw situations that exactly reflect your inner being.
Whatever you think and feel about your life today is the scaffolding that builds the events you will experience next week or next month. When the time comes, you will fill in the minor details, but the main features of the events already will have been created.
This is my day. I control each and every thing that comes to
me. I accept complete responsibility f
or my life. I am power. So be it.
Your thoughts and feelings mingle with the Universal Law, and the Law reflects back to you an exact replica of the spiritual you. If you want to know how you are doing, ask yourself this question: “Do I have beauty and abundance around me at all times?” If the answer is yes, your inner being is beautiful, and its magnificence can be well used.
If, on the other hand, you are surrounded by lack, or if there is negativity in your life, your inner being is deprived and embodies a certain amount of negativity. It is then time for you to “roll up your sleeves,” and begin to work on the quality of your life. Affirmation is one of the tools you will use.
There is no situation you cannot change. There is nothing that is beyond your capacity. But first you have to accept total responsibility for your life. Every event, good or bad, is a part of who you are. The event is created solely by you, and there is no other, be it God or some outside force, creating it for you. You and only you are in charge.
Once you accept this unequivocally, you reach a metaphysical maturity that allows you to gain complete control of your life. You learn that there are no accidents, quirks of fate, or misfortunes. There is only energy: high energy and not-so-high energy. If a bus turns the corner and runs over your foot, this event comes to you through your lack of balance. It is a lesson from the Universal Law.
By the same token, if a total stranger comes up to you and offers you $10,000, again, it is as a result of the metaphysical energy that you are. Now, you may say, “Such a thing is so unlikely, why would I even bother to think about it?” But the very fact that you are thinking about it allows it to happen. Three years ago, I was thinking that very thought. I had been invited to dinner at the home of a person I had never met. As we waited for the food to be served, I talked a little about my life and some of the projects I was working on. Later that evening, my host pulled me to one side and offered me $10,000. I accepted.
You could start with the following affirmation: “I am ready, I believe in what I am, and I believe in my individuality. Universal Law, give me the wherewithal.” Anything you can imagine, anything that you truly can accept as part of your life, exists as a reality in the inner worlds. It may take awhile for the reality you choose to manifest, but if you imagine it—if in your mind you can truly touch, taste, feel, and accept it as granted—it becomes part of your life.
The Universal Law is impartial. It will give you anything you believe. It will throw you garbage or roses depending on the energy you put in. You are the one in charge, and you must accept that and stand alone. If you think God is coming down to fix things for you, forget it. God is out playing golf.
Now, if that concept is unacceptable, throw out this book and double your insurance policies. For, in fact, what you are saying or affirming in doing so is, “My life is a game of chance; anything can happen. If I make it through this day, it is due to sheer luck.” It may sound funny, but people really live like that. They lurch from one crisis to the other, and when they get into trouble, they pray. More often than not, praying gets them nowhere, but sometimes things change for the better, and when they do, they say, “God loves me; God saved me.”
If you pray to get out of trouble, you draw energy from the emotional feeling or desire to transcend your difficulty. You know what you want, you probably have some ideas about how to solve your problems, and you think and visualize yourself free. And so the Universal Law delivers, providing you believe.
But prayer is not the most effective way of directing energy to your ends. When you pray to an outside force, you express energy away from your self. By doing so, you affirm that you are not in control, that something beyond you will fix your problems. It is more effective to turn your energy inward, saying, “I am the power. I pull from within me the energy I need to go beyond my challenges.”
You see, God has always been an energy, not a person. At the beginning of the current cataclysmic period, approximately 7,000 years ago, there walked on earth a group of initiates or sages. These individuals had great power. They understood the nature of metaphysical reality, and they taught it to their tribes and followers. However, it is hard for the uninitiated to grasp the true reality of the inner worlds. While the sages lived, this did not matter. People experienced the energy through the masters, and they had a glimpse of these other worlds, even though their energy was not advanced enough for them to perceive for themselves.
As generations came and went, the initiates died out; the tribes grew and multiplied, and some members of the tribes began to move away. In so doing, they lost or diluted the spiritual heritage taught by the initiate sages who had led the tribes at the beginning. Unable to perceive the energy themselves, the tribes created gods, and went further to create symbols and statues. Priesthoods grew up so that worship and ritual would be carried out in the correct manner, as dictated by the tribal customs. The priests purported to know the will of God, so they were able to lead the tribes spiritually and to keep things under control. Since the tribal people believed that an outside force controlled their destiny, they carefully observed the rites, ceremonies, and rituals, lest the gods be angered. It was their way of processing fear. Once ritual was established, the notion of sin came into being: If you challenged the will of the priests, or if you failed to support the tribal customs, it followed that you must be acting contrary to the will of God.
