The Somme

September to December 1916


The capture of the sugar refinery at Courcelette by the Canadians

ON 4 DECEMBER 1915 THE ALLIES DECIDED to evacuate Gallipoli. Two days later, the Allied generals met at Chantilly, the French military headquarters, to develop the strategy for the defeat of the enemy in 1916. They decided that the Somme was to be the scene of the battle to end all battles. It was of no great geographical significance, but the objective was: to help the Allies in Ypres and other Fronts by preventing the Germans from further troop transfers from the west; to relieve the pressure on the French forces at Verdun; and to maximize the attrition of the German Army.

The commander of the French armies, General Joffre, was increasingly concerned about the French losses at Verdun and felt that a combined offensive with the British at the place where the French and the British lines joined would be ideal. On the other hand, General Haig had always insisted that he preferred to attack near Ypres, and then pursue the enemy northwards. In conclusion, despite the fact that it wasn’t a vital centre, and that the Germans had both a communications advantage as well as a shorter line, Haig decided to compromise, and agreed to go ahead.

The Germans attacked Verdun on 21 February, and the assault claimed huge French losses. Time had moved on, and the urgency of the Somme attack intensified. Joffre wanted to attack on 1 July at the latest, but Haig felt that the troops were not fully prepared and the Canadians and a number of other reinforcements were not due until September. Joffre’s date was at least a month earlier than Haig desired, but he finally decided to accept.

The Somme was a highly unsuitable place for an Allied attack. They would have to fight their way up to the crest of the hills, where the Germans had dugouts forty feet deep, secure from the worst bombardments. In addition, the Germans had been provoked for months by British raids, and had taken measures to further strengthen their defences. No army could conceivably succeed in breaking through this Front.


THE OLD OR RECENT NEWS in the newspapers fascinates Etienne: the Verdun resistance, the Russian advance, the submarine warfare, the ground regained by the Italians, and the concept of advancing at last, to fight under an open sky, and to be thrust into the great adventure that seemed to be electrifying the Canadian troops. “Can’t we foresee an early ending of this war?” However, as they advanced to the Somme, Etienne became more and more concerned about the local news. Was the actual experience of what they were about to witness going to be as horrifying as some were saying?—(BB)


FINALLY, ON 1 JULY AT 7:30 A.M., the Allies attacked the German Front just east of Albert. The Canadians were still two months away. It was a massive beginning with an enormous seven-day bombardment, combined with discharges of gas. The enemy was alert and still mainly underground in their dugouts. Then, the British soldiers went over the top, through the British barbed wire, formed a solid line, and began to advance. The Germans had plenty of time to emerge from underground and man their machine guns. Bullets flew in every direction as the British struggled across no man’s land. They sustained the heaviest loss ever suffered in a single day: sixty thousand casualties and twenty thousand killed.

49th Battery 12th Brigade 1st Division

September 1st 1916

During the day Batteries registered further points in anticipation of an attack to be made by 39th & 49th Divisions. Artillery fire on both sides was below normal today. Great difficulty is being experienced by Brigade in obtaining sufficient water for the horses. We applied to 25th Division but could get no satisfaction from them. Each unit is allotted to a certain trough and permission must be obtained for any other units to use these troughs. We were allotted water troughs 300x S. of Cross Roads in Varennes (8 miles N W of Albert), but this is too far away to be of use to us. It takes about 2 ½ hours to make a round trip from wagon lines.

September 2nd 1916

Intense bombardment commenced on a wide front. All Batteries got away fairly well together. 47th Battery reports a counter attack is expected. Huns can be seen in the road by the apple trees at R. 31 b – All Batteries notified to shoot at these troops in the open and some very good sport was indulged in. Our Batteries dispersed two lots of these men who were evidently assembling for a counter attack. No counter attack was delivered. So far no information has been received as to the result of our infantry attack.

September 3rd 1916

49th Battery report enemy reinforcements seen coming up through Thiepval. All batteries ordered to engage these troops. F.O.O. 8th Battery reports about 500 prisoners with white and Red Cross seen coming over to our trenches without arms in direction of Mouquet Farm – The Colonel saw these men himself.

