Chapter 14
Calluvian Political Herald
Intergalactic Union Date: 18768.038
...There are strong rumors of intense lobbying happening in the Council. If the rumors are to be believed, Lady Zeyneb’shni’waari, the Queen-Consort of the Sixth Grand Clan, is going to propose a bill with amendments to the Bonding Law. It is not the first time she expressed such ambitions, but if the rumors are any indication, this time the bill has a chance to pass.
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Calluvian Political Herald
Intergalactic Union Date: 18768.108
Breaking! A repeal of the 156th law has been proposed at the Ministry’s 2311th session.
The 156th Ministry law, colloquially known as “Pre-TNIT law,” is the law concerning civilizations that have not reached the technological level required for Contact. Currently the law forbids the Union of Planets’ citizens to have a permanent residence on pre-TNIT planets or have interpersonal relationships with members of pre-TNIT civilizations.
If the law were to be repealed, the Union citizens would be able to visit and stay on any pre-TNIT planets without the Ministry’s sanction. It would also mean that a marriage to a member of a pre-TNIT civilization would be recognized by the Union law.
However, experts think it is unlikely that the 156th law will be repealed. So far, only a quarter of the Lord Chancellors seem to be in favor of the proposal.
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Calluvian Society Gossip
Intergalactic Union Date: 18768.122
Amid all the political talk in the past few months, it has gone largely unnoticed that Prince Harht’ngh’chaali of the Second Grand Clan has barely been seen in the society. The press officer of the Second Royal House informed us that Prince Harht had been pursuing studies and has little time for social life. However, our insiders have learned that Prince Harht barely leaves his rooms anymore. If the rumors are to be believed, he is ill and has been ill for a long time now. We at the Calluvian Society Gossip wish the young prince a quick recovery, but one cannot help but wonder why the Second Royal House is being so tight-lipped about Prince Harht’s illness.
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Calluvian Daily
Intergalactic Union Date: 18768.163
Breaking! The amendment to the Bonding Law passed!
Now, upon reaching the age of majority, any Calluvian can file a petition to dissolve the childhood bond. However, not all petitions will be necessarily approved.
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Calluvian Society Gossip
Intergalactic Union Date: 18768.165
Scandal in the Second Royal House!
As we reported yesterday morning, Lady Leylen’shni’gul filed a petition to dissolve her bond to Prince Harht’ngh’chaali. At the time we thought the girl was mad, but in light of what we have just learned, we might revise our opinion.
Late last night, another petition was filed by a member of the Second Royal House: by none other than Crown Prince Ksar’ngh’chaali. Our Lord Chancellor wishes to break his bond to his bondmate, too!
Now, we would never speculate or imply that the two petitions are connected, but one wonders, what is the rush? Have Prince Ksar and the lovely Lady Leylen’shni’gul had a secret fondness for each other all these years? If that is the case, what about Prince Harht, who is rumored to be ill? One also wonders if the Third Royal House will take offense on behalf of the jilted Prince Seyn…
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Calluvian Daily
Intergalactic Union Date: 18768.183
In all the uproar caused by the amendment to the Bonding Law, the approaching session of the Ministry has been almost forgotten. However, if the proposed bill regarding the repeal of the 156th law passes, the potential consequences will be as life altering as the amendment to the Bonding Law.
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Calluvian Political Herald
Intergalactic Union Date: 18768.206
Breaking! The Pre-TNIT law is repealed by a very narrow margin!
When it started to seem that the opponents of the repeal would prevail, the Lord Chancellor of the Planet Stuxz had a change of heart and voted in support of the repeal.
“It suddenly occurred to me that the 156th law cannot continue existing in its current form,” the Lord Chancellor said. “I’m still not entirely convinced that it needed a complete repeal, but perhaps I will make amendments to it and suggest a new, softer law in the next session of the Ministry.”
His former allies were unimpressed by his sudden change of heart.
“I believe the voting was somehow rigged,” Lord Chancellor Aimanu insisted. “There are telepaths among the Lords.”
However, such suspicions were dismissed by the Ministry’s security. “The Chamber of Lords is protected by the best shields in the galaxy. Neither electronic nor telepathic interference is possible. The results are legitimate.”