Once sin was established in the psyche of the people, the notion of guilt developed. Guilt makes you feel worthless by negating your love of self. The people felt they had less and less power to control their lives. They became weak. And as the people became metaphysically weaker, it followed that the priests and hierarchies assumed more and more power. Theirs was not a real power, but power of the ego, fueled by their pride in being the only ones in the tribe who could communicate with the gods. Eventually, the leaders of the tribes and the common people drifted so far apart metaphysically that the priests and controlling families became identified with the gods. So the concept of the divine man or solar king developed, a human being so endowed with godliness that he was God or at least the prophet of God. This happened not because the leaders were so strong or metaphysically sophisticated, but because the others had fallen into abject weakness.
This weakness pervades our society today. Ritual, sin, fear, and guilt are still used to influence the people. This control is thinly disguised, but it is there, not only in some of the major religions, but also in the various cults and splinter groups that flourish today. Generally, each group has a king or a leader. He is endowed by his people with divine or semidivine qualities. In these groups there are laws, patterns, and rituals that have to be followed. Some cults and religions have their own special sayings or language. Each is designed to collect and indoctrinate members in the tribal ways and then use guilt, fear, and obligation to keep them involved.
At school, I learned Latin and studied the history of the Italians since the time of Christ. After seven years, I was theoretically molded in the tribal ways. I could quote the tribal rituals in various languages. I knew the correct vestments to wear on the tribal holy days. I knew exactly what the will of God was, and I knew what it was he wanted of me. Of course I knew. The High Priest had called me to his inner chamber and told me exactly what God wanted of me. I took it all very seriously, for I believed it was real.
It seems that God wanted me to go out into the world and find others who would come and join the tribe and be part of the ritual. God wanted a good percentage growth of new members per annum, and he was not going to rest until each and every person in the world had joined the tribe, whether they wanted to or not!
Well, diligent and young as I was, I set out on the task the High Priest had given me. I figured that London would be a good place to start. Eight million people would be a lot of tribal members. The first few people I spoke to there used words I was not too familiar with, but from the tone of their voices I understood they were not very interested in joining my mission.
Undaunted, I pressed on. One day at noon a thirst came over me, so I entered a pub. I knew this pub was a den of iniquity, but somehow I felt that contact with the people was important. I had to find out what motivated the populace so that I could win them over to the High Priest’s calling.
In the bar I met a young woman from Ireland. She was fresh and unspoiled, and she spoke with a lilt in her voice, which carried me back to a time when my mother sang to me as a child. I explained my mission to the girl and asked if she would like to join the tribe and take up the tribal ways. I talked to her about my seven years in the institution with the priests, and I impressed her with my knowledge of the history of the Italians.
She had come to London from Cork two years before in order to find work and get away from her family. It seems that her father was an ogre. He drank, and she, the youngest of seven children, took the brunt of his ire.
As we sat there enjoying a beer together, she listened diligently to my story, smiling and encouraging me. From time to time, she took my hand. Once I caught her looking at me with one of those looks that up to then I had only read about in books. At two in the afternoon, the bar closed, and we left together. We drove to the countryside in an old, battered van and climbed a hill that had been sacred to the Druids.
Sitting on the grass overlooking a checkered pattern of English fields, I began to wonder if she would ever consent to join my tribe, for she spoke of everything but. And yet I was captivated by her charm, and somehow the instructions of the High Priest seemed a long way off.
The girl began to sing a song in her native tongue. It was touchingly beautiful, and when she had finished, I asked her what it meant. She said it was a song sung by a bird in a cage. The bird was comfortable and loved by its master, but the bird was unhappy, for it had all the material things it needed, but it was not free. It longed for the uncertainty of the wild.
We sat in silence for a moment and then the girl asked me a question that changed my life. She asked me if I was truly free. “Of course,” I replied defensively, “I am the master of my life.” But deep within I knew that I was not free, for rather than enjoying the spontaneity of the moment, the beauty of the girl, the mystery of the Druids’ hill, I was troubled, for I was not following the instructions of the High Priest. I feared that the openness and warmth of the girl’s gentle ways would surely tempt me down a path as wicked as anything that the tribe might imagine.
