I am indebted to the following people to whom I offer my deepest gratitude:
My family—My mom, sister, and in particular my husband and children. Thank you for sacrificing so much mom-time so I could get that next line typed, jotted, written, scribbled, or saved before it drifted away. You gave up Sundays so I could participate in my weekly writer’s group, helped me juggle every day and didn’t mind (much) that I always had a smartphone in one hand and a laptop in the other.
My Lyrical Press family—Paige Christian, I couldn’t have asked for a better editor. Your insight and guidance were the final puzzle pieces to this story. You navigated me through the editing process and fielded a thousand questions with grace, patience, and a teacher’s heart. You turned my story into a book I’m tremendously proud of. You are simply awesome. Thank you. <insert serious fangirling here>. Renee Rocco, thank you for always being accessible, acquiring my book, and for my incredible cover. Working with you and the Lyrical staff has exceeded my expectations and I’m so happy to be a part of this great House.
To the most amazing, wonderful and encouraging critique group. Ever. Eryn Carpenter, Anya Monroe, John Pelkey, and Gary Snodgrass. #bestgroupever. #writemybook. #hashtagfingers. #fingerlakes. Thank you for the weekly goals, catching the missed opportunities, the candid and honest feedback, the brainstorming, the laughter, the bees and mobsters on the mountain, the encouragement and the list goes on. Without you, where would Paisley be? Thank you. Thank you! #Thankyou
My Beta Readers and additional advisors: Rachel Cross, Jessica McKay, Letitia Archer, and Kim Smith. You all gave such invaluable feedback. You tolerated my many email questions even though you have busy lives. Thank you. Dianna- You gave me the line that became the impetus for this story. Thanks for the friendship that’s spanned decades. Thanks to my dad for always talking books with me, my friends who cheered me on, and to the teachers that encouraged me to write. Thank You. As with any opportunity to thank people who have, whether big or small, had a hand in helping me achieve this dream, someone will be left out. My apologies. This “Thank You” is for you. You know who you are.