On the road to the Somme 8 September 1916

My dear parents,

The war news is good. The women and children are harvesting everywhere in this beautiful French countryside. They line up their bales with perfect symmetry. Let’s hope that the husbands and fathers will soon return to taste this flour!



Brick factory

49th Battery 12th Brigade 1st Division

September 11th 1916

Brigade Headquarters moved from Albert la Boiselle headquarters.

We are in old German front line where there are two deep dugouts. Remainder of shelter will have to be improved.

September 13th 1916

Lieutenant Gilfoy 49th Battery was slightly wounded in the thigh by shell fire. Orders sent to Batteries for night shooting as above – 33 rounds per Battery per hour to be expended.


On 7 September the Princess Pats had left Flanders, partly by train and partly on foot, arriving in the Somme battle area at Albert on the 13th, where they bivouacked in a brick quarry. They then marched on towards the village with the lovely name of Courcelette, and halted nearby. German positions solidly established in impregnable trenches blocked the road.—(BB)



Map of the Somme battlefield, 1916

GIVEN THE DISASTROUS RESULTS AT THE FRONT, General Haig decided to make a particularly strong attack in mid-September using fresh forces, including the Canadian Corps. The German Front had been pushed back to about a mile from the little village of Courcelette, and he hoped that a breakthrough there would clear the way for the cavalry to advance northward to the important town of Bapaume.

On 15 September, Etienne, and his Artillery Brigade, were posted at the rear, and began an intense bombardment. The Canadian Corps was to help secure several points having good views of the enemy trenches. They crushed the Germans’ front-line trenches, but the Princess Pats, meanwhile, lost their way in the broken ground, where all landmarks had been obliterated. Though raked by rifle and machine-gun fire as they struggled forward between shell-holes, they eventually managed to join their fellow British brigades, and in short order captured the trenches.

49th Battery 12th Brigade 1st Division

September 15th 1916

Zero time received from 1st C.D.A, it will be at 6:20 AM today.

Our bombardment started – it was very intense – some bursts appeared to be very high at first. 49th battery reports one gun out of action – the “A” tube being cracked.

1st C.D.A. notified of above and asked if they can procure another gun from us. From reports received, everything up to now seems to have gone very well. Party of 152 German prisoners passed our headquarters on their way back – all looked very worn and haggard. As far as is known, our infantry have everywhere gained their objectives. Definite information is not available, as telephone communication forward has been most difficult to maintain.

49th Battery report they are out of ammunition – this is the second time this battery has run out of ammunition today and shows that there is apparently poor management at their wagon lines. Message from 1st C.D.A. “Reduce your rate of fire to 1 round per gun every two minutes.” It is reported by our airplanes that our infantry have gained their objective and now hold Courcelette.

49th – Battery’s task is to above shoot as the latter is still without ammunition. And don’t expect to have any before about 2 AM.

Latest airplane photos taken at 4 PM today show new German trenches as follows … (above information is not much good now as our attack this evening gained all their objectives).

49th Battery advises at 3:50 AM that they now have 700 rounds ammunition on hand … Battery ordered to detail an officer to report to Brigade headquarters as Liaison Officer.

Despite the appearance of the first military tanks ever to be used at war, the infantry was being decimated by enemy fire. They nevertheless advanced during the night in the midst of the flames, the rat-tat-tat of the machine guns, and the explosion of the shells. For three days the battle continued, night and day, and they succeeded in making a significant advance. The village was finally captured, four thousand prisoners were taken, and dozens of enemy trenches were occupied. It had been a bloody massacre, but the Canadians had finally conquered the high ground at the top of the hill. However, all six tanks had eventually broken down, and the cavalry never got the chance to make the famous breakthrough.

September 16th 1916

O.C. 49th Battery reports that the gunman who went with Lt. Kitto this morning to report as Liaison Officer to 25th Brigade has just returned and reports that Lt. Kitto was killed by a sniper on his way up.

Operation order received from 1st C.D.A. for an attack and bombardment this evening commencing at 4:57 PM. Attack will be made by 3rd Canadian Division (including PPCLI).

It wasn’t enough to capture the town. There were more attacks during the following evening and the next day in order to advance further and consolidate their victory. Then the trenches and the roads were cleared, and only the ruins and craters remained. Some three hundred Canadians had been either killed or wounded.


