How did you start helping people?
When my sons died, my husband and I were very miserable and did not know how we would face life. Our sons helped us by communicating with us, and giving us messages of hope and courage. Later on, when my automatic writing skills were well developed, they said to us, “Our mission is to help people on Earth, from the spirit world, through you both.”
What was your first reaction when you received your sons’ messages? Did you believe in psychic things?
We were very excited, and yes, we have always believed in psychic things. Before they died, Vispi and I used to discuss the afterlife and reincarnation. From the time I was seven years old, I had a thirst for this kind of knowledge. I had an experience once that has stayed with me even today. Rumi, the kids, and I were going on a trip out of town with some relatives. I always carried sweets with me whenever I travelled, but this time I had forgotten, so I asked Rumi to stop the car and get some. I was sitting alone in the car, waiting for them to return, when I saw a weeping bullock. I saw tears pour down his face and I wondered why this was happening. Was he suffering? The bullock turned his head to me and put his jaw near the window, where my hand was resting, and looked at me in such a way as if he were trying to tell me: You know why I am grieving, I am suffering a lot. At that moment, Rumi, the kids, and my relatives returned and were surprised to see me talking to the bullock (Vispi told me during our communication that negative souls reincarnate on Earth as beasts of burden if they want to progress faster). I understood from this experience that beasts of burden suffer a lot, though I did not realise this until much later.
How did you feel a month after the boys died, and how did Vispi take away your misery and depression? What convinced you that you were communicating with them?
While communicating with us, Vispi said things that only he knew about. They also gave me the names of strangers and asked me to call them and give them some messages. We traced these absolute strangers and gave them the messages that we were asked to – this was our proof that these people really existed and Vispi’s messages were accurate. When we were depressed, our sons cheered us up by telling us jokes and showed us how to lead our lives happily. They made us laugh and would guide us and tell us what to do and how.
Vispi Bhavnagri at the Rustom Baug Pavilion
Ratoo Bhavnagri in his ca r
Did people often ask you why you were disturbing the dead?
Yes, very often. I constantly asked Vispi whether we were hampering their progress through communication and if we were harming them in any way or stopping their progress. If we were, we would have stopped communicating with them even though we loved to. Vispi said, “On the contrary, we can all progress much faster because we can guide you within seconds during our communication, as we have to help you somehow. You may take days or months to listen and you may still not do what is right, but with our two-way communication it will be much better.” He assured us that nothing would harm their progress. I believed him and continued to communicate with them. He also said that it was much easier and faster to rise spiritually on Earth than in the spirit world, depending on how we led our lives .
Who are we to judge if a person is good or bad?
Using the word ‘judge’ is not correct. I am not judging anyone, but with Vispi and Ratoo’s guidance I can make out instinctively if a person’s vibration is good or bad, or if they are on a low level. As you rise spiritually and gain more knowledge, your subconscious mind guides you more and more and you tend to trust your own instincts. You feel uncomfortable with negative people and you just want to get away from them. The opposite is true of good people who are trying very hard to improve themselves – you are instinctively attracted to them.
Why do some people not believe in the spirit world and think that the ones who do are crazy?
There are a number of reasons why people don’t believe. Some are scared of what they cannot see or understand; some are brainwashed from childhood; some simply pretend they don’t believe in the existence of God; some even deny their belief because they are afraid that their family and friends might laugh at them; some do not accept this belief because they are guilty; for some, it is easier to stay on the wrong path because they are weak. Most of the people who come to me for help are teenagers or youngsters in their twenties and early thirties – very few old people. Older people are set in their ways of thinking and deny the existence of an afterlife, and they fear the spirit world in general. The ones who are guilty won’t come because they are scared to admit their guilt, as they know what they have done; they generally continue to do bad things, and don’t want others to find out, so they avoid this knowledge .
What were Vispi, Ratoo and Popsie’s hobbies?
Our family was always interested in music and driving, and the men loved sports. Vispi and I loved reading and he loved music specially Jim Reeves and Nat King Cole. Vispi enjoyed tinkering with car and ship models and he even made his own speakers. The music recordings he made were exceptional and I still have some of them. We all loved animals, especially dogs, and we had many – Collies, Pomeranians, Alsatians, and a Lhasa Apso, whom Vispi trained very well.
Why is Vispi more heard of and talked about than Ratoo?
We hear more about Vispi as he is helping and giving messages to more Earth souls than Ratoo. Ratoo’s work, on the other hand, is to help souls who have just arrived in the spirit world by guiding them. He also works with Vispi by communicating with Earth souls.
When did you first communicate for someone else?
In 1981, I communicated for my cousin and some relatives .
What are the major things for which people come to you?
About 50% of the people come to me to receive spiritual guidance and comfort through messages. The other 50% is divided among people with problems, including family unrest, serious problems between parents and children, marital problems, and worst of all, evil people directing negativity at others. People from all walks of life come to receive guidance and I try to help them all – if they are willing to accept, learn, and improve.
If you had one message to give readers, what would that be?
There are many good souls on Earth who lose their loved ones and then follow the wrong path because they do not know how to handle the pain. We want to assure those people that they are not alone. Their loved ones are still with them, looking after them from the spirit world. Always remember what Vispi told me years ago: “Real, true love never dies. Not even after your death on Earth. Love is greater than death. Love is eternal. Death is just a transition – from one world to another, from one body to another. Death is not at all something big, but love is extraordinary.”