Just before sunset, it began to rain. Being somewhat far from the van, we took shelter in a thicket of trees. We walked for a while and came to a bridge that led to a courtyard of an old, ruined castle. Little remained of the original structure except a small gatehouse once used by the inhabitants to haul the drawbridge up and down. We entered through an old door, climbed a stone staircase, and found ourselves in a small room above what must have been the original drawbridge.
The place overwhelmed me. I could almost hear the courtiers and ladies talking and laughing as they walked about the castle. Time stood still. I felt nervous and self-conscious, and yet all was not lost. The girl took me by the hand and kissed me, and bit by bit, as fast as my courage would allow, she led me down the path all lovers tread: past inhibition, beyond uncertainty, to the door of my lady’s chamber.
I never heard from the High Priest, and I am sure that I was ostracized by the tribe. But I had learned freedom. It had only taken me a few days. For some it can take a lifetime.
I wanted to share this story with you, for we all suffer from the control that others place upon us. The things you believe in constitute the baggage you carry with you in your life. The true sage believes in nothing other than the sacredness of all things. He lives in the spontaneity of energy. He doesn’t defend or judge anything. His world is eternal and infinite; he sees beauty in all things, and he accepts the ways of man, including restriction and strife. He knows that without constraints, there would be no challenges.
If you are not careful, beliefs can stifle you. Let me elaborate. The people of the world live inside a fence or Circle. That Circle is an electromagnetic force field created by the oscillations of the neurons in the brain. The force field dominates and alters each man’s perception of life and of his physical circumstances. That field of energy cuts man off from perceiving the God-Force in all things. He sees only physical reality, and he believes that to be real. Moreover, he sees himself separate from that God-Force, and this robs him of his power.
Because the people in the Circle have no real clue as to the truth behind reality, they have, over the centuries, made up childlike interpretations to explain things to themselves. Many of the world’s religions were formulated at a time when people were thick as two bricks! Think of it in terms of one of those religious fanatics who is part of the Middle East today—the cheery kind who blow up people in airports. Now, from whatever that fanatic is today, subtract knowledge, electricity, reading, and writing. Then take away from him the benefit of modern communications, travel, and medicine, and he would be even more slow-witted. Then if you could drag him back 2,000 years, denying him the progress the world has achieved in that time, you would have on your hands a total moron in today’s terms. That is the intellectual and spiritual level of the people who developed many of the old philosophies. Their perceptions, even within the Circle, were highly restricted, and their perception of reality beyond the Circle was fanatical, tribal, and limited by a lack of insight.
Some of those desert philosophies dominate today. They create a further prison that man lives in, by establishing a status quo morality that binds him into a system of bizarre beliefs that he mistakenly feels are real. The power needed to penetrate the Circle and to escape the prison created by those beliefs is so great that few ever attempt it, and even fewer succeed. Individuals may move from the center of the Circle, which is highly restrictive, to a position nearer the outer edge, which liberates them somewhat. Usually, however, they fall back on the same old habits, replacing one debilitating philosophy with another, or they have no philosophy at all.
That is why I say with certainty that beliefs stifle people, for little of what they believe represents true spiritual reality—it is just simplified representation of that reality. Very few of the beliefs the Circle People hold are original to them. Usually people are imprisoned within a compilation of various bits and pieces of the Circle “mind-set,” which they accumulate over the years. Then, in believing what they do over a long period of time, the mind-set ossifies and hardens around them, and they begin to hold on to it as if their life depended on it. In doing so, they are locked in forever.
I am truly a part of all things. The God-Force flows
through me. I feel secure.
I believe that the restriction of the Circle is foreseen by the inner you or Higher Self and that you accepted it lovingly, as you did all the general circumstances of your early life. I believe the Higher Self to be so powerful that it has the ability to choose what type of life it wants to experience in the physical. Life on earth is so heroic, and it is such an important evolutionary step, that you did not come here by chance. The ancient idea that God somehow dumped us off and said, “Harass ’em,” seems childlike.
When two humans come together in a sexual relationship, they give off an energy that is read by the Higher Self. It chooses the genetic pattern of the babe that it is to be born into, and it accepts whatever strengths and weaknesses are to be found within that small body. And so if you were born with one leg shorter than the other, your Higher Self saw that and said, “Fine, I’ll take it. Even if I have to experience walking in semicircles for the rest of my life, I don’t care. Get me down there; I need it.”
