Chapter 4
Structuring the scrum development team
Excelling at backlog estimation
Defining done
Benefiting from estimation techniques
Talent wins games. But teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
The development team sits at the core of scrum projects. The primary focus of product owner and the scrum master revolves around making sure that the environment is as ideal as possible for the development team to reach maximum productivity. In this chapter, you find out how a development team is organized and therefore able to best contribute to the scrum team.
After you have your team roles, vision, and roadmap in place, the next step is to begin to estimate the amount of work for each requirement. The development team begins by estimating the effort involved in high-level requirements. Here, you create a starting point for future reference. You establish the numerator (product backlog total)/denominator (average velocity) relationship that gives you the estimated number of sprints necessary to complete all, or a target portion of, items in the product backlog. We show you how these high-level estimates can be achieved quickly and accurately.
In Hollywood, actors and singers are referred to as “the talent.” They’re the ones who get on stage and do the job. Everyone else facilitates this process, because when the talent is successful, everyone is successful. Think of the development team as the talent. Retaining that talent as one of the byproducts of a good scrum implementation.
The development team is the talent responsible for creating and developing the actual product. They drive the how and the how much. In other words, they determine how they will develop the requirements and how many they can do in any one sprint. They are dedicated to one project at a time, cross-functional, self-organizing, and self-managing.
The development team is intentionally size-limited to around six members, plus or minus three. Optimal development team size is small enough to remain nimble and large enough to complete significant work within a sprint. This size allows for a self-sufficient and self-organizing group with a diversity of skills, yet it’s not too big and unwieldy. Remember, for each new member, the lines of communication increase geometrically. With more than nine development team members, you can’t have a self-organizing team. Under a waterfall model, this issue is masked with a project manager, who is responsible for coordinating all the communication. Scrum doesn’t have the overhead cost of too many lines of communication or a project manager.
Although six people, plus or minus three, is a manageable and efficient size, the key factor is self-encapsulation. Is the team able to elaborate the requirements, design them, develop them, test them, integrate them, document them, and have them approved? Have single points of failure been eliminated (that is, at least two people can do any one skill)? Is the total size no more than nine people? If all three answers are yes, you have a good-size, cross-functional development team. Whereas a product owner must be decisive and a scrum master must have clout, a development team member must be versatile, intellectually curious, and predisposed to sharing. No prima donnas are allowed. Development team members’ fires are lit with building and creating.
In many ways, the scrum development team is the opposite of a traditional team. In scrum, development team members are going to develop cross-functional skills. They’re part of the goal-setting process, and, as a team, they have complete control of how they do their development. Additionally, credit is taken as a team.
As mentioned previously, development team members are dedicated to one project at a time. No making your development team switch back and forth between projects, which is known as thrashing. You want them to focus each day on the current sprint’s goal. Whether functional management chooses the team members or someone else does, a diversity of skills is sought after so the team has all the skills they need to be successful (they’re self-encapsulated). This leads us to the next point: cross-functionality.
Whatever your business or organization, the facts remain: People go on vacation; they get sick; they take on new roles and jobs. One day, they’re there next to you, and the next day, they might be somewhere else. In traditional projects, when a key development team member goes on vacation, the project goes on vacation. You’re forced into delays as you wait for that person to return or (in the case of attrition) until you recruit and mobilize another person.
In, you strive for cross-functionality in your development team. In this way, you eliminate that single point of failure. If one development team member comes down with the flu or is deeply involved in another task, someone else can take his place and get the job done. Cross-functionality also has these benefits:
Several ways exist to create cross-functional individuals from cross-functional teams:
Do use shadowing. Again, two developers are working together, but in this case, only one does the work while the other watches and learns.
Shadowing also increases product quality. Remember, visibility and performance are correlated: Increase visibility, and you generally increase performance. The working developer doesn’t want to take a lazy shortcut in front of the learning one, and the learning one will ask those smart “dumb questions.” Explaining something improves your own knowledge of it, and vocalizing something uses a different part of your brain and improves functioning. Finally, ownership is reinforced if you’re teaching and explaining.
The key word is ownership. Self-organizing and self-managing teams develop ownership in what they do. With a scrum development team, whole team ownership is part of what creates such efficiency and success.
We sometimes get asked by clients how we can assure them that they’ll get 100 percent from their development team. In response, we ask the clients how they can assure us that a professional sports team will give 100 percent. The answer is that the team gives 100 percent because they would lose if they didn’t. The visibility and acknowledgment of their hard work increases drive.
One technique sometimes used is to have two (or more) development teams. Synchronize their sprints so that the sprint reviews happen at the same time on the same day. Then invite an executive to come to both sprint reviews randomly for a few minutes and have her ask at least one question before leaving. Each development team knows that its performance will have executive visibility, and all teams want to look good. Historically, they may not have been given credit for the work they did. Now they can produce a product that they can be proud of. They’re on stage, getting all the credit. This is hugely motivating and increases drive and buy-in.