AND PHILIPPE MUST BE IN THERE SOMEWHERE,” said Etienne. There was a mysterious telepathy, which often preceded the underwater telegraphy and the military post. Blanche, who was staying in Toronto on the night of 15 September, had felt that one of her sons was facing a dangerous experience. Soon after, she received a cable from Jean: “Philippe safe,” and, then a word from Ottawa, announcing that Philippe had been gassed during the battle, and is being cared for in an ambulance.—(BB)

21 September 1916

My dear mother,

Here is a letter that you will receive very late. I hope that you haven’t been too worried about me and that my Whizz-Bang will have reassured you. I’m writing to you from a tent pitched in an orchard, very far back from the Front. It’s a Divisional Rest Station.

The newspapers will have informed you about our departure from Ypres and our arrival in the Somme. Our attack the other day succeeded very well. From afar the Germans are good soldiers and know very well how to shoot us. However, when we are on to them with our bayonets, they throw away their guns and act like whipped dogs, shouting: “Kamarade! Gute Englisher,” and all that after having killed half our friends. Arriving in the second trench, we all began to cough and were forced to put on our gas masks. That’s why they have sent us here to rest. There is nothing serious, only the cough and a tickling of the lungs.


29 September 1916

My dear mother,

As soon as we felt sufficiently well, we got bored and decided to go back to the battalion. I am now in the machine-gun company, and I can assure you that it’s more interesting and not more dangerous than being an ordinary soldier. They tell me that I have grown and gotten thinner. I’m with Nick and all my friends. In answer to Dad, I would say that I have had a unique experience that I wouldn’t have wanted to miss for anything in the world, now that it’s over.

Since my first trenches, I have always wondered how the interior of the German trenches compared to ours. My curiosity was more than satisfied the other day during our attack, when we chased out the occupants from an enemy position. They were in such a rush to get out or to be saved, that they had left everything intact. This allowed us to examine in great detail and even to prepare a meal with the remains of their rations: their bread is very black, their butter has a horrible chemical taste, and their meat had a suspicious smell, which led us to believe that it was horse meat. In a package that a poor guy had probably received from his parents, we found some delicious biscuits, some cigars and cigarettes. A few of my mates took away some helmets, but I took a nice ground sheet, bigger and more useful than ours.

The other day, as I was in the rear, I admired an artillery duel. (One doesn’t admire them from the first line.) The night was black and there was a great silence. All of a sudden, everything goes wild, it seemed that the terrible sound of guns came from every point on the horizon at the same time. Even at this distance, such a horrible uproar that one couldn’t hear one’s voice. The intermittent light of the flares, the lightning of that storm, was sufficient to view this terrible scene. Earth cascading from the sky, bits of boards, tracks, posts shot in every direction and falling into this chaotic earthquake. From the trenches come May Day signals, red and green flames flickering in the midst of the black smoke, as well as dust and obscurity. If this isn’t hell — where is it?

It was also here that I had an interesting encounter with some German prisoners. We spoke French with one and English with the other. They were happy to be away from the gunfire, but concerned about crossing the channel. Did we take the precaution of labelling those boats filled with war prisoners, so that their submarines didn’t attack them? I told them not to worry.



THE HUGE SACRIFICE OF THESE LAST THREE MONTHS had resulted in some minor advances, but General Haig was unsatisfied and decided in late September that a concerted effort must be undertaken to push on. The British and Canadians, including Etienne’s artillery brigade, were in heavy combat on the Theipval ridge, only a mile northwest of Courcelette. Major General Currie’s 1st and 3rd Brigades, and Major General Lipsett’s 7th Brigade, including the Patricias, then attacked at Ancre Heights, also a few miles away. Etienne’s artillery had helped break up a counterattack by the Germans, but despite much vigour and determination, they had little success, and they were soon back in their original positions. On 8 October there were 1,364 Canadian casualties.

Neuville-Saint Vaast Trenches (Arras-Lens Front) 26 October 1916

Dear parents,

Since my last letter we have marched a long, long way, right up to this area, which is new for me. We are part of our brigade’s machine-gun unit, but don’t change my address (7th Canadian Machine Gun Company).