The Higher Self also has the ability to choose the sex, and usually selects whichever gender will give it the greatest evolution through the earth plane. So if you are a woman, you are so because you could do “male” standing on your head. You chose womanhood because it does not necessarily come naturally to you. If you are male, you have chosen the awkward task of trying to express strength without infringing on others, and within that strength you have to develop the subtle spirituality of softness.
Before the Higher Self incarnates on earth, it can see the future parents as well as the mind-set that they adhere to. It scans over to the father, sees that he is a complete Bozo, and says, “Perfect, if I get an image of masculinity from that twit, it will take 20 years to go past that.” Then it looks at the mother. There she is with her loving heart, but the Higher Self can see that she is a complete space cadet. “She’s hardly nailed down,” says the Higher Self, “Wonderful, it will take me another 20 years to go past her.”
Then the Higher Self looks at what these good people believe. At first it cringes, for it can see that what they believe is completely “wacko,” then gradually a smile comes over the Higher Self as it realizes it will take at least another 20 years to transcend that lot. “Perfect,” it says. “Twenty years to go past him, 20 to go past her, 20 to overcome what these twits believe, that makes 60 years. Then I’ll have ten to myself at the back end. Include me in.”
So, you came. You knew it would be the greatest period in the history of man, and you could see that, for a while anyway, you would be controlled and dominated by others. You could see the restriction of the Circle, and you knew that restriction would help you. For, from restriction comes eventual freedom. Let us look at the nature of the Circle and see what fun you signed up for.
The Circle is dominated and controlled by approximately 2,000 families worldwide. The families are as much a part of the Circle as are the rest of the people. More so, in fact, for the families have a vested interest in the control of mankind, and that traps them in the Circle emotionally. In a substructure below these powerful families are about 20,000 other families and loose-knit associations that act as supporters for, or representatives of, the leaders. Two thousand families came to power centuries ago, through force, and they maintain that power today. Do not get me wrong—these families and the associations they formed are not part of the “illuminati,” nor are they necessarily evil; they are tight-knit social groups whose sole function is to maintain control. In the societies of Western Europe and North America, the domination they exert on the people is a form of sophisticated manipulation in which they control every aspect of a man’s life.
They print the paper money and dictate how much of it a man can have. They set prices and control hourly labor rates, which they pitch at a ceiling that is just above what I call the “revolution level,” below which people would take to the street and destroy the very structure the families hope to sustain. It matters not whether you are a manual worker or an executive in a large corporation; the money you are allowed to keep for your efforts only just gets you through. This is because the system is not designed to allow you abundance. When did you last have a couple of hundred thousand lying around unused?
The families control the world banking system, and they use the governments that are basically financed and sponsored by them to pass laws regulating every aspect of the financial markets to their favor. The Constitution of the United States basically forbids the formation of a central bank. Obviously, the founding fathers in their great wisdom did not want anyone manipulating the situation. So the families got around that by forming the Federal Reserve System, which, of course, is a central bank in everything but name. It prints and controls the flow of money, and sets the price an American pays to borrow that money. In doing so, it regulates every aspect of his or her life. The Federal Reserve System is set up in such a way that it does not answer to the government, nor to the people, and so it enjoys a monopoly over the affairs of the most powerful economic trading nation in the world. And because of the immense power of the United States, it imposes its influence on financial markets worldwide. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a part of that? But you do not, and, unfortunately, you never will.
The families and their surrogates hold a monopoly on world trade and shipping, and they meticulously control the flow of raw materials basic to human life. In owning most of the world’s mining, they have in the past deliberately created shortages of vital goods to sustain inflated markets.
In education their domination is the same. Centuries ago, in Europe, the Christian Church had a monopoly on information and education, which they maintained with a vicelike grip through various organizations such as the Jesuits. Only the priests, clergy, and upper class were permitted education. The common people were deliberately held in ignorance so that they would not be able to take control. Today, education is still controlled either by the religions or by the status quo, and laws are passed to force you to educate your children in the system. That is why the idea of “education of children at home” has received such a battering in recent years. The powers that be do not want you to take your children from their influence.
