I would like to thank you for choosing this book, and I hope that it serves you well as a guideline for runes. Runes have been around for many, many years. They have been around so long, in fact, that we aren’t really sure when they came to be. It is safe to say, though, that for the Nordic people, runes have always been in their life.
We will start by talking about the history of the runes, which we don’t have a lot of information we are certain about, but we can get a good idea of how they came to be. It also goes a long way in showing their importance to the Nordic people and why they are a great magical tool.
Then we will discuss the runes themselves. This is going to be the bulk of the information in this book because we will go over every single rune in the Elder Futhark and their meaning.
The Elder Futhark will be broken down into its three aettir, which are Freyr’s, Hagal’s, and Tyr’s Aett. Each section will hold eight runes to create a grand total of 24 runes.
After that will look at how to use runes in divination and magic. This is likely what has brought you here today because rune divination is very popular among people who already do tarot, or who is afraid to have to memorize the meanings of all the tarot cards. Since there are only 24 runes, it’s a lot easier to remember their meanings and interpret readings.
So let’s get started.