Mags did not open her eyes until the middle of the next day, and when she did, she groaned as light translated itself into pain. The surgeon hurried over. “Are you awake, Mrs. Tallman?”
Mags opened her eyes halfway and this time the pain was not so bad. “Where am I?” she croaked.
“You are in the hospital tent, ma’am. You were attacked three nights ago. Do you remember none of it?”
Mags frowned and tried to concentrate, but it only made her headache worse. “My head…my eye….”
“The left side of your head was severely beaten, Mrs. Tallman. I think you will keep the eye, though I am not sure how much sight you will retain,” the surgeon told her. “Here is a little laudanum for the pain.”
* * * *
She was asleep again shortly and didn’t awake again until nearly midnight. There was a lantern next to her and this time, when she looked at the light, it was not so painful. It took a minute, but finally the shapes around her began to make sense, to her right eye at least. Her left saw only a blur. As she tried to lift herself up from her pillow, she heard Will’s voice.
“Now, none of that, Mags.”
“I’m here, Mags.”
And there was his face, leaning over hers. “You look awful, Will,” she exclaimed. “I can see that, even with only one eye.”
Will laughed. “I am sure I do, since I have not had much sleep lately. You don’t look so good yourself, woman.”
“I don’t feel so well, Will,” she said as she lay back, her head throbbing.
“I am not surprised, after the beating you took,” he replied, taking her hand in his. “You are lucky to be here, Mags.”
She closed her eyes and frowned. “I am trying to remember, Will, but I can only remember going into Lieutenant Stanton’s tent.”
“The doctor says that happens, Mags. You may remember more in a few days, but it’s possible you never will. Now go back to sleep. I’m right here with you.”
“I’m glad, Will,” she whispered and she squeezed his hand.
* * * *
The next morning she felt more like herself, although the headache was still there and her left eye was not seeing much.
“Where is Will?” she asked plaintively when the doctor came.
“He’s drilling his soldiers, Mrs. Tallman. We can’t have him called up for desertion, now, can we?”
This time it penetrated. “Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Mrs. Tallman. I’m Mags Casey, though I’ve been wanting to be Mrs. Tallman for a long time,” she said with some of her old energy.
“Oh, dear, I wasn’t even thinking,” said the doctor. “I should have had Sergeant Tallman tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“There was a possibility that you would never…er…regain consciousness, Mags. Will knew that and he felt terrible he hadn’t married you. So he did.”
“Did what?” asked Mags, thinking that the beating must have been worse than she thought, for she wasn’t understanding a word the doctor said.
“Married you.”
“Married me? How could he marry me if I was not awake?”
“Well, it was what is called a proxy marriage. You were betrothed and everyone knew that you wished to marry Sergeant Tallman. So he asked Miss Gordon to speak your vows for you.”
For one of the few times in her life, Mags was speechless.
“It was a lovely ceremony, Mrs. Tallman. Lieutenant Aston stood up for Will and Captain Grant looked splendid in his uniform,” the doctor told her reassuringly.
“A lovely ceremony,” she whispered.
“Now,” said the doctor, sitting down next to her, “I want you to tell me how your head feels.”
“Like I was kicked by a mule. And I can’t see much out of my left eye.”
“You may never again, Mrs. Tallman, but it was a miracle I could save it and that you see anything at all. Now the orderly will serve you some gruel and then I want you to get some sleep.”
“Some sleep? It seems all I have been doing is sleeping,” grumbled Mags, but after a bowlful of gruel and some barley water, she went right off.
It was only a few hours later that she awakened and this time she felt much more herself. Her head was still throbbing, but now it was only a distant drumbeat rather than all the drummers in the army taking up residence in her head. She made the orderly give her an extra pillow, so she was sitting when Will walked in.
His smile was radiant when he saw her.
“Will Tallman, you come right here,” she said sharply.
“Are you all right, Mags?”
“Mags! You mean Mrs. Tallman, don’t you?”
Will gave her a sheepish grin.
“After all these years of trying to get you to the altar, Will, and I wasn’t at my own wedding,” she scolded.
“I’m sorry, Mags—” he started to say.
“Sorry, Will?” she asked, the tears slipping down her cheeks. “Sorry, when you gave me something I wanted for so long? The right to call you mine.” She reached out her hand to him and he took it in his.
Mags cleared her throat and tried to keep her voice from shaking. “Will Tallman, you are a good man and I love you for this. So much that I’ll let you out of it if you are sorry for any other reason. I never heard of this proxy business and I am sure you could have the marriage annulled if you wanted. Though we have consummated it enough in advance,” she added with a grin.
“You would do that, Mags?” he asked wonderingly.
“You never wanted a wife, Will. I shouldn’t have kept at you. You only did it because you thought I was dying.”
“Let me tell you, Mags Casey…I mean Mags Tallman…I did it because I love you and because it was the right thing to do. I’ve been thinking like a soldier for too long. It was time I acted like a man. So you are my wife, Mrs. Tallman, whether you want to be or not.”
“Oh, I want to be, Will,” said Mags with a little sob. “And that is your one and only chance to get out of it,” she added.
“I don’t want to, Mags.”
“Nor do I, Will Tallman, and I take you as my husband to love and to cherish…. I don’t remember all the rest,” she said with a blush, “though I’ve done it before!”
“Till death do us part, Mags,” he whispered.
“Till death do us part.”