In addition, the media is used to bombarding the people with the “national mind-set,” molding their attitudes on everything from war, sex, and marriage to taxes, as well as on their individual relationship to God and country. Because the journalists and editors pass through the same education system, collecting the same beliefs, they are not much into change. So, we have to be patient. Things will change, but it will take time. The result is that the ordinary man or woman is brainwashed into believing that, as an individual, he or she has to support the status quo and pay for the privilege of being alive. This is a vital part of the manipulation, for most of the families’ bills are passed on to the people, who are not allowed, under penalty of law, to withdraw their financial support—try not paying your taxes!
In the wars that the families fight among themselves, the common man acts as a cannon fodder. He has no control over events, nor is he asked for his opinion. When did anyone ask if you wanted to pay for another bomb or not? This situation has not changed for 5,000 years, and that is okay; it is part of our evolution. As Circle People, we have all come through childhood. In those formative years, we were indoctrinated into the system, and by the time we realized that we had been robbed of our power, it was usually too late. We find it easier to acquiesce than to push against the tide of our inherited beliefs. So as Circle People, we “tick-tock” through life, following orders like automatons. We pay for the governments that pass laws to restrict our activities. We sustain and pay for the law courts and the security forces that impose those laws. We work hard, at ridiculous rates of pay, to sustain the whole system, and then a large portion of what we do get is grabbed back in taxes. The average small businessman in the United States, who owns a building as his place of business, pays a dozen different taxes. In addition, he has to pay to collect these taxes and other taxes for the government, without being reimbursed for his labor or expenses. The slavery laws that were passed last century were designed to protect the citizens from having to work for no pay. The government overlooks that. Then, with what is left after taxes, we have to support and feed our families and try to secure some kind of future for them. Who supports us? No one.
In America it was never meant to be like that. Thomas Jefferson was a metaphysician, and he, with the Founding Fathers, wrote the Constitution of the United States on spiritual principles. Those good men would turn in their graves if they saw how the people were treated today. And because the United States has moved so far away from the freedom-loving ideas on which it was founded, it has begun to lose influence. Its share of the world market is cascading downwards, and its ability to stand for goodness and love in the world falls away by the hour. The same has occurred in Britain. After the administration of Harold Wilson, which was one of the most manipulative in modern history, the country died. Now we witness a frantic clawing by the traditional institutions for whatever vestige of power remains to them. Meanwhile, millions of Britons are unemployed.
Once you realize what is going on and that, unfortunately, no one will ever support you, and that everything is designed to disempower you, then you can begin to get your power back. You will have a lot of fun doing it. But as you begin to affirm your power, be careful, for in trying to look after yourself, you will be manipulated into believing this is wrong. Do not fall for that. The system plays a subtle trick on the people, telling them that the “whole” is more important than the individual parts. This, of course, is ridiculous, for the whole is only the individual parts. What constitutes a country? Is it its geographic boundaries or its institutions or the landowners or the national football team? No, it is the millions of wonderful, individual people who make up its citizenry. Nothing else.
In perpetuating the idea that the individual is worthless, the system seeks to control. Those in power use the old tribal trick of linking their egocentric motivations to the will of God. So the people are maneuvered into thinking that the will of the hierarchies is the will of God. And because man cannot see God through his electromagnetic curtain, he accepts that falsehood as truth. We are sold the idea that if we do not support the status quo or the nation that the families have carved out for themselves, then somehow we are going against the will of what God would want. The families exert influence and control over governments, and they link the will of those governments to what they call the “national interest,” which is no more than their interest. Then they maneuver the Circle People into thinking that they have to support that national interest, even if the actions of the governments are not always righteous. Fear and guilt are the tools the manipulators use in the first place; rules and regulations follow that. Laws are entering the statute books at the rate of thousands per year.
Powerless to protest, the individual follows along, until the manipulation is so commonplace that he accepts it as natural. In fact, he is hardly aware of any other possibility. You have fallen for it; I fell for it; we all have and that is perfect. You can’t go past “tick-tock” without first having been immersed in it. In the less democratic societies, which include over 80 percent of the world, the manipulation is less subtle, for the rulers of those societies are more crude. Their methods of brute force and torture seem on the surface to be more bizarre, but they are no less infringing than what goes on in the societies that are supposedly democratic.
In an incredible stroke of utter brazenness, the system gets the Circle People to sustain, populate, and support the very organizations that rob us of our power, thus tricking us into being our own jailers! And we wonder why things do not really change for the better.