The final engagement at the Somme for the Canadians was 8 October. On the 9th, the Patricias marched northwards to their position on the Front near Neuville– St Vaast. Etienne’s artillery brigade was to march back to Camblain l’Abbé at the end of the month.


15 October 1916

My dear mother,

During the wet weeks that followed Courcelette, because of the rain, I often slept with a tin sheet over my head, and I would awake with my feet in the muck. But don’t worry, dear mother, I am having them dig a little shelter where I will be completely dry. I will even build a stove from some tin cans. One of my gunners found in one of the enemy’s trenches a superb two-man saw, like those we used to build La Clairière.

We pick up wood in the ruins of the village, and then the major and I warm up and count the logs. My commander was on leave, so I have to not only feed forty men, but also four guns, which are at least as hungry as humans. Yesterday, while doing the rounds beyond the firing line, I come accidentally straight into my old battalion the “Princess Pats.” Just before the sergeant major blew the two sharp whistles announcing their departure, I had the time to exchange two words with Phil, happy and looking well, and well recovered from his gas attack of last week, which earned him four good days of rest at the hospital.


10 November 1916

My dear mother,

After the battle and the advance, one had to be resigned for a while to a war in slow motion, which we shared with the rats and the vermin.


49th Battery 12th Brigade 1st Division

November 25th 1916

49th Battery reported at Wagon Lines

Our responsibility terminated at 5PM and the event was celebrated by all hands having a drink. Weather very wet all day.

Operation order 128 and March Tables received from 1st C.D.A. The first days destination is Amplier – on the 28th Vacquerie le Bouca – on the 29th Marquay.

26 November 1916

My dear mother,

It’s working, we are leaving behind us all signs of civilization and are penetrating deeper and deeper into a gloomy desert of ruins, sticky mud, and bomb craters. Bravo! We will perhaps finish this huge clean-up before Christmas.


27 November 1916

My dear mother,

We passed through Raincheval. Up to this time the traffic was very congested and on the whole very poorly regulated. Marching was very difficult, owing to the many halts occasioned by repeatedly bumping into the Brigade immediately in front of us, and also to the large number of vehicles, which continually got mixed up in the Column. From this time on, conditions were much better, and the column made fairly good time to its destination. On the whole the accommodation was very poor. Everyone was very tired and it was late when the Brigade was able to turn in for the night. The horses, though tired, stood the march well, which was a hard one, owing to the many hills and the adverse conditions mentioned above.

Weather – cold with a heavy fog most of the day.


30 November 1916

My dear mother,

We are marching and my bilingualism gives me the opportunity to take off on horseback as a scout, accompanied by a colleague and an escort, to organize the evening’s sleeping arrangements: roofs for the men and enclosures for the horses. It’s much more interesting than dragging one’s feet along the roads. On arriving at our destination, our first visit is always with the mayor, an old farmer very keen to give us the addresses of his councillors, and even to give us a lift. These lovely people are for the most part very happy to be helpful to the soldiers. During these long trips, I became quite attached to my horse, a big skinny animal, who is no beauty, but is always courageous, intelligent, and faithful.

After having crossed the undulating plains of the Artois and of Picardie, one arrives in the coal country near Lens. We had reached our destination and we were installed in luxurious lodgings at the home of a miner: large room with tiled floor, fireplace, electric lights, three rooms upstairs, with beds laid out with sheets and quilts. We are like royalty, and our men are almost as well off.


49th Battery 12th Brigade 1st Division

December 5th 1916

Arrived Camblain-Chatelain. Billets are excellent- All under cover and very comfortable. Horses staked in fields. The afternoon was spent in “Shaking Down.”

30 December 1916

The Christmas holidays are spent brushing the horses, cleaning the guns, polishing the harnesses in view of the coming inspection. Two chickens were at the heart of our Christmas menu, letters and parcels made for a very pleasant balance of the day. Unfortunately, the banquet that we wanted to organize for our men couldn’t be arranged.



IN CONCLUSION, the battle of the Somme was strategically a dismal failure. The spirit of the German army had been worn down, but the Canadians and the British were worn out also. There had been such high expectations prior to the battle on 1 July, and now all that could be said was that both sides were at a complete deadlock.


