Alfie Newsworthy is the official historian of the North Pole, and much of what was learned came from this elf to the writer's ears. Alfie also ran the The North Pole Chronicles and much of the experiences discussed in this book came from those archives. Some of the 'details' were later filled in when discussing events with some of the characters involved at the time.
Now the construction of the dome and the elves village began early in the eighteenth century. Around 1728, the first elves began arriving each called by an inner voice and told to move as far north, away from the tallfolk as they possibly could.
What follows is a history of the North Pole including how they were able to tame this inhospitable climate, and make a paradise where hardly anyone else would dare tread. It also explains why the elves were there, what we did, and how the true story of Santa Claus began.
Many things are easily proven and some things, while not so easy to prove, are true nonetheless. All of the residents of the North Pole believe in 'sincere speech' and invoke it everyday. You'll understand what is meant by this soon enough.
So for those who seek the truth and history of Santa Claus, and all the elves of the North Pole, you may pull up a comfy chair and settle in. It is quite a story, or more exactly a Chronicle of the North Pole.