
ᛞ Dagaz


The next rune is Dagaz, pronounced “day-gahz.” Its literal meaning is day or dawn.

Its psychological meaning is satori, enlightenment, conceptual realization, incommunicable experience, and paradoxical truth. Its energy is transmutation, synthesis, unity, non-dual reality, and dawn polarity.

When it appears in divination, it means paradigm shift, the ideal, hope-happiness, awareness, or awakening. If reversed, it means cataclysmic change, hopelessness, blindness, sleep, or lack of vision.

Dagaz works as the opposite of Jera. They both deal with time. Jera is an annual cycle, whereas Dagaz is a daily cycle. They both represent change. Jera is gentle, but Dagaz is a bold change, like a moment of realization.