ALISA HUNTSMAN is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and is now the pastry chef at the renowned Loveless Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee. Alisa’s recipes can also be found in Jane and Michael Stern’s Southern Country Cooking from the Loveless Cafe. She lives in Nashville.
PETER WYNNE (Alisa’s uncle—baking is a longtime family tradition) is an author and newspaper journalist with a specialty in the arts. He has worked as editor of special sections for Supermarket News and also served a stint as food editor of The Record in Bergen County, New Jersey. He lives in rural Pennsylvania.
TINA RUPP is a New York–based photographer who specializes in photographing food. Much of Tina’s work can be found on cookbook shelves in any bookstore; she shoots at least one cookbook a month. Her work can also be found regularly in Food & Wine, Every Day with Rachael Ray, and Parenting magazines.