This wonderful world, which God gave us so that we might learn about ourselves in it, is incredibly abundant. There is enough wealth, if divided equally among us, to make every man, woman, and child on the planet a multimillionaire. Yet we have famine and lack. Why? Because the system looks after itself, not the people. The powers-that-be hold on to their vested interests, while the population is left to its own devices. They do the best they can to help each other, mailing bags of rice and so forth, but that will never fix the problem.
It seems almost impossible that things are on the verge of collapse, but they are. All you have to do is gently and lovingly take back your power and wait for the day when the intuitive people, those with love and caring in their hearts, those with a true spirituality, will inherit the earth.
But to get your power back, you have to stand alone. You have to accept God as an energy source. By concentrating on the godliness within you and by accepting yourself as perfect (even if you are not), you gradually become more and more of the divine energy within. That energy is outside the Circle, so eventually your command is so great that you control every aspect of your life.
This is the first step, for if you see yourself as separate from God or the God-Force, you drift back into the tribal ways. You are saying, “I am worthless, life is out of my hands; let the hierarchies, priests, or some outside force control.” And the Universal Law, in its impartiality, responds by creating for you a reality that is somewhat spastic and full of uncertainty. The tail wags the dog, and life controls you—not you, life.
With this attitude, affirmations become just mumblings— incantations to the hippopotamus god. But if you can truly believe that you are a part of the God-Force, if you can view your life and the lives of others impartially, if you can allow everyone his or her own reality without judging them, then gradually your energy becomes more and more infinite. As you do so, you step into another dimension of power, beyond the Circle, and you learn that you can bend reality to suit your ends. You will find that as you get results, spiritually you will grow a hundredfold.
The Universe is abundant. Therefore, I naturally feel
abundant. All my needs are met.
At your birth, your subconscious mind began to record every feeling, every thought, every word that you spoke or was spoken to you. You accepted whatever your parents or teachers told you. Those who taught you probably loved you and did the best they could. But they had weakness and negativity within them, and they taught that to you, also. They taught you the tribal ways; they taught you the Circle limitation. They taught you fear and sin. They implied, through their weakness, that you would be unable to control your life. And so control became your struggle, not because you do not have the capacity within you, but because your great-great-grandmother felt weak and worthless, and she taught it to her family, and eventually your parents learned it and passed it on to you.
As a child, my mother taught me nursery rhymes. One that I always liked was, “ring-a-ring of roses.” It was fun, and we all enjoyed falling to the floor on the last line. My subconscious mind accepted that nursery rhyme as being good. I performed it because it made my mother happy. But let us look at it for a moment. In its English version, it goes like this:
Ring-a-ring of roses,
A pocket full of posies,
Atishoo, atishoo,
We all fall down.
This old English nursery rhyme was written at the time of the great plague. The “ring of roses” was a skin blemish that appeared under the armpit of those who contracted the disease. People believed that the disease was circulated in the foul air of the cities, and so they carried with them a bunch of sweet smelling flowers, or “posies,” to protect themselves from infection. “Atishoo, atishoo,” was a sign that the fever had gripped its victim. And “we all fall down,” of course, meant that no one survived.
Cheerful stuff. I was taught that at the tender age of three, and so, probably, were you. And we all danced to the joys of the plague and the fun of dying a grisly death. We did not know any better, and the people who taught us and loved us knew no better either. Our subconscious minds accepted “atishoo, atishoo, we all fall down,” as real. Now, it is unlikely that you will contract the bubonic plague. But every time you sneeze, your mind brings forth “fall down, fall down,” and your energy drops. It must. That is what the subconscious mind believes is real. Unless you tell it something different.
You are made up of billions and billions of beliefs. Beliefs about your body, beliefs about your intellectual worth, beliefs about how attractive you are. Beliefs about God, sin, life after death, morality, beliefs about the tribe or society you live in, beliefs about your family and what should or should not be done, and so on.
All of these beliefs came from somewhere. Or you developed them by finding out what others believed, and you accepted bits and pieces to suit yourself. These beliefs are your reality. They are truth to you, and your mind holds on to them with grim determination. Yet, if you look at what you do believe, you will find that much of it has little or no foundation. Instead of serving you, your beliefs hold you back. Much of it is just tribal hogwash, energy that has been handed down from one inadequate generation to the next. And you accepted it.
Spiritually, these beliefs are a part of your evolution, and in a way they are good because they allow you to step beyond them. By dealing with weakness, bit by bit, you begin to believe in yourself. And so when the tribe says to you, “Throw two oranges into the river to appease the hippopotamus god, or the crops will not grow,” you have the courage to say, “Baloney.” And you go out and buy a bag of fertilizer instead.
