Answers to Grandmother’s Garden:
1. Jack-in-the-pulpit
2. Angel’s trumpet
3. Jonquil (John Quill)
4. Bachelor’s button
5. Lamb’s quarters or Phlox
6. Flag (Iris)
7. Virginia creeper
8. Tiger lily
9. Goldenrod
10. Maidenhair fern
11. Lilac (lie Lock)
12. Four-o’clock
13. Hops
14. Tulips (two lips)
15. Sun rose
16. Poppy
17. Cress (Caress)
18. Peony
19. Mayflower
20. Snapdragon
21. Carnation (Car and Nation)
22. Mistletoe
23. Smilax
Answers to “Love Among the Roses”:
1. Black-eyed Susan
2. Sweet William
3. Rambler
4. Four o’clock
5. Lad’s love
6. Lady’s slippers
7. Ladies’ tresses
8. Wake robin
9. Spring beauty
10. Marguerite
11. English daisy
12. London pride
13. Thrift
14. Bachelor’s buttons
15. Goldenrod
16. Fair maids of France
17. Maiden pink
18. Honesty
19. Bleeding heart
20. Wallflower
21. Jacob’s ladder
22. Johnny-jump-up
23. Coxcomb (cockscomb)
24. Love-in-a-mist
25. Bishop’s hat
26. Eyebright
27. Poppy
28. Blush rose
29. Tulips
30. Speedwell