
Chapter 13



HUTCH FELT HERSELF falling in the dream.  She felt as if she was falling into a deep, dark abyss.  She tried to wake up, but her mind and body refused to cooperate.  It was as if something was preventing her from waking up. 

In her dream, she heard the sound of running water somewhere in the distance.  She felt the cool night air on her skin and the pelting rain as it hit her body.  Even in her dream, she was aware of the sights and sounds of the night.  Her thoughts began to race.  Was this a dream or another vision? 

As Hutch stood in the darkness of the night, she felt disoriented and frightened.  She looked around to find herself in the middle of nowhere; yet, there was something strangely familiar about this place. 

Suddenly, it felt as if something or someone was pushing her backwards.  When she looked down, she was at the edge of the bayou and about to fall in.  As she peered into the water, she could make out a shape.  Then a figure emerged from the watery grave.  The woman had long brown hair, which was wet and matted against her face.  Her drenched clothes were torn and tattered.  Where the woman’s eyes had once been were now empty orbs. 

The young woman pointed to the road.  In the distance, Hutch saw a vehicle leaving.  As she watched, the taillights drove off.  Hutch believed it was a car.  She noticed something on top of the car.  It was too dark to get a clear picture, but it appeared to be a sign. 

The car suddenly stopped and backed up.  It was as if the driver sensed she was out here.  Hutch tried to make out the sign on top of the vehicle as it came closer to her.  In her dream, Hutch felt someone shaking her. 

Mike heard Hutch breathing heavy.  After what she had been through, he worried that she was having another nightmare.  “Grace... Grace...... Grace!”

Hutch bolted upright in bed to find Mike looking at her.  She grabbed on to him tight, needing his arms around her.  “Oh Mike, the killer struck again.  The girl called out to me.  He just left her body in the bayou. ”

“Did you notice anything that may help us find the killer?”

Hutch shook her head, “No, not really.  There was a sign on top of his car, but I couldn’t make it out.”

“It’s time we went and talked to the detectives working on this case.  Maybe they will be open minded enough to listen to what you have to say.”

Hutch shook her head, “I don’t know Mike.  I don’t mind that you and Guy know the dead talk to me, but I don’t want the rest of the department looking at me like I have lost my mind.”

Mike wrapped his arms around Hutch, “If they want this case solved, they will listen to what you have to say.”

Hutch fell into a fitful sleep, and several hours later woke up feeling as if she hadn’t slept at all.  After the vision, it had been a restless sleep.  Her eyes were weary and grainy, as if the insides of her eyelids were sandpaper. 

She woke up to find that Mike had already gotten out of bed.  The room was gray and full of ominous shadows.  The curtains were drawn tight, allowing little light to enter the room.  Stretching, she stepped out of bed and pulled open the curtains.  Bright sunlight poured into the room, removing any remaining shadows.

She heard Mike in the master bathroom and headed that way.  As she brushed her teeth, she stared at her face in the mirror.  She was still pale from last night’s vision.  Her eyes were red and puffy.  Her hair was tangled as if she had been tossing and turning all night.  She slipped out of her nightclothes and joined Mike in the shower.

On the drive over to the police station, Hutch worried about telling other detectives about her “gift”.  It may be a ridiculous fear, but a very real fear.  Over the years, her gift had helped her with her job, but from her experience, people were uncomfortable with things that couldn’t be explained.  Most people became wary if there wasn’t a logical explanation, or they couldn’t laugh it off.  She learned that even those who said they were open minded tended to back off if things didn’t fit into whatever mold they’d created for their lives. 

It didn’t help that her “gift” had manifested into something different than what she grew up with.  In the past, she only used her “gift” when there was a need, such as walking through a crime scene.  Now, she had a hard time controlling her “gift”.  She could be walking along and suddenly have a vision.  Was this how it would be from now on? 

By the time they reached the police station, Mike had found out who was handling the case.  She reluctantly followed Mike to the conference room, “Detective Ledet, I want you to meet Detective Hutcherson.”

Ledet extended his hand to Hutch.  She gave it a firm handshake as she eyed Mike suspiciously.  Detective Ledet went on to state, “Detective Bailey filled me in on some of what you have seen.  We are indeed working on a case where the victims’ eyes are removed.  This morning’s victim was discovered in a bayou not far from New Orleans.”

Hutch mournfully shook her head, “I had hoped that the visions were from a cold case murder.  How many bodies have been found to date?”

“So far three bodies were found, but I believe there are more we don’t know about.  I must warn you, when Detective Bailey told me I thought this was ridiculous.  However, he assures me that what you are witnessing is very real.”

“Trust me, I wouldn’t come forward with my ‘gift’ if I didn’t think it was necessary.  I don’t want to be judged by my colleagues.  I can’t explain how it works or when a vision will appear, but it just does.”

“How many do you suspect he has killed?”

“I believe two tried to contact me, but I can’t be certain of that either.”  Hutch suspected Rayne Simoneaud sent the troubled spirits her way so she could help them move on.  She needed to find out what Rayne knew about these recent murders.  She also wanted to see where the body was found this morning.  “Where was the body found?  I may be able to pick up on the victim’s last moments and find out more on this killer.”

As Hutch and Mike drove to the crime scene, she tried to take her mind off of the actual murder.  She watched the scenery change as they left the city to the gnarly regions of the bayou.  As Mike’s car slowly made its way down the dirt road leading to the bayou, Hutch found herself bouncing in the seat.  She had to get a firm grip on the handle above the door frame to keep focused on the scenery in front of her.  The killer came this way.  She should be able to pick up some sort of vibe the killer left behind.

When they arrived at the crime scene, no one was there to bother her.  Hutch concentrated on the ground as she began to survey the scene.  She had to pick her way through the areas heavy with twisted growth.  The air was heady with the scent of cypress and damp earth.  The sun beat down on her as she walked to the bayou.  The hideous scene began to play out in front of her, similar to fragments of a movie playing. 

Engrossed in the scene playing out in front of her, she didn’t hear Mike come up behind her.  She jumped when he placed his hands on her shoulder.  “I’m sorry.  I should have warned you I was coming.”

She let out a laugh and leaned back on him, “I completely forgot you were here.  I was trying to make out what happened the night of her murder.”

“Were you able to piece any of it together?”

She shook her head, “No, not really.  It came in as distorted images.  The other night while dreaming I could have sworn the killer had backed up when he saw me out here.”

Mike held onto Hutch tighter, “Do you think he is somehow connected to you as well?”

“No, that’s not it.  It is hard to explain.  It’s as if he saw me standing out here in his rearview mirror and was surprised.”