Spiritual growth basically means going beyond mass thinking, to a point where you have so much confidence in your reality that you know you can stand alone. In the process, you discover that you are the Living Spirit within—eternal, immortal, and infinite—that in fact you are limitless.
Recently, a lady called me from Abilene, Texas. She had plenty of troubles, body problems, emotional problems, and interpersonal problems. She was out of work and living on government food stamps. I asked her why she felt she had so many problems. She replied that she was going through her “troubled years.” I asked her why she believed she had to go through bad years. She replied that her astrologer had told her that her planetary configuration was adverse and that these would be troubled times. I was curious to know who her astrologer was. She explained that it was a lady she had met casually on a bus. So we took a look at the situation. Here was a lady from Abilene, Texas, who sounded pretty neat, but she had problems. The reason she had problems was because one day, being totally out of tune, she bumped into a lady on a bus who in hoping to help her, told her that things were going to be bad. Her mind believed it. And bit by bit, the reality she experienced reflected her beliefs. Things literally fell apart.
I said to the lady, “What if I tell you that you are just plain wrong, that in fact this is going to be a very good year for you, that things will turn around and that your body will be totally healed within 30 days.” She would not accept that. She told me I was nuts and rang off!
Whatever you believe is either ugly or beautiful, helpful or hindering. You wear it like a coat. It affects what you are. Your beliefs show up in your life as failure or success. As children we learn that life is hard and that we have to struggle, so as adults we put out into the Universal Law, “Give me struggle.” It responds, “What kind of struggle do you want?” “Well, how’s about constant struggle,” we reply. The shelf falls off the kitchen wall and brains the cat, the car won’t start, and an astral voice from the phone company informs us the phone is just about to be cut off and we think, Perfect, I am struggling like crazy, and it’s only 9:15 A.M. Difficulty becomes a natural part of what we project.
You may not be aware of it, but people perceive minute details about you even on a first meeting. If you go to a job interview and you have just been told that you are living through your troubled years, you project that, and the interviewer may pick up a lack of confidence. If, for example, you have just been fighting with your neighbor, that negative energy might appear as fragmentation, and the interviewer might translate it as a lack of cohesiveness. It is important, therefore, to be aware of what it is you project and to be sure that you do not project negativity. You may not be aware that most of the energy you reflect into the Universal Law comes from within. Usually you are not aware that you are projecting energy in such a way because it is a part of the vast reservoirs of information in your unconscious. You may consciously feel that you are a very positive person, but from deep within you do not project the same strength, and so you constantly find that life does not seem to go the way you want it. To resolve this, you have to look carefully at what it is that the inner you actually believes. This is achieved through introspection, dedication, and sanctuary. These techniques are discussed in later chapters.
To come to a life full of power, you must gradually displace inner weakness by concentrating on your positive strengths. Affirmations are a way for you to begin that change. Let me give you an example. One of my partners in Europe found a certain tribe of people extremely irritating. He did not like their tribal customs, nor the way they handled their financial affairs. He felt their restaurants were revolting, and he saw the people as limited and negative. In addition, he was angry that his situation forced him to work with them. Each time he met one or saw one in the street, my partner would bring up all the negativity that he felt. That hindered him.
I suggested he reprogram his mind by affirming ten things that were good about these people. He found that to be a challenge, but in the end his list ran something like this: “The tribe is very creative, many world-class musicians come from the tribe, * tribe is very family-oriented, the tribe has a good sense of humor (even though he had trouble understanding it), the tribe is often very philanthropic,” and so on and so forth.
Over a period of a year, he completely changed what his subconscious mind felt about these people. He became more relaxed, and he found that he began to draw to him a better quality of person from within that tribe, because his inner self reflected their positive strengths, not their weaknesses.
Using this exercise, you can overcome almost any negative energy pattern, given determination and time. The mind is strong and has most likely been in a dominant position for many years. As you begin to affirm and work on controlling your life, the mind, of course, will react. Often, when people become sick and begin to work on healing themselves, they actually get sicker before they get better. This is because the mind knows that when your body is out of balance, it can control and dominate you, so it has a vested interest in keeping you unbalanced.