3 November 1916

My dear parents,

After our latest turn in the trenches, our unit was located in the cellar of a demolished house. A little staircase descended into an arched cellar, where a hot-water boiler kept us warm. The furniture included metal beds, a table, and some chairs. One of us did the cooking, while the others took turns on guard duty, which wasn’t unpleasant, as we were sheltered. In fact the government has dressed us well, with big leather boots that go up above our knees, an insulated leather jacket, a great overcoat, as well as a rubber sheet.


1 December 1916

My dear parents,

This letter will bring you my Christmas wishes. I can assure you that, on that day more than ever, my heart will be in Montreal. I will think about the good breakfast at daybreak, the various tricks that we invented to fill the morning, the dinner where there was no lack of turkey or plum pudding. Finally at 4 PM we lit the Christmas tree, and we were ecstatic about all the surprises. And how we liked to prolong this wonderful moment sitting around the fireplace! Don’t think that I’ve become sentimental or that I’m suffering from the blues. But how can one forget Christmas at home, especially when one is so far away? When all this is too much, I then say to myself Why not be happy with the thought that we will be together next year? There’s no question that this war will finish, and that we will once again find the joys of Canada!


20 December 1916

My dear parents,

The other day two of my friends and I were lunching on eggs and French fries in a small inn in the neighbourhood when a young French soldier appeared at the door. Picture the emotional state of the mother as he walked in: crying, laughing, kissing, not able to believe that her son had returned! I wondered when it would be our turn to give such joy to our parents. Not for only nine days, but forever.

Last night we left the trenches after a long stint of eighteen days ... I am feeling better than nine out of ten of my friends ... It is true that it’s very sad to have lost Ferguson. After the confrontation, we had waited for him on the battlefield, thinking that he might return with the slow ones, but no trace of our friend. We asked all our friends and learned that a man of his description had been killed by a sniper at the Front. Can one say that a super chap like him is better off in heaven than in this awful war?


30 December 1916

My dear parents,

We had a marvellous Christmas day: blue skies, warm sun, and in the farm where we were resting, a big table in the most beautiful room for our banquet. We had roast goose from the bread oven, a great stuffing, mashed potatoes, and a real plum pudding. Our officers had added some fruit, some nuts, and some cigarettes. Afterwards I went for a walk on a nearby hill and, having sat down against the base of a ruined wall of a château, I reread my letters from home. The day was ended pleasantly at the YMCA concert. The varied programs that they offer are wonderful. All that, followed by the trenches with the rain and the mud that has reappeared. Despite the fact that our rubber boots reach our thighs, we sink so deeply that the water and the mud enters from above.



Canadian Base Depot, 5 October 1916

My dear father,

I have left the convalescent camp and I am once again at the Canadian Depot, where I’m still waiting for this job as an artist.


C.B.D., 6 November 1916

My dear mother,

I have just heard and saw in a paper that Philippe was wounded, but I don’t yet have any details, and you probably already know more. I hope that he will be able to go to England.

I’m working here as a food distributor. We transport it in cars right up to the training camp four miles from here.


11 December 1916

My dear mother,

I am concerned to see that you are worrying about my job as an artist, but it is true that I’m beginning to think that I may have lost it.

Here I work with the corporal, a good guy. Every morning they send us some twenty men to load a large car, and we walk three kilometres to the place where we make the tea, outside in any kind of weather, for a great number of soldiers.

I’m sad at not being able to write better French, but I hardly speak French any more, and it would be much easier for me to write in English.


18 December 1916

My dear parents,

Recently I have visited all the shops in town to see whether I could find something very French to send you for Christmas, but how disappointing, nothing but English books and English things!

I met at the Ruban Bleu an old man who is a great admirer of Father Chiniquy. He’s an old rector who has a nephew in Montreal. He’s sad at having given to someone his last treatise on Chiniquy, and he would like someone to send it to him. I gave him Dad’s address, and I think he’ll write to him about that.


YMCA, End of December 1916

My dear mother,

After a good stay and rest at Le Havre, here I am once again at the Front.

I wasn’t at all expecting to leave for some time yet, when all of a sudden the order came to prepare to leave.

I hope to see Etienne and Phil soon. I haven’t yet rejoined my battalion. My address is: Pte. A. Bieler 10962 No. 1 Co. 3rd Batt. BEF.