Ownership and, therefore, accountability are increased in a scrum development team in the following ways:
Many people have forgotten what it’s like to work with a co-located team and to experience the increased production involved. Most people appreciate the concept but may not understand the underlying principles. Here are a few benefits of a co-located team:
Increased speed and effectiveness of face-to-face communication, especially through kinetics, voice tonality, facial expressions, and so on.
The value of face-to-face communication shouldn’t be underestimated. Albert Mehrabian, PhD, and professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California-Los Angeles, proved the following:
These statistics alone are a whopping case for co-locating your development team.
In the product roadmap stage (see Chapter 1), the development team does a high-level estimate of the amount of work entailed in the project. The practical value of this estimation process doesn’t come into play until the sprints start (see Chapter 5), but this initial estimation sets a mark from which future estimates may be calculated. The development team does the estimating because only the people who do the work should be estimating the effort of the work.
The product roadmap is the start of the product backlog. What’s on your roadmap is what you will begin developing. So how do you take all those items on your product backlog and with any degree of accuracy estimate the work involved? A few common practices are used depending on the situation. Before we look at these estimating techniques individually, it’s important to understand what you’re trying to achieve.
If you ask the members of a scrum team what they expect to see when a requirement is done, you get as many answers as there are team members. So before starting a project, scrum teams define what done means with a definition of done. Until you have consensus on this definition, estimations will be based on bad data.
As described in Chapter 3, for each requirement within a sprint, you complete the following stages of development:
This definition of done needs to be specific, refined, and focused on what it means to do these things to completion to achieve the level of quality that you’re striving for in your project. Consider which environment the product or service needs to work within and at what level of integration to be considered done. “Works in the development environment,” for example, is probably a bad, loose definition of done.
Consider these four factors in your definition of done:
In your definition of done, consider not only the development but also the depth of testing and documentation that you might need. You might consider which tests must pass the following:
Also consider what documentation you need:
Each of these testing and documentation points may differ between the sprint level and the release level, though we prefer that the sprint-level definition of done include everything necessary to release. You also may have organizationally specific items that you want to include. It’s your choice. The point is to have a clear definition of done that’s defined by the scrum team for all to work by.
Estimating the effort involved in developing product backlog requirements is an ongoing process. (In Chapter 3, we discuss product backlog refinement.) For example, you could do estimations for 30 minutes at 5 every evening before team members go home. This way, at the end of the week, you’ve covered lots of ground and will be ready for each sprint start. Some teams don’t like to develop on Friday afternoon and do product backlog refinement then.
Teams are likely to refine their estimates at three levels as part of the process of breaking the requirements down for sprint-level execution. Depending on your product, you may include more. Your estimate refinement usually goes in this order:
The Fibonacci sequence is an excellent sizing technique for relative estimating.
With Fibonacci, if something is bigger, you get an idea of how much bigger it is. The last two numbers in the sequence are added to create the next number. Fibonacci numbers look like this:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on
As the numbering progresses, the distance between the numbers increases. We use this technique to acknowledge the lesser degree of accuracy in predicting larger chunks of work.
Initial high-level requirements are estimated at the product roadmap level:
Requirements from 55 through 144 are too big for a release but are estimable at the order-of-magnitude product roadmap level. These requirements typically reflect features.
Requirements larger than 144 need to be broken down before the development team can give any semblance of an accurate estimate, so we don’t estimate beyond 144. These may represent broader themes.
Whatever the Fibonacci number, only the highest-priority cards get broken down into sprint-level sizes (which we recommend shouldn’t be more than an 8). So, if you have a high-priority requirement with a 21 Fibonacci number assigned to it, it needs to be broken into smaller requirements before it can come into a sprint.
With the sizes established, we can apply a few techniques to estimate requirements:
In the estimation process with smaller projects, we have the development team begin as follows. We have the team sit down with their stack of requirements written on 3x5 cards. Then we ask them to pick a requirement that they can all agree has an effort level of 5. This creates a reference point.
We then have them pick another card and, based on the first one being a 5, ask them what number the next one would be. If it’s greater than a 5, is it an 8, a 13, or a 21? This process continues until a few representational sizes have been established.
A popular way to estimate requirements is to use a variation of poker. You need a deck of estimation poker cards like the one shown in Figure 4-1. (You can find them on our website at
). You can also download our poker estimation app for iPhone and/or Android by searching for Platinum Edge Estimation Poker in your device’s app store or make your own deck with index cards and a marker.
Because only the development team decides how much it will take to develop a requirement, only the development team plays estimation poker. The scrum master facilitates, and the product owner reads the requirements and provides requirement details, but neither of those two gives estimates. It goes like this:
Each member of the development team picks from his deck a card with his estimate of the difficulty of the requirement.