The path of power is basically a tussle between inner objectives: the mind pulling you back, and you, through determination and courage, heading constantly outwards. As you journey within yourself, facing the programming that has accumulated there, the task will seem endless. But as you clear away the debris, more energy will surround you. The clearer you become, the more the Force becomes a part of your life. Eventually, you will reach a clarity whereby whatever you concentrate on, knowing it to be granted, will become real.
As you work with the mind, you repeat your affirmations over and over again, and eventually the mind accepts those affirmations as real, and a new energy replaces the old weaknesses. As a student on the Path, I learned that every time a person has eye contact with you or touches you, there is an energy transference. This leaves you open to receiving energy. Sometimes, what you receive is not much fun. The world is often negative and scared. You do not need that. Knowing this, I trained my mind to say the word peace silently whenever I came into contact with strangers in public places. At first, I had to remember to say the word each time, and of course, I often forgot. But over the years this habit has become so much a part of my life that now my mind comes forward with the word peace automatically. It has a cause of its own, so to speak.
By wishing a million people peace, then a million more, you create that energy within you, and gradually what you create is a peaceful world around you. The affirmation becomes real by its constant repetition and by the fact that you really mean it. If you say “I am power” ten times a day for ten years, you become it.
There is nothing you cannot go beyond. But sometimes the effort is great and the weakness so prevalent, that negativity overwhelms us. You have to take to the Path as if your life depended on it, for in a way it does. Whenever an uncomfortable situation arises, it is often the mind reacting. This is the very moment that you need to push through. So if handling your body is a drag, that is probably the very thing that you have been avoiding. By facing the uncomfortable areas in your life, you grow spiritually— through learning about yourself.
Unconscious people stuff down the uncomfortable bits and paper over their feelings with drugs and alcohol. Eventually, the inner areas of turmoil filter to the surface and manifest as serious disease or traumatic events. By having the courage to face yourself, you transcend what has gone before, and you come into a different alignment. Think of it like this: You enter this plane and you are taught the basics of the Circle philosophy. You accept negativity and weakness along with strengths and know-how. By the time you are a teenager, most of the foundation has been laid. Your spiritual challenge, then, is to practice controlling the energy you have and gradually to discard the bits you do not like. Sound like a neat assignment? It is. And you have the rest of your life to complete the project.
You see, just getting through life is not enough. If you have any kind of real goal, you will want to challenge yourself. People find a little rut to follow, and they stick to it. This is because the mind does not like spontaneity or change. People tend to create patterns they are comfortable with, and they pursue that path day in and day out. Everything is fine for 27 years, and then one day there is a bear on the path, and it eats them.
Not only have they not lived, but they have also not listened to their inner feelings that said, “Hey, wait a minute; there is something wrong with the pattern today.” The point is not how long you live; it is the quality and variety of the life you live. The purpose of being in the world is to experience it. If you spend the whole of your life doing exactly the same thing each and every day, time flies and soon old age creeps up and bites you on the bum, before you have had a chance to really experience things.
The energy of affirmation is in saying, “I am moving up. There is no limit to what I can experience. I am going to live life. Any opportunity I find to experience something new I will take, given the wherewithal. I will canoe the Amazon; I will parachute from an aircraft; I will visit every major art gallery in the world; I will write three books—and sell them. I will sing at Carnegie Hall. I will visit 50 countries. I will heal my body. That will take me through to Tuesday. Then I will visit the pyramids, fall in love with a fantastic person, make a pot of money, fly the Grand Canyon, visit Tibet, and learn to levitate. Sunday, I will have a little nap and wash my clothes, since on Monday I am off to Kenya on safari.”
Everything is out there waiting for you. All you have to do is walk up and declare yourself in. No need for permission. You just need the courage to say, “Include me.” Providing you have the energy to pull it off, you can do what you like. And the Universal Law, being impartial, will be only too delighted to deliver.
As you work with your power, you will be amazed at the way doors will open for you. People will feel your heightened energy, and they will want to be with you—they will actually seek you out. You will find yourself included more and more. As things open up for you, paths you never knew existed will appear before you. You will be able to affirm, “I am power,” from a position of strength. You will say, “Opportunity finds me,” and your mind will believe it, because it will experience these magically spontaneous happenings. It will not be make believe anymore. You will be there. On the top of the Great Pyramid at dawn, overlooking the Nile valley. Ahead of you will lie an eternal future.
Courage is a natural part of my being.
By facing life I transcend it.
* The blank spaces in this book are in silent dedication to __________