
ᛚ Laguz


The next rune is Lagus, pronounced “log-uhz.” It’s literal translation is water or ocean.

Its psychological meaning is dreaming, love, unconscious mental processes, psychic powers, and emotion. Its energy is evolution, love as unity, the astral plane, collective unconscious, origins of life, ocean spirit, and life energy.

If it appears in divination, it means dreams, memory, unconscious growth, the sea of vitality, passing a test, and life. If reverse, it means, toxicity, poison, fantasy, lack of moral fiber, emotional blackmail, manipulations, depression, withering, avoidance, circular motion, or fear.

Water symbolizes invisible life forces. Life depends on water, and so Laguz is our universal ocean. Laguz is present in everything and underlies all manifestation. It can be used to establish a communication link between the conscious mind, willful intent, and the unconscious mind.