The estimate is to accomplish the complete definition of done, not just to write code.
Members don’t show anyone else their cards because you don’t want others being influenced.
If everyone has the same estimate, nothing is left to discuss. Assign the requirement that estimate and move on to the next requirement.
If differences exist in estimates, those with the highest and lowest estimates are asked to explain. Further clarification from the product owner is given as needed.
We normally do up to three rounds of estimation poker for each requirement to get the core assumptions on the table and clarified, and at that point, we usually have the estimates in a tighter cluster of numbers.
If all developers agree on a single number after three rounds, you’re ready to move on to the next requirement. But you won’t always have all developers in agreement on a single number after three rounds. At this point, we go on to a consensus-building technique called fist of five.
A fast and efficient method of reaching consensus, fist of five can be used on its own or as an addendum to estimation poker. The purpose of fist of five is to quickly find an estimate that all team members can support (see Figure 4-2).
Perhaps when you tried estimation poker, some team members have given a requirement a 5, and others have given it an 8.
It begins with the scrum master holding up the requirement card in question and saying, for example, “How comfortable would you be with this as an 8?” Each development team member holds up the number of fingers associated with their level of comfort. If everyone is holding up three, four, or five fingers, it’s settled.
If some developers are holding up one or two fingers, as in estimation poker, the outliers would be asked to explain, and further information would be garnered if necessary. Fist of five would be performed again. Continue with this process until all team members can give the number at least a 3 (which is, “I don’t love it, but I can support it”).
With fist of five completed and requirements estimated, you’re ready to move to release or sprint planning. They’re covered in Chapter 5.
Estimation poker and fist of five are effective methods of establishing consensus in small projects. But what if you have several hundred requirements on the product backlog? It could take days to complete. This is where affinity estimating comes into play.
Instead of beginning with Fibonacci numbers, you begin with a more familiar concept: T-shirt sizes (XS, S, M, L, and XL).
With affinity estimating, you first create several areas marked with each size and then place each requirement in one of the size categories. It goes like this:
Identify small tables to sort the cards.
Label a table Clarify, and label other small tables for each of these size categories:
For each size category, give your development team 60 seconds to pick a requirement from the overall stack of requirements and place it on the corresponding table.
This establishes the representational anchor for each size.
Each member places each card on the table that they feel reflects its size based on the representational anchor for that size.
As you can see, these are like T-shirt sizes. Each “size” will eventually correspond to a Fibonacci number:
Anything larger than an 8 needs to be broken down further before it can come into a sprint.
Don’t let team members linger too long on their stack of requirements. Establish a timebox for them to work within, for example, 20 minutes for 20 cards.
Timebox is a term that refers to the allotted time for an event or activity. If your sprints last two weeks, the timebox is two weeks.
Figure 4-3 shows what the relationship between size piles and Fibonacci numbers looks like.
Have the development team members play something we call gallery until all members agree on the sizes for each requirement.
In gallery, the team members flip through all the cards on all the tables and provide feedback on only the cards that don’t appear to be on the right table.
If one team member wants to move a story from small to medium, for example, check that the original person who placed it there doesn’t disagree. If the person disagrees, place that card on a separate Clarify table. Don’t get into extensive discussions just yet.
Within a relatively short amount of time, you’ve been able to reliably estimate the effort on hundreds of separate requirements. You’re ready to plan your first release and/or your first sprint.
After you have Fibonacci numbers assigned to your requirements, you have story points to work from.
Chapter 5 shows how to plan both releases and sprints. To plan your first sprint, among those requirements that are between 1 and 8 story points, a scrum team determines a modest number of combined story points to work on. Then, at the end of the sprint, a scrum team looks at the requirements that were done to completion and adds their story points. The result might be 15, 25, or 35 story points. This is the development team’s velocity for the first sprint and starting input for a team determining how much it can accomplish in the next sprint.
In the first few sprints of a project, the team’s velocity will usually vary greatly. It becomes more stable as the team gets into a development rhythm. Of course, changes in team members or sprint duration will introduce variability into the team’s velocity.
When story points are used, you’ll find that some teams are pessimistic in their estimates. Their numbers always come in high. Other teams are optimistic. Their story point total comes in low.
Consider that an optimistic team’s velocity is 15 and the estimates for the release total 150 points. It would take them ten sprints to complete the release.
If a pessimistic team’s velocity were 30 and the estimates for the release total 300 points, it would take them ten sprints as well.
When you have a clear method of estimating the effort required to complete each requirement, and you have an average velocity established for the development team, you’re able to accurately predict the quantity of product that can be created within fixed cost and time constraints. You’re harnessing your variables.
Successful scrum teams need to share ownership of outcomes and value authentic transparency between the team and its stakeholders. Progress is visible to everyone.