* * * *
As Val had told Elspeth, everyone believed Mags’s beating had been part of a robbery. Sunday he was invited by the Gordons to dinner. As reluctant as he was to face Elspeth again, he knew that all three suspects would be there, and he was very careful to observe George, Lucas, and even James when the subject came up.
“I hear that Mrs. Casey has regained consciousness,” said George.
“Thank God for that. She is the only one who does my shirts satisfactorily,” complained Lucas Stanton. “But she is Mrs. Tallman now, or so I hear,” he added sarcastically. “Setting herself up to become a widow again.”
“Sergeant Tallman is a good soldier and has come through safely all these years,” James commented. “I found the story of their marriage quite touching myself. I have always enjoyed Mags and I am very glad to hear she has not only recovered but has got her heart’s desire,” he added emphatically.
George’s face had its usual dull look and Stanton seemed most concerned about the state of his laundry, thought Val. James? James, of course, would think of Mags, good fellow that he was. Well, he and the captain had concluded that it was most likely the contact who had attacked Mags, for not even Val could believe Stanton would attack a woman so brutally.
During dinner, Elspeth tried very hard to keep her eyes off Val, but it was almost impossible, for her gaze was drawn to his face more than one. She thought how ironic it was that the legitimate gentlemen were so ignoble-looking: George with his pasty round face and Lucas, whose eyes were narrow and mean and whose thin lips she would never have wanted on her own. Lieutenant Aston’s mouth…no, it wouldn’t do to look at his mouth or even think of it. Now, James, at least, looked and acted as a marquess should, if a title meant anything about the man who carried it. He was handsome, athletic, intelligent, and, most important of all, kind. When she had been at school with Maddie, half of the girls had fallen in love with him on his regular visits to his sister. Elspeth wondered again why he had not found anyone. He seemed to live an ascetic life, for she had never heard any gossip about mistresses and there had never been even a hint of a liaison here in Portugal. She knew that he was greatly burdened by his debts. Perhaps he could not afford a mistress. Perhaps he had put off his own need to marry until he got his sister settled. Well, good luck, James, she thought with some amusement, for Maddie’s letters sounded like she was intent on enjoying her first Season to the hilt and did not sound at all ready to settle down.
* * * *
After dinner and a few glasses of port, all of the guests except James took their leave. James lingered by the fire, chatting with Major and Mrs. Gordon about this and that, but all the while watching Elspeth out of the corner of his eye. When the Gordons excused themselves, he sat down opposite her.
“I heard from Maddie this week, Elspeth.”
“Did you, James? And how is she? The last letter I received sounded like she was spending all her time at the dressmaker’s.”
“Her wardrobe seems to be almost complete and she will be leaving for London in a fortnight.”
“Will you be able to join her for any part of the Season?”
“I am hoping to.”
“It might be wise, James, if you want her future to be settled sooner rather than later. I rather suspect Maddie wishes to enjoy herself before choosing a husband,” Elspeth said with a smile.
“I am afraid you are right,” James agreed. “Not that I can blame her, for there may be very few choices in the end. I have only been able to squeeze out a small dowry for her. What she needs is for a rich man to fall madly in love with her, so that he doesn’t care about her lack of fortune.”
“And what do you need, James? I was thinking about you during dinner.”
James lifted his eyebrows and gave her a quizzical grin. “Oh, I rather thought you were thinking more about Lieutenant Aston, judging by the way you were stealing glances at him,” he teased.
Elspeth blushed. “Was I so obvious?”
“Only to me, Elspeth, for I know you well. But I shouldn’t tease you, my dear. It is kind of you to be concerned about me.”
“I was thinking of nobility and titles, James, and how well they fit some and how ill others. You, for instance: You are a true gentleman and deserve a loving woman.”
“We all deserve love, Elspeth, but not all of us find it. Or have it find us.” James hesitated as if he wanted to say more in an intimate vein, but then he continued humorously, “I suppose I will settle for any woman who will have me and my tarnished title. I suspect it may well have to be a wealthy cit’s daughter. But I have been wondering, Elspeth,” he continued more seriously, “has love found you?”
“I don’t know, James,” she answered simply. “I have been so long resigned to the fact I would likely never marry that I have guarded myself well against the possibility of love. I’ve never really believed I would inspire romantic feelings in another, but it could be I have been taken by surprise,” she admitted with a blush.
“I have no way of knowing his feelings, but Valentine Aston is well worth loving, if you have any doubts,” James said quietly. “If you do love him, it may be a long siege, my dear, trying to breach the wall of pride and insecurity he has constructed around himself.”
“But what if I send my love out like the Forlorn Hope and I can’t get through, James?” she asked with a rueful smile.
“Like any soldier, you must keep trying, no matter how hopeless it looks.”
“Has love ever found you, James?”
James lifted his eyes to her and for one moment Elspeth thought she saw a soul in torment, but he lowered them so quickly, and his face was so calm, she told herself she had imagined it.
“Once,” he said quietly. “But like many first loves, it was doomed to be unrequited,” he added lightly.
“I hope loves come to you, James,” said Elspeth, as she put a hand comfortingly on his. “You are a good man and dear friend.”
“You think so, do you? A good man?”
“Of course. All who know you think so. How could they not?”
“Thank you for your trust in me, Elspeth,” said James as he got up. “I must be going now or your father will be out here wanting to know what my intentions are,” he joked.
As James walked back to his tent, he smiled a bitter smile, and had Elspeth been able to look into his eyes at that moment, she would have had no doubts about the unhappiness she had seen.