
Chapter 14



GABRIELLE WALKED IN the door, kicked off her high heels and removed the confining clothes.  Today had been a trying day.  Normally, she enjoyed crunching numbers, but with tax season here and the deadline near, it was crazy.  Nothing went right.  A new client walked in the door with ten years of taxes needing to be filed.  Then one client’s tax returns had been returned; he’d forgotten about some extra income and failed to report it.  On top of everything else going on, one of the attorneys they bill for settled a large case and needed to disperse checks for it. 

To make matters worse, the new receptionist had no people skills.  She dropped calls and several clients called on the back line, refusing to talk with her. 

At times, Gabrielle considered changing jobs or opening her own business, but she barely made ends meet as it was.  Opening her own business could financially bankrupt her.  As far as a new job, there weren’t many jobs out there unless she wanted to wait tables or flip burgers.  For now, she was stuck working for Mr. Chaisson.  At least he was a nice man who treated his employees well.  She’d worked there for three years now and never had a problem with him.  He always treated her fairly. 

Maybe what she needed tonight was to let her hair down.  It had been a while since she’d gone to the club. 

Shaking her head, she should stay home tonight.  She was already tired and wouldn’t be able to enjoy the club.  After changing into something more comfortable, she went into the kitchen to cook a quick supper.  She rummaged through the fridge and grimaced at the lack of food.  Letting out a sigh, she settled on a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Once it was cooked, she grabbed her plate and headed to the living room.  Flipping through the channels, she found a movie she hadn’t seen in ages.  However, no matter how hard she tried to concentrate on the movie, her mind kept going back to her date the other night.  As she finished supper, the phone rang, “Hello.”

“I didn’t catch you at a bad time did I?  I wanted to call you for the past few days, but I didn’t want to scare you off either.”

She responded quickly, “Oh no, I am so glad you called.  I’m unwinding from a hectic day at work.”

“Would you like to go out Saturday night?”

Hoping she didn’t answer too hastily, she blurted out, “That would be great.”

They talked for several more minutes before finalizing plans for Saturday night.