1. Ministry of Agriculture onion advertisement. Topham Picturepoint.

2. Carrot lollies. Fox Photos, Hulton Archive.

3. Schoolboys arrive at their allotment. Harry Todd, Hulton Archive.

4. ‘Dig for Victory’ poster. SSPL via Getty Images.

5. C. H. Middleton. Getty Images.

6. The team from ‘Radio Allotment’. Popperfoto/Getty Images.

7. ‘Grow Your Own Food’ poster, Hans Schleger. SSPL via Getty Images.

8. Blitzed Bank underground station and Royal Exchange. Getty Images.

9. ‘Grow Your Own Food’ poster, Abram Games. © Pictorial Press Ltd/Alamy.

10. Allotment at Kensington Gardens. Getty Images.

11. Allotment within sight of St Paul’s Cathedral. Getty Images.

13. ‘Food for your garden from your garden’ poster. SSPL via Getty Images.

14. Ministry of Agriculture cropping plan. SSPL via Getty Images.

15. Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose. Getty Images.

16. RAF vegetable show. Getty Images.

17. ‘A Canning Demonstration’, Evelyn Dunbar. Topfoto.

18. Making jam. Getty Images.

19. Milling rose hips. © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis.

20. Land Army girls. SSPL via Getty Images.

21. Female students at Waterperry School of Horticulture for Women. IWM via Getty Images.

22. Miss Beatrix Havergal at Waterperry. IWM